A lot of people feel that Cred Forums is a site of terrorist, racist, homophobic, sexist, mysogonist, lazy, fat...

A lot of people feel that Cred Forums is a site of terrorist, racist, homophobic, sexist, mysogonist, lazy, fat, cybergenuis, white, republican, weird, pedophilic losers. I think it is high time someone asked the question to be asked. What does Cred Forums think of Cred Forums?

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I think I am gonna SUCC that things dick before King Hitler returns you cucumber fucking basket fries.

Cred Forums is a true depiction of modern culture, the human psyche and as close to real freedom of speech as we can hope to get.

it's kind of shit, but I always felt at home here
yeah, a bunch of kids and basement dwellers post their stupid racist and hate filled trash on here, but that's because you can say anything here.
there's threads full of faggots fagging it up next to thread full of people obsessing over getting revenge on some guy by photoshopping him with shit logs. we get it, he fucked your mom, your girlfriend, your dog and your dad. get over it man. you just weren't hot enough.
it's not as fun as it used to be, because people moved on, the real weirdos got vanned or died, and it's mostly quiet these days. It wouldn't surprise me if it slowly faded out in the next 10 years and vanished. but I'll be kind of sad when it does.
I've been here since, like, 2006.
being anonymous still feels like a warm blanket.

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it's mostly a shithole full of idiots but there's a few reasonable people. at least it isn't plebbit.

One of the few places you can say opinions without repercussion.

Stfu newfag you came to this site because of pewdiepie

> the real weirdos got vanned or died
not yet user, im still kicking

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lost children creating a social standard based on memes.

it's a fucking shithole.
but what people don't realize is that all the banter and shitposting that takes place here is cathartic for a youth or society that is increasingly deteriorating regardless of 4chans existence.

society is better than it ever has been, my man. the past wasn't all Francis Bacons, they were just the only ones writing anything down.

I love it, it's the only place I feel like I can breath. If I think someone is a dirty cumrag I can tell them in exquisite detail just why I hate everything about them without having to worry about repercussions. If Niggers piss me off I can rant about killing all niggers, same with jews, or women, or anyone. I don't have to worry about balancing the coin or any bullshit. I can let it all out and nobody gives a fuck. I hate controlling what I say, and Cred Forums gives me a way to say what I feel without worrying about whether it's completely true, or if it will piss off somebody who can fuck me over.

not really
society has been in a nose dive since the early - mid 2000's and onwards
things were relatively sane before that but had been rotting for many decades
financial and social stability continues to decline
debt levels are continually out of control
population levels exploding in the poorest nations and that will spillover into everywhere else
vital resources dwindle

no, fella. the post 9/11 world is a fuck. it's on a trajectory which will soon see it all crash and burn.

You sound totally pathetic. What a true loser

Pretty much this



Yeah, to give these faggot ass beta bitch cucks their own board. Tired of these niggers everywhere spamming their bullshit every single day like a god damn moron, preaching their bullshit beta fetish with some nigger and subhuman wife.


name the last national famine in the us
name the last plague that took more than 20% of victims
things are shit, yeah.
but they are far less shit than at any other point of human history.
we're doing pretty alright
you guys are just getting old enough to see the shit in the world, but not yet enough to understand how much better it is than in the past

So what if it's better? It's still shit.

welcome to the club bud.

i don't give a fuck about the distant past.
the point is, things were going pretty good and over the last twenty years have gone to shit. if you can't see that, you're not old enough to remember the 80s or 90s.

This place is an absolute fucking shithole, but I still come for the memes. I want to stop but then where would I get my memes


OP Here: I am seeing alot of the older users really not happy with the site. What do you older users feel is keeping you from leaving this site? Also if you are a newer user what made you interested in coming to the site in the first place?

Is good?

>What do you older users feel is keeping you from leaving this site?
some of us are autistic retards trapped in our habits
the racists, alt-rights, gayhaters and other faggots don't have anywhere better to yell their bullshit, so they circle jerk on Cred Forums and spill over to Cred Forums occasionally

>what do you older users feel keep you from leaving this site?
familiarity, habit, and lack of stable and worthwhile alternative

shitpost mafia and some porn

I'm sure you will find it funny, so funny in fact that you will never come back here ever again.

Honestly it's a bunch of basement dwelling autistic fucks who speak their minds on the internet. I'm willing to bet the average IQ is actually higher here than on most of the internet.

10/10 would get stuck in this hellhole again.

It feels more like home here than anywhere else on the internet honestly. I've left a few times over the years and keep coming back in times of loneliness.

journalistfag is actually doing proper research. Good for you but lurk moar please.

Cred Forums is a collection of multiple intelligence with a myriad of people with different ideologies and beliefs. Last place to not get cucked like tumbler and reddit for having free and open conversations without mountains of censorship. You also misspelled democrat and jew.

Cred Forums is just a bunch of losers pretending to be different kind of losers.

Better then Twitter, here I can see the opinions of communists, terrorist, nationalist,niggers and, faggots it's groovy.

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Other way around. The fagget, race mix supporting, freedom hating cucks that can't handle the bantz run and hide in Cred Forums. Most are payed npcs or bots with an occasional ass blasted socialist/communist redditor. Then again Cred Forums is all porn anyways.

OP Here: Last Question before I leave. If Cred Forums were to disappear what would honestly you do?

probably find one of the other shittier chans to start shitting up

You lost me after "Cred Forums is"...

like i said before, at least this isn't plebbit

find my SA login maybe

It's a site of terrorist, racist, homophobic, sexist, mysogonist, lazy, fat, cybergenuis, white, republican, weird, pedophilic losers.

why does she have a cock?

The better question is why doesn't she have more than one?

This. Mostly it's just faggots though.

>fagget, race mix supporting, freedom hating
Yes, people taking advantage of freedom to live as they like rather than how it would please you for them to live are definitely hating freedom.
Just look at those fags hate being free to be fags.
So hateful.
This kind of bullshit would be funnier if you dumbfucks weren't serious when you said it.

I just realized Cred Forums is sorta like black people neighborhoods, back then around Martin Luther kings time people actually took care of their neighborhoods and had pride but once the crack (newfags) came rolling . The number of people that could access to the web kept increasing

Nostalgia. Duh.

Accept death and taxes.

look up the eternal september some time. usenet was a wild place before the web existed. newfags came in too many too fast to be part of the old usenet, and gave it much the same kind of cancer Cred Forums got.
it's a common pattern in communities

being colonized against your will isn't freedom even some of the colonized support it

freedom of association is one of the most basic and important freedoms and its purposeful destruction is the main reason for most of the social instability in the Western world today

"diversity" is a choice, you don't have the right to force the anti-nativist/oppressive/univeralist experiment on any group against their will and slowly rob them of their peaceful lands and group identity for the sake of elite plotters, self-interest foreigners and delusional ever in denial utopianists

Pick one

you sing it brother. native americans will get their lands back and this time they'll keep those devils out!

I'm only 4 of those things

>"they got fucked so you should let yourselves get fucked too"

Atleast we were nice enough not to play mind games with them, demonize their race and culture and actually allowed them their own mini ethno-states.

They still got fucked in the end but that doesn't justify continuing the cycle.
The American Indians killed off groups also and engaged in tribal warfare so it isn't as if they were innocent of the crime either.
its turtles all the way down.

And what exactly are the Swedes guilty of?
But I guess them destroying themselves through suicidal altruism and being replaced by the excess human capital of Somalia is a "good thing" in your eyes.

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being user is fun, but not real user, cause big brother is always watching ;)

I think that you shouldn't make posts like this.

It's intetesting how it's such a haven for losers and yet the best part of being a newfag is being genuinely well adjusted, getting shit talked by people you know are so far beneath you, and just laughing at their furious attempt to change reality.



Everyone talks how this is acomplete shithole yet keep sitting here. I suppose you feel good in the garbage as being one kek

Can someone give this pussy a dick, he's dripping