I need internet validation for my sandwich making skills. Rate my sandwich and also tell me how I can improve. Also...

I need internet validation for my sandwich making skills. Rate my sandwich and also tell me how I can improve. Also, rate each other's sandwiches.

Mine is a BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato for those who don't know. Also contains white bread.)

Don't mind my gaming setup in the background, that's not what we're here to talk about.

Consider this a bread thread (a bread bread, if you will) as well, show me what else could be used for a sandwich.

OC only, please, only post your own sandwiches. Nobody likes a sandwich thief.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Toast the bread

Fry the bread in the left over bacon fat next time. Add a bit of peppered mustard to the sandwitch.

Real OG niggas dont toast their bread

Leftover bacon fat? I used Great Value fully cooked bacon, heated for about 7 seconds per strip (5 strips total, so 35 seconds) in the microwave.

Pleb tier bread. I'm surprised you didn't cut the crust off like a child. Looks like microwave bacon. Pretty weak effort, but if you didn't have your mom make it, I'll give you 3 out of 10.

It is microwave bacon, I'm glad to have found a sandwich connoisseur that can identify it from just a picture. I did make the sandwich myself and I didn't cut off the crust because you cannot have the yin without the yang. An unbalanced sandwich is far worse than a poorly made one. I am a little shocked at your rating, I only used the finest of great value bread, I don't see the issue.

imagine making sandwiches when you can make burgers, dude.

That bread loses nutrients to the whitening process, and is loaded with corn syrup and bullshit chemical ingredients. It's worth an extra buck to get some better bread. The only thing that bread is fit for is pouring some warm liquid on to make it nice and moist, then pulling out your dick and fucking the entire loaf like a madman.

i suggest baking your bacon in the oven. you get the best possible texture that way
and you should toast your bread

What're you, some kind of rich white dad?
Rate the sandwich, send pics, or GTFO

I ain't eating to extend my lifespan, nigga. I want food that tastes good, not healthy. I bet you eat whole wheat. Cringe.

Lemonaise (lemon Mayo with mustard seeds)

Think sliced pepper crusted bacon (deli cut)

Butter head lettuce

Perhaps a sourdough bread, and toast the bread on a high temp grill pan for sear marks

Heirloom tomato, cut to desired thickness, wash each slice, Pat dry, season with olive oil salt and pepper

Light drizzle of Sherry vinegar (optional)

Avocado (optional)

See above, toasting bread is for white people.
Also, why the fuck would I bake microwave bacon in an oven?

nice dubs, tho

Btw op I say 4.5/10 for your sandwich, don't mean to offend

Sounds pretty fuckin good.
Gonna have to say no to the mayo, though, I'm not white enough for that. Also, who the fuck toasts their bread?

What am I looking at?

Not bad op, a little loose but still good quality.

A BLT, says right there on the post.

Thank you!

That's what people say about his mom too.

If temp is high enough for the sear, the bread will still be soft in the center, but you will achieve a char/rustic flavor to your bread. Of course it's a preference but it helps build layers for the flavor profile. As for the Mayo, I hate that jiggly shit, however I simply can't ignore the creamy lemon mustardy profile the just adds to the whole thing, only Mayo I'll ever have. Idk when I think of food I try to build layers of flavors that compliment one another.

i'd eat it

my bad i didnt see
but if you ever get your hands on bacon you do have to cook, try using the oven
toast is for everyone, and it adds the perfect crunch to a blt

>microwave bacon
>mom still tearing off the crust
jesus op

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I trust that you will with dubs like these. Maybe you'll find this sandwich in your future.

Makes my whole body shiver just thinking about it. Don't ever suggest that ever again. Disgusting.

looks bomb af op don't listen to the naysayers
and to the rest of you neckbeards, marvel at the bountiful feast my gf just made me
and yes, that is fresh sweet corn on the cob from her parent's garden

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The crust is very clearly still on the bread. And the bacon is good, bro. Also, that's a weird looking sandwich. If it didn't obviously have meat, I'd think it was pure bread.

An amazing feast, a gf, and dubs? You are very lucky, user. That food looks great, too!


>white bread
>served on a paper plate
Three strikes. You didn't even serve it with a side of activated almonds.

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>fully cooked bacon

I can't believe men are trying to tell women how to make a sandwich.

>I ain't eating to extend my lifespan, nigga.
Amerifat detected. You asked for advice to improve your sandwich. Switching to wholemeal bread IS an improvement. You need to evolve beyond HURRRRRRR it doesn’t taste good. Maturity wrt your diet requires setting aside instant gratification. Otherwise you might as well live on pork sausages and snickers bars and die at 33.

Almonds? I'm not rich, nigga.

Weird looking sandwich, bro.

Living til' 30 is the plan, my guy. Also, wheatbread sucks ass, fuck outta here with that shit.

You’re an idiot. Farewell.

You microwaved your bacon?

KYS faggot

You're a creamy faggot.

What, you don't? Die at an old age, millenial.

>white bread
>not rye, nor sourdough
GTFO pleb

Are you a nigger? White bread only

Not being toasted is a deal breaker. 0/10 would not fuck.

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Pics of bread or gtfo

Only plebs would microwave bacon. Disgusting. Don't ever post food again nigger.

"Ooo look at me, I'm a pussy who toasts bread. I'm a pussy who toasts bread, ooo!"

this thread has honestly got me hyped. love sandwiches

it looks like you're using a white or sourdough with romaine. a solid choice. I can't see the tomato but that's alright. as for bacon it looks like it was pre cooked and possibly microwaved.

while this is a good sandwich it looks like a pretty dry eat. I'd definitely add some mayo to really bring out those flavors. white and sourdough is premium for this sandwich type, although I suggest toasting it a little.

solid work op

White bread is fine, but you need to toast that bread with some butter, the crispiness and the buttery flavor are totally worth it. Cut the bacon in smaller portions so it doesn't stick out like that. Also, put the lettuce under the bacon so the slice of bread on top stays a bit more flat. You can also do pic related to the bacon.

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Literally the most white trash sandwich I've ever seen. Shit tier bread, microwaved bacon, iceberg lettuce, and the audacity to post this abomination online. I hope you choke on your vomit inducing excuse for a BLT. Go commit an hero faggot.

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White bread is for fatties and plebs. Other than that looks good. I would add mayo, fresh cracked black pepper, and Bavarian Mustard.

just read through this thread. I suggest apple smoked bacon cooked on the stove instead of microwaved. garlic, a little bit of lime and pepper them while it's cooking. lime is an acid so it really helps bringing those flavors together.

Fucking white bread. LUL

Very sad looking sandwich OP

>Bavarian Mustard

this isn't one of your after school baloney sandwiches, kiddo

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am i retarded or is there no corn on the cob in this photo

Also what the fuck did you put on your rice? Looks like some kinda jelly? gross

With that said looks like a nice 7/10 would enjoy

A lot of great advice in this thread. Too bad OP is a fag.

Yeah, this is a weekend BLT, can't believe the audacity of these people suggesting all these expensive ingredients.

What are your favorite condiments/ingredients for sandwich making, and favorite sandwiches, Cred Forums?
Either rye or sourdough
Black Forest ham
Sriracha mayonnaise
>Type of pickles
Home-made dill slices
Napa cabbage
>Onions, yes or no? (pleb filter)
YES AND EXTRA *when the sandwich calls for them
>Side dish
German-Style potato salad
>Favorite sandwich/sandwiches overall
Croque Madame, French Dip, Pastrami on Rye
>Favorite drink to enjoy with a sandwich
Unsweetened iced tea with basil, mint, and lemon

The bacon weave is such a meme. It makes it so there are parts of the bacon that stay white and don't crisp up properly.

Microwave bacon
>Type of pickles
Iceberg lettuce
>Onions, yes or no? (pleb filter)
Absolutely fucking awful, only to be used in moderation on a burger
>Side dish
Sour cream and onion chips
>Favorite sandwich/sandwiches overall
>Favorite drink to enjoy with a sandwich
Pepsi or Coke, not much difference.
maybe Barq's or A&W root beer, again, not much difference.

Expensive? How is most of this shit not staples in your kitchen? I'm poor as fuck and I can afford to eat well. Stop blowing all your money on dope and video games.

Im curious have you ever actually had bacon cooked in pan?

Its kinda astounding you prefer microwave bacon

But dope and video games are good for you i would know im a doctor

Take a gander at this delicious sandwich. Makes your mouth water, eh?

Attached: ManlySandwich.jpg (500x357, 30K)

Zoom zoom zoom zoom zippity zoom

Thats not proper bacon.

Killyourself/10 for microwaving bacon. Like Jesus h nips what kind of nigger does that.

I have, but after eating seven slices of Great Value fully cooked bacon, I have come to the conclusion that microwave bacon is pretty good.

Everyone is entitled to their own tastes, even if your choices confuse me. A BLT with mayonnaise, hot sauce, THICK tomato slices, romaine lettuce, nicely-toasted sourdough, peppered pan-cooked bacon, a side of salt and vinegar kettle chips, and a diet coke sounds lovely right now. Fuck I am hungry and also horny now.

Attached: I'd fuck that sandwich.jpg (1242x977, 774K)


>Toasted bread
>Pan-cooked bacon
I wouldn't trust you to make any kind of sandwich for me knowing you enjoy BLT's like this. Hell, I just wouldn't trust you at all.

Bavarian mustard is good af on a balogna sandwich. Best be beef balogna though the other shit is too bland. Back in school my parents were to cheap for that shit. Ole pops would cuss your ass for eating his bologna after school. Only workin men get anything but 3 hots and a cot.

Microwaved pre-cooked bacon tastes wrong to me, but to each their own. You fuck the kind of sandwich you want to fuck, and I'll be over here fucking mine. By any chance do you have a lot of juicy fat on your belly? I'm asking for a friend, and totally not planning on raping you and then making a BLT using your flesh.

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Microwave bacon is heresy, thank you and good night.

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What is Cred Forums's favorite soup to have with their sandwich?
For me, it's usually a nice, rustic tomato basil, especially when paired with a grilled cheese sandwich.
Speaking of grilled cheese sandwiches, I hear many people make theirs differently. For my tastes, I prefer a blend of cheeses, and like a good cheese pull. Gouda, Havarti, and extra-sharp cheddar on crusty seeded rye bread, toasted golden-brown in butter, with a bit of lemon pepper, sea salt, and fresh basil does it for me. It's amazing how something as simple as a cheese sandwich with tomato soup and a nice glass of iced tea can make an entire afternoon perfect.

Attached: the trifect would be what.jpg (521x567, 26K)

Tomato soup with grilled cheese but beef and vegetable with anything else. I do grilled cheese with a slice of sharp cheddar, a slice of something melty like swiss, a very thin layer of mayo on the side with the cheddar, and real butter on the outside. That bland margarine crap shouldn't even be in anyone's kitchen.

Philly cheese with french onion soup.

Looks like you forgot to put the tomatoes in your BLT OP

This, just a light toast with a little bit of mayo.