Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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>why do liberals hate america?
>why do republicans hate america?
this board is the truest representation of duality

Becuz ornj man bad

because it fucken sucks bitch

You have to be 18 to post here. Go back to tiktok zoomer.

It "sucks" yet millions of people try moving here every year

Yeah, cause other places suck too, doesn't mean it's any good.

Out of the fryer into the frying pan.

And where do you live?


in your mamas pussy

why do conservatives hate America?

This is the lowest quality bait I've seen in years.


why do Americans hate America


subway eat frash

lol somebody's triggered ITT

Why do Americans america America?

I'd love to see the faces this chick makes during anal sex.

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it's me im triggrd apologize right now mister

why do Armenians hate america?

Why american Americans america America?


Because they're miserable fucks, who's parents didn't teach them how to be a human being.

They hate everything everywhere, but they happen to be here. So they do nothing but shit on everything that exists, contribute nothing but poison, and waste resources trying to feel as though they matter.

You all sound so retarded when you say that. "Liberals hate america" "conservatives hate america" no they fucking dont, neither do. Its just differences of opinion, you fucking morons. I just cant believe the amount of dumb fucks who cant understand that not everyone feels and thinks the way they do. Just because you dont like their opinion doesnt make it invalid

America america Americans america America?

Windmill cancer.

This may sound like hyperbole, but it's more true than you would think

Libruls don't hate 'Murika, user.
They hate 'Murikans ... like you.

No its not. If you believe this you are unintelligent

This guy gets it

>no they fucking dont
Yes they fucking do.
Go outside once in a while.

Right, but liberals really do hate it for real

How’s middle school going, champ?

I would argue the same thing

Pretty well traveled and college educated user, actually. I also lean conservative if you think im kowtowing to 'liberals'

Oh you know, we strive to be cartoon villains to make your worldview simpler and more comforting. We know how much you like it when things are simple.

America was found on personal freedoms. Personal freedoms are antithetical to liberalism.

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Not antithetical to liberalism, but antithetical to leftism. Personal freedoms are liberal in a much more classical sense of the term.

>well traveled
That is what people call themselves, who have not walked a mile away from their home.

Anyone go outside itt? :)

>America was founded upon religious freedom.

>Personal freedoms are antithetical to liberalism

Well progressive-ism.
They aren't real liberals and they can't be democratic because their whole mantra revolves around placing the will of the minority above the majority.

Agreed, though this also refers to groups. Individual rights don't even come into factor with them.

anyone have the photo of the 4 sjw chicks?

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Do you know what the term "projecting" means

>They aren't real liberals
...the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" rears its ignorant head.

Except to, you know, do anything other than shoot bigger guns and say nigger on TV. Literally every other personal freedom is 100 percent us. Your idea of oppression is letting unusual people do harmless things that upset your sensibilities. Sucks to suck.

Yes, it is the term more-concisely described as "no U"

>Personal freedoms are antithetical to liberalism.
Where does the word liberal come from again? America was founded on the principle of liberalism.

Don't believe that bollox, they all left on the mayflower because they wanted to be nasty cunt proddies. Other peoples freedums had fuck all to do with it. Some over religious twats left England to become even fuckin worse, and look at your fucked up country, you shoot each other left and right, violence is ok on TV, but nipples aren't, you say that guns are a god given right but nudity is evil. You would rather see hate than love, not totally down with the teachings of a man you claim to worship. You love you flag more than Christ. You even change words so they are less 'offensive ', tidbit from titbit, cockerel to fuckin rooster and many more. Fuckin odd place, odd people, odd 'culture.

>no they fucking dont

Yes, they fucking do. They are burning the fucking flag for fucks sake, what's it going to take for you to get it? fucking nukes? Full blown communism?

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True, which makes modern liberalism such a weird thing. The left used to be the people about freedom and liberty. Now they mock the right with "muh freedomz".

Over the next 50 years, as this all blows over, there will be LOTS of research and papers done on how the left shifted so far from their traditional values and into a hyper-PC culture, where being PC trumps everything. Including reality. We're living in times that include one of the largest (in both size and effect) mass hysterias ever. Quite interesting academically, but the effects may be near-catastrophic for the next 2-3 generations.

Pretty much. Everybody has to change who and what they are in defference to their imposed beliefs. At least thats their goal.

The very practice of progressive actions, quash personal freedoms. Such as speech, beliefs, and actions. In turn, attempting to sway and modify the thoughts behind them.

It's insidious, and actually against all western values that ironically give them a voice to do what they attempt. Like a corperation that moderates free speech away, to procure Chinese funding.

Well, because they hate freedom of course.

>True, which makes modern liberalism such a weird thing. The left used to be the people about freedom and liberty.

That's a fucking lie. The left has always been the party of oppression and slavery. They were the party of Jim Crow, and of the Klu Klux Klan. And the party against women's rights. Martin Luther King was a republican, not a leftist. Same for Abraham Lincoln. Same with Frederick Douglass. Same with Susan B Anthony.

What a fucking lie. Stop drinking the coolaid that the left 'used to be the party of freedom'. The fucking founder, Andrew Jackson, was an *active* proponent of slavery and slave ownership. Read a fucking book.

The idea of "America" that you propagate and represent is trash. It's like a prison guard asking a prisoner "What so bad about this prison? I love it here, stop being a bitch" like it it isn't obvious to anybody that is benefits you and harms me. I don't have to explain the obvious. If I live to see a day where the USA no longer exists I will sleep more soundly that I ever have my life. I don't just hate it, I despise it and you right to to the core of my identity.

Indeed! And better question, why won't they leave?

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Kek, indeed


And if there's a resurgent strain of Marxism, which if it isn't the cause of this, certainly goes hand in hand. Why people (including many academics) choose to ignore the lessons of that poisonous ideology is mind-boggling, but I think future generations will look at much of what is prevalent today and see it as a terrible folly.

they hate everything
it is the leftist way
that is why they kill everybody when in power

Do you live in the United States?

Perhaps even farther than a few generations. Bills/laws passed during these times, will have to be restled with by our great grandchildren. As slow as government moves.

I see it as legislative toxic waste, where it's easy to dump now, and a herculian effort to clean up decades to come.

Get out of my country, go to a shithole like China or Venezuala, or even fucking Cuba, and then tell me what a shithole country actually is. You would come back kissing the dirt you're standing on right now. Your entire ideology is based off of greed and envy. You are an angry person because you don't know what gratitude is, and you feel entitled to everything.


Force me if you think you can. I'll wait.

>they hate everything
No, they merely hate you.

See, you're in America, so I can't. But if you were in China, I'd gladly send you to a re-education camp.

That isnt the U.S dipshit

Glad we agree that your powerless and impotent.

>my country
Your country is owned by the politicians and their corporate cronies; you just live there.

You're too stupid to recognize that the country you hate is the very same one protecting your rights.
If you want to tear it down, you'd be the first on my list. Be my guest, I'm eager .


It's nobody's job to protect my rights except me. Im not going to grateful for a country that offers conditional support based on my loyalty to right wing politicians.

A fuckin flag is not a fuckin country. Stop worshipping false idols.

>It's nobody's job to protect my rights except me
Good fucking luck doing that without a gun.

>Im not going to grateful for a country that offers conditional support based on my loyalty to right wing politicians.
Then you will forcefully be made grateful by the left wing politicians as they send you to the gulags.

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The flag is a symbol, you idiot. If you burn the flag because you hate the country, you should automatically be deported to the shithole you love so much.

who said I didn't have guns? I never said I was a pacifist. I sleep nest to 3 inch .000 buck every night. No left wing politician exists in America to send me to any gulag. You would be in the front of the line and I'm ok with that outcome. you wouldn't lift a finger to save me. what possible motivation could I have for feeling empathy for you? You want me in that gulag. The feeling is mutual. Whats the difference?

You guys are fucking nuts. I can't imagine what its like caring so much about a symbol and not thinking you're brainwashed.

>No left wing politician exists in America to send me to any gulag.
Every politian who wants to disarm you wants to do exactly that for not conforming. And that's every left wing politician ever since 2008. They're not even hiding the fact they're communists anymore. How fucking dense are you?

They want to disarm you, not me. Again, I am ok with that.

>They want to disarm you, not me. Again, I am ok with that.

Oh you poor child

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Literally no one on the left is advocating for any of this. You need to be prescribed anti-psychotics.


Racist white southerners used to vote for Democrats, now they vote Republican. Be less retarded.

You should learn a little about the party you support.

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The fuck are you talking about? The left is still the most racist party. They're fabricating a race issue out of everything nowadays. Fuck, even the "hands up don't shoot" and the entire BLM movement was based on a lie you dope.