Have a good one on me doods

have a good one on me doods

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Why yes, sure, I'll take that great day, with no extra payment.


right on mah doods

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I'd love to have a good day for once, let's give this a try

Thanks friend

Please god. I need a good day. Please. God I've never been so alone. I need a good day. Please.

I have high hopes and need a win, bless me thread


Check em

Here's hoping it isn't more of the same

I can't chance it, I'm posting again.

cool, thx man


me hopes for good day and good day for all other commenters

Good day energy

Thanks user

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Game night tomorrow


I need one.

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Right on

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worth a shot, been a rough year so far.

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Awh, thanks OP.

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I hope so.

wish me luck

Thanks user. Need it. I'm going to propose.

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have a nice one too, user

>Needing luck to get your girl to accept marriage
Oh nonononono

Word? Awesome.

anymore pics user

Please just one good day

Keep your head up, user.

Lets do it

Can it stop me from becoming An Hero?

Good day

Looking forward to it, buddy.

Thanks bud.

Thanks op, I'm ready

thx fren

thx bro

Thanks user :)

thanks op

i'll take my chances :(


Thanks, have one as well!!

Your nose is always in your view

Replying for a great day.

I hope

pls give me best day

Good, i hope it will be nice out tomorrow so i can go play some airsoft

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ok, im replying with a picture of lizzo

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I'll give that a shot op

Thanks but I doubt it

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You too mate.


Thanks dude

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Thanks man. feels good

Thanks for the positivity which is rare in todays world.


thank dood

why not, i desperately need a good day..

hell yeah my dude

Thanks, I needed that

for sure

Thanks. I needed this.


good on ya, lad.

Replying for a good day

Thanks bro

Op is a faggot

been feeling like crap so let's go

this still counts right?

Who would turn down a good day? Not I.


please please please

I’m starting a new job tomorrow so I hope this helps.

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nothing bad will happen tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

plz plz work


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u sure?

thanks user, can't wait for tomorrow!

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If this doesn't work I'll beat you up in school tomorrow

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cheers *sips*

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