Why do Americans hate America so much??

Why do Americans hate America so much??

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Only Republicans hate america.

is your own impoverished country so uneventful that america lives in your mind rent free?

I don't hate America, I hate other Americans.

No, fuck you Democrat! You're the one who ruined this country!

It's just the ones on TV

>Why do Americans hate America so much??
The simplest and most honest answer is 'jews". Jews have infiltrated and subverted media, education, and entertainment. They hate white people with such extreme prejudice that it's not even funny. White people, especially straight white males are the bane of their existence. Christians especially. So they need to poison the well, their oldest MO, and get everyone to hate on straight white males; accusing them of the crimes for which they themselves are guilty

What countries pay rent?

you've never met a jew in your life

The jews are desperately trying to turn whites against one another, the key to victory is White Unity

I live in NYS, suburb of NYC. I have to deal with jews and hasids all day every day. They are, as a group but individuals, the closest thing to pure unrepentant evil that there ever was. They worship themselves and the devil, who is their god; the same "god" that "promised them" they'd rule the world. They are pure and unflinchingly evil. I have dealt with the jewish menace my entire life.
>you've never met a jew in your life
Sounds like YOU'VE never met a jew in your entire life, or are just your average delusional and mentally ill jewish person who doesn't know anything about jews/judaism and who denies reality, like is what is promoted through judaism

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It's that orange clown is fault



j00s btfo


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Sadly jews will try to downplay their involvement with Satanism. They are an inherently evil race of people. The most truly and genuinely evil race of people who ever were. They are as a group the most evil race that ever existed; malicious, pretentious, condescending, and just plainly evil fucking group of people who ever existed. If ever there were a "people" who deserved extinction if would be the fake "jews". They need to be cleansed from all human lands in order for humanity to grow and prosper. But the fake "jew"s have other plans and seek to destroy all of civilized society so as to "shape the world" in their direction; meaning that all of civilized society must necessarily suffer and be forced to self-destruct via their monopoly of media, education, and entertainment. They promote their "nigger pets" sp that actual civilized society is drained and based upon the lowest common denominator. Jews are as a group are pure and unrepentant evil. There is not a single shred of a good or decency amongst them; they literally worship themselves and each other and their own egos as "god" and "feel" that whatever they say and or do is necessarily right and/or good. There has never been such an existential threat to all of civilized humanity as "the fake jews". These are a people who have decidedly earned their own extinction. They are quite literally subhuman filth and shit and need to be wiped off the face off of the planet in order for all of actual humanity to benefit. There has never been an existential thread to humanity like "judaism" and we, as civilized human beings, need to exterminate this fake race or subhuman stone aged creatures.

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Jokes on you, the 'jews' u r referring to are most likely the inferior scum known as ashkenazis who r not even jews kek

There is no such thing as "PURE JEWS".They are all liars and fakers. The Jews from the second half of the bible are fakes and imposters. They are a "race" of people who don't deserve to be alive. It is absolutely imperative for actual human beings to drive these subhuman stone age creatures to extinction. It is an absolute right and duty for all of civilized humanity to murder off this subhuman filth without prejudice. These creatures are an existential threat to all of civilized human society. They are incapable of the most very basic human thoughts and behaviors. They are completely alien to humanity and need to be exterminated

if more americans had the word of god in them all would be good

The media has us divided to protect the 1%.

>ruined this country

Wait, you mean Trump DIDN'T make america great again?

This is the real answer.

The only minority ruining this country are the wealthy.
