I do IT support for an office full of chads and sorority girls. AMA

I do IT support for an office full of chads and sorority girls. AMA

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What kind of dog do you have?

the hell is a sorority girl?

Yes actuallyi have a cata girl that is hired right out of college that is usually a dumbass but hot

so, ur a chad too?

What industry

No I’m quite the opposite.. I don’t fit in at all. It’s weird.

Why choose it support as a career

It’s in demand, consistent pay increase every time you switch jobs, decent money in general and it feels good to know what most people don’t

But whats the end position you can get? Managing it support department? It seems like theres limited potential

This office that I work at doesn’t have those limitations really.. I can transition into IT security, move into gnoc role, etc.
They’re all about cross training

Please email a place I can summit a resume to this email address [email protected]

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Post on Dice.com doofy

Most frequent question?

You manage the email server/outlook/gmail account yes? Seen any juicy stuff? Would you ever use it for leverage?

“How do I change my password in outlook”
I have the ability to look at logs but I’m more hardware.. I search every computer religiously for pics that shouldn’t be there

If you can ensure I get the job I will give you 10% of my income for 2 years.

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oof. easy money but that's a pretty low level of technical competence you have to deal with.

You’re a silly person.
Where are you even located and do you have any experience or credentials?
I honestly thought I would get more spicy questions but fuck I guess

I try to not take shit personally... it helps when they rub a tiddy on your elbow while your fixing their computer haha

oh man you gotta look at logs. I did IT for a large casino. Even better was sitting down at the CEO's desk, fucking wild. Sorry to hear about outlook.

Very competent years of IT experience. You have 7 Min.

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Honestly there’s a lot more shit I could be looking into but there are people monitoring a lot of systems so it wouldn’t be easy.. and trust me.. Outlook and I have a long history of shit

I have a few years under my belt.. I can use google quite well

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Doofy transformed