So like, when people claim "the Jews" did X what do they really mean? To my knowledge...

So like, when people claim "the Jews" did X what do they really mean? To my knowledge, Jews aren't exactly a homogenized group of people. But when people say "the Jews" and accuse them of doing something bad, don't they really mean to say they don't actually know who did it? And they're just using "the Jews" as a scapegoat? Same goes for the Illuminati, but the Illuminati is different in that its existence can, in a way, be defined, whereas "the Jews" is just this nebulous concept. Can someone enlighten me on this issue?

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There is a reason no one is responding to your dumb ass thread.

eat nut of the jew to find out, Fag

OP you seem like a man with very high IQ so can you answer this question. Can dogs breathe underwater?

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Most people when taking about "the jews" are referring to the Zionist jew. This jew moved to Palestine in the late 1800's with the goal of creating a Jewish state. This would not be a bad thing had the organization that gave loans to the settlers not stipulated that only Jews could work the land purchased with the funds. This displaced and unemployed many arabs witch is where the resentment comes from. This leads to a negative view of that group and the ethnic group as a whole

That doesn't sound very evil to me. It sounds like something any group of people would do if they were in a similar position.

>witch is where the resentment comes from.
well, that and that all of that happened at gunpoint and also the guns were shooting and also the guns are still there, shooting

At gunpoint maybe but the owner of the gun has changed, in a way. Otihnaly the palistinina territory dutting this period was under ottoman Controll. When the jew bought the land from them it was the ottomans that kicked out the arabs who had used the land for dr ades under usaftykt(use right).

Had a stroke

Doesn't sound evil to stipulate who's permitted to earn a wage and who isn't huh? How about if the world suddenly stipulated "jews" cannot be employed or operate a business. You'd just be cool with that would you? Because it's not evil or anything... nothing bad could come from being prevented from earning wages for working, nothing at all....

I'm just saying, any other group of people would've done the same thing

it means "Cred Forums ignore my shitposting now because everyone's seen it. i know! i'll shitpost in another forum! then everyone will pay attention to me".


Please provide examples....

There are 13 levels on your pyramid dollar bill, faggot conspiracy boy. They intermarry. Its pretty clear historically, wingnut. Its accessible via the cia website if you enter it into google, fruitcake.

>Jews aren't exactly a homogenized group of people
That's what they like you to think.

It's basic human psychology

They mean "I need help finding the medication that makes my brain function properly"

Who’s excited for lethal weapon 5?

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I'll only watch it if it's directed by a Jew


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>jew detected

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