What's your view on morality? Is there a good or bad? Furthermore is there a right or wrong?

What's your view on morality? Is there a good or bad? Furthermore is there a right or wrong?
>pic unrelated
>it's a vegetable

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I'll post three. Don't worry

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That's a fruit you dumbass!


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Good for keeping the masses in check. Bad for business

Do you feel that to be successful people have to take advantage of others?

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Right and wrong are entirely what I decide and if you do not fit into my little world then you can to fuck yourself.

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The law doesn't feel that way

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Not necessarily. I think it's certainly easier and quicker to become wealthy by preying on the needs of others (E.g. Moneylending)

You don't think turning a profit on things is unethical? Popcorn doesn't cost that much. Maybe like 13 cents. But they sell it for 13 dollars.

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I don't personally see a problem with turning a profit on relatively elastic goods. If people didn't weren't willing to pay 13 dollars for popcorn, they wouldn't. However, when it comes to things that people need to survive, I find it morally problematic to upsell such products to people who have no choice but to pay. It's a bit of a double standard, I know.

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hypothetically if a genocide was God’s will would it be morally good?

the dope of instant gratification should come at a higher price

do wicked people often win?

Morality is a human construct, not a universal property. It's a gray area based entirely on personal/societal perspective and is therefore subjective.

Morality is all in your head. The universe, slowly crawling along the trail of Entropy towards its inevitable heat death, does not give a fuck if you stole an apple or fed a starving orphan.

is it morally good to steal an apple to feed to a starving orphan?

morality is not at all what most people think it is, in fact most people's conception of morality is illogical and maybe even a bit retarded

do you value actions more than consequences or consequences more than actions

that depends, do you value deez nutz?

nice potato never ending reciprocal cyclel :^)

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there is only the force. You do what is called for and what is correct giving the circumstance you might find yourself in walking your path. there is a right and wrong but one should try to look in the center of a situation/scenario to find an alternate route that is agreeable to all partys

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There is no right or wrong, but actions do have consequences. The only laws we must follow are the ones that rule this universe, everything else is an illusion.

lol there is nothing good about genocide experally to the ones who are being exacteded sometimes you need to eliminate others for the greater good of things to ensure you and your races survival