Fucking kek. She deleted my comment saying "not get fake tits like you"

Fucking kek. She deleted my comment saying "not get fake tits like you"

Attached: Targget34.jpg (1079x1656, 469K)

It's all just a test to your devotion to her.

Attached: 1580198641294.webm (480x255, 384K)

XD u got her there, Cred Forumstard!

We're all rooting for you buddy. One day she will let you bang her and you will find out that fake tits are pretty good.

Stop posting this bullshit

how tf are you proud of your sad life

There are too many fucking threads focusing on this shit, fucking stop.

Report them, seriously we need to change Cred Forums

huh thought you died guess i was wrong

I was banned by Pineapplebrat
> post a workout progression
>> wow look how much I've grown guys *slutty pose in slutty clothing*
> I commented her tits has grown as well and that it was suspicious (hard to look at anything else in my defence)
> bitch gets so pissed she posts an update about how "someone" noticed how her tits grew and why it's because of her clothes etc
>even tho a pic of her in a bikini had smaller tits than her in a sports bra
> I was blocked right after this post
> she remembered my username and ended up finding me just so she could block me
> mfw she felt threated of me knowing her secret boob job

Attached: f71f0597ef4c4e7881580011957f09c5--history-memes-art-history.jpg (714x675, 121K)

> mfw i was blocked by my favourite Instagrammer

Attached: f21ecfc1546bf9dcb1a865ebd4398549.jpg (480x477, 36K)

Holy shit I went to school with her! She was bullied constantly over her tiny tits and huge areolas.

How the fuck does one bully another over their areolas?

Many girls are traumatised over the years of bullying they suffered during childhood due to their large areolas

‘Hey bitch your areolas are huge’
At a guess


Well if thats the case, and I doubt it, but I would hug her and tell her not to care what they think because shes beautiful regardless

Thats so specific tho.

yeah but she hates you

How do you know?

If you guys hate these people so much why are you following them. Even more why the fuck do you use Instagram, I think it only causes depression.

Drop social media even if you are a loner, you won't miss it after 2 weeks.
