Tfw got banned in Cred Forums

>tfw got banned in Cred Forums

Attached: crying1.jpg (912x912, 366K)

Consider it a blessing.

Yeah no kidding. That place is a disaster.


idk been good for keeping p on ncov2019

WTF do you have to do to get banned in Cred Forums?

I did see comments getting removed on Cred Forums before so we do in fatc have mods, but they're super leniant.

Also consider getting banned a gift. Cred Forums is literally like
>Be me
>Drop sandwich
>I don't usually drop things, but I saw a black man the other day
>He must have sapped my energy
>He likely followed me home and injected me with drugs in my sleep
>Deus Vult.

This board has far better political discussions anyway.

How??? It's Cred Forumss retarded limped dicked brother


90% of the time it's super obvious MAGA bait.

More like:
>be me
>shopping in Walmart
>suddenly I feel hot shit in my pants
>it starts dripping down my legs and onto my socks

At least it isn't a one-sided circle-jerk of faggots parroting the same tired bullshit over and over

Hilariously accurate

Don't forget
>Sitting in job interview
>Potential boss comes in
>it's a fucking WOMAN, ew!!!
>Shit myself on purpose so she has to smell it
>Thrown out and don't get my dream job
>That'll show the bitch!!1

Maybe if he wasn't doing a good job, we wouldn't be circlejerking.

Exactly. The retardation runs deep over there. I still like going there though because they are the easiest board to troll.

If by "he" you mean "Trump", he's not, and you are just too stupid and have adopted a fucking politician as your entire personal identity to see it.

Honestly I mostly come to Cred Forums to troll and make people mad when I need to hype up.

I know people say leftists are 'snowflakes' but as someone who doesn't have a political allegiance, *generally* far right get the maddest.

Like a leftist you have to DIRECTLY insult to get them mad, and the increased normie levels means after a few comments they'll calm down or just realise you're a troll.
But like a "too far right to vote Republican" dude, the mere concept of people being different will make him so upset he can barely type.

And you know, since Cred Forums is like the polar opposite of Tumblr, you can get HUNDREDS of salty fuckers with a sentence or two.

It never gets old. I love watching them short-circuit and malfunction. Funny how the memes they apply to everyone else (snowflake, NPC, shill, etc.) apply to them so perfectly, yet they lack any inkling of self-awareness to see it.

Most of it doesn't make sense.

Like liberals snowflakes because they're unique, AND they're NPCs because they're all the same at the same time?

Also I keep saying the right wing has its own SJWs. Like they won't buy a game if it has a black history event or an androgenous character.

Not saying righties are always the bad guys, it's just seething with irony. Personally I mix and match my political opinion so I can see retards on both sides.

Same here. I think people who completely agree with one politician or political party are just tools who lack critical thinking skills. It's a big reason our country is so fucked. Partisan division is a scarily effective system to control people.

Din do nuiffin', as usual.

I'm not even American, but I'm from UK so I don't even need to explain how bipartisan we've gotten lately.

You're in the right mind to cherrypick what is actually 'best'.

Feels like corportations are using left and right as fighting robots and everyone is just cheering for "their choice" through right and wrong.

Yeah, the right here has actually been cheering as Trump guts or clean water and environmental protections. I'm not sure how conservation stopped being a conservative issue. It's like if one side takes a stance on an issue, the opposition has to take a knee-jerk opposite stance. Our government is a revolving door of lobbyists and corporate influence. We willingly let the foxes guard the chickens by letting them write their own laws and basically regulate themselves.