Joe rogan is God. #changemymind

Joe rogan is God. #changemymind

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Joe pushes the man made climate change propaganda.
He is fake.

You're a jew loving faggot. Joe Rogan will hold you down and face fuck u

i don't even like the guy but are you retarded?

He really isn't.. there is no such thing as a God. Only an idiot holds an other mans words and opinions higher than his own..

You are no better than a religious person who belives in one of the hundreds of Gods.

He's not god. Mods are

He takes advantage of those with legitimate mental disabilities and strings them on for the lels he's a blowhard baby piece of shit who couldn't be more fake if he was a plastic apple

Hes biased af.

NewsRadio only lasted five seasons.

Bernie supporter.

shitty comedian
shitty ufc guy
wanna be tough guy

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Puts comparitively abstract thoughts out to normal people, that's about it.

Not knocking him, theres obviously a market for it. But get drunk with any of your mates and the same things come out.

Joe Rogan is just Oprah for men.

All you virgin pussies need to hit the gym and take jiu jitsu. #joeroganwillmfuckurmom

I only listen if Alex Jones, Joey Diaz, or Tom Segura is on.

The Climate "disaster" is man made. If you know just a little bit about the history you would know that Michael Mann´s tree ring report was opposed by many other papers, that didn´t want to take the same drastic conclusion that he had made.
The opposing reports said that telling the temperature by looking at tree rings was very difficult to get accurate is not impossible. But Michael Mann went forward with his reports findings. The Freaks naturally believed him, and made in 2006 the inconvenient truth. Now people are scared, and billions of dollars get put into Climate Change.

Truth is that the models they use to predict the climate are faulty at best. No scientist can predict the future or the real reason the Earth is getting warmer. But as the world is now the only thing they agree om is the Co2 in the air is growing and the temperature is rising.
If it is good or bad, no one knows.

The reason people believe it is bad is they see something like the Australian fires and think the hot weather is the reason. But the thing they do not see is that the level of fires are lower than other years, and the government has made it more difficult for land owners to make controlled fires to burn of the dead wood in the Forrest.

They also want you to believe that via politics and legislation they can lower the levels of Co2, and that Billions of dollars must be invested. Countries Like Canada and my own Denmark wants to be the front runners, but yet we are in NO WAY near the goals set in Japan in the 90´s or the new goals set in Paris 2015.

Climate Change is a good thing.
No research have found it harmful that the world is getting warmer by a degree or two. Research have found that the Co2 helps trees and pants to grow, and therefor helps 3rd world nations crops, and development. Instead of hinder it by making low cost power options illegal. (witch is why China said no the the Paris agreement)

Considering his role on Fear Factor it makes sense to me.

I didn't realize it was possible to catch faggotry directly in the ears
I hope you get better user

How is a plastic apple fake? It's a plastic representation of an apple. How is that fake? Like a counterfeit apple made of plastic or???????

When do private land owners make controlled fires in Australia? That was never a thing. It was DECS, a government agency that did it. Not even dipshit farmers are going to go out and try to burn the bushland down on their own. Fact is, controlled burns have gone up recently. The fires were so bad because it was a gigantic heat wave that is the worst in Australian history.

Damn god is bald and jesus has locks. At least the world is unfair to everyone.

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i feel like god would be taller than him, he seems like an overcompensating manlet.

People believe that solar and wind power is the way forward, but the technology is still in its infant years, and is very costly. Most poor nations simply can´t afford this, because the cost benefit is is so off.

An other example: People believe that the the Coral reefs is getting smaller, and again this is false, and many argue that it is getting bigger and more healthy.

Climate Change legislation does not help the poor, and making people believe otherwise is the greatest hoax since Religion. If you take China that is a very divided country, if they had to lower or even reduce the emissions thwy would have to close down the power for the poor. What nation leader wants to do that? Even USA stayed away the the Paris deal, because it will cost Billions and Billions of dollars to make no difference. Billions that could be spend elsewhere.

Obama said in 2013 in a tweet that 97% of the words scientists believe that the world is getting warmer and the co2 levels are rising because of man. Yet an other scare tactic by the alarmist in the community. The sample size was around 10.000 asked where only around 3000 answered back. The questions did not ask if climate change was good or bad, but only asked if it was true, and if it was man made. And everyone knows that the temperature has been rising since the last ice age, and that the co2 levels is around 400 parts pr million now.

An other set of questions were send out and showed that the percentage of those who think it is a bad thing is more like 50/50.

me and joe are friends but he's whack dude. we were talking about books the other day and at one point he admitted to me that the only books he's ever read were to kill a mocking bird and dmt the spirit molecule. he does a shit load of coke before he talks with guests because otherwise he slurs his words and his eyes goes all fucked up. the coke makes him sharp enough to repeat the questions and quips that the guy in his ear piece tells him to say. he's technically mentally retarded and has an iq 65 due to becoming more dmt than man.

No one thinks coral reefs are getting healthier. Send me one link you brainless oil executives pawn. Only oil companies and Russians promote this garbage and only edgelord idiots buy it.

One link.

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sums him up

in temperature of Australia yes, but not in fire rates. Like South wales is very bad, but the fire rates in both Qeensland and Victoria it is well in the normal range. even below the avg. in Qeensland.

I can recommend reading the report by dr. David Packham from 2015. He stated that the levels of build up was reaching a dangerous level in the last 30 years.

This is why the fires aren´t there where it is the warmest, but where the build up was worst.

And around 100 people have been arrested in the past year for arson in Australia.

You are thinking about climate change wrong. You are correct we have been warmer, and cooler, no issue to the planet.

What we have never done, is change this fast. It’s not the amount of carbon that’s scary, it’s the change in carbon over a short period.

What took millions of years we are doing in hundreds. That’s what’s fucking the planet and species that live here.

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It is well known that the reef is always changing, and it is so big that it dies in some places, but the reef grows good and well.

Every study of the reef analyze a small part of the reef only to get funding from the politicians, who themselves want votes, because they SAVED the reef.

Just look at the funding of that starfish in the 90´s? Did it help?

But you want a name:
Look at what happen to Dr. Peter Ridd.
He had studied the Great barrier reef since 1989. but he was shut down by the politics from the university.

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Joe Rogan exists. Ergo, Joe Rogan isn't god.

nah, he's a junkie piece of shit who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and gets aggressive when meets an opinion that differs from his ideas. All the qualities of a manlet.

Fucking hell, learn English before you try to post here

He's brave enough to eat bugs
But won't do a Hot Ones interview

If you breath out the air out of your lungs have almost 4% of Co2, and the atmosphere has 0,04%

The problems with only looking at Co2 is that it has only a very small influence in the world. Scientist believe that there are more than fifty things that have an influence.

One thing that is underrated and not yet understood is the clouds. The world is covered in clouds (Water vapor), and this is one this that the Models that predict a catastrophe can´t predict. So when they make the models to the politicians they Guess by looking at other models, that looked at other models that had guessed.


Typical leftist answer :)
Have no counterclaim, so now we call the bad man an asshole...
Soon I will also be called a Homophobic and a fascist... Well done :)

He likes Bernie


Bernie is a Communist, and America is stupid enough to vote for him..

People don´t remember that communism is the reason why we do not like the Russians and the Chinese.

Take China a land where the government controls everything, to the point is that the President has make Winnie the Poo illegal, and the sole reason? - Because people made fun of how he looked like Winnie the poo.
Try to think of people whom do not agree with him on politics, and what he does to them.

he is anti white