
- Ghfg Eqdptdmbx
- Cd@sg
- Itws@onrhshnm
- B@c@udq

Attached: LNX.jpg (738x416, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?safe=off&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNR_o6WpuwUgfBLoONCPo4vokYWTOA:1580653013469&q=wikipedia high frequency death juxtaposition cadaver&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj95oWrh7PnAhWH4YUKHYtDBTgQBSgAegQICRAq&biw=1920&bih=944













What is that in the image?



Big cat

Big kot

What is that in the forehead?

uh... numbers and letters?

The first one is w-i-k-i-p-e-d-i-a.
I'm trying stegano...

A lynx, I think.

You mean the numbers at the top?


I think he/she wants us to search something in Wikipedia :(



What the fuck?



First one
-High Frequency


and then death?


Juxtaposition after that

Yes. What's the next one?


Finally cadaver which is apparently a corpse

- high frequency
- death
- juxtaposition
- cadaver

Ok so :
high frequency

-High frequency


that is one low ass quality pic

What about this:


It looks kinda blurred

The Ls are not Ls. They are vertical bars. Don't know if that would mean anything?

The cat's forehead reads : 3g**0*2*3*w

How? Isn't it XTTT.?

When you search for :
-High frequency
on wikipedia it founds :

Attached: TFC.png (1440x1080, 1.84M)



He sent a photo I think you unlocked the next step



>The cat's forehead reads : 3g**0*2*3*w
How did you arrive at this?
The w at the end might indicate it is a set of coordinates.


You are a faggot



Is anyone translating the morse?

But there must be a reason why the text is on the forehead. 3rd eye?

How did you get that url?



it's not morse

google.com/search?safe=off&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNR_o6WpuwUgfBLoONCPo4vokYWTOA:1580653013469&q=wikipedia high frequency death juxtaposition cadaver&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj95oWrh7PnAhWH4YUKHYtDBTgQBSgAegQICRAq&biw=1920&bih=944

This is definitely not morse:

Ok so:



eye = i


Also Ritual

Map co-ords of Hart Island:
40° 51 9 N, 73° 46 12 W



Google search:
wikipedia high frequency death juxtaposition cadaver


That's fucked up!

What about the capital letters?

Some of the suggested is also weird

Attached: 2020-02-02 (4).png (839x897, 80K)


Damn, this is weird.

LNX could maybe mean natural log of x, ln(x)

doubt it tho

All the A's are capital when using ROT47, maybe what he's talking about. But if it is, I think it's just OP making the cipher a little more annoying.


It doesnt make sense to type all the decoded words in google search, wikipedia is divided from the other words with vertical bars

Google HFDJC and there's some random videos of kids

I mean, it seems obvious to me. Just look at the cat

Lynx, maybe?

good point


Type that into wikipedia maybe

Yeah. Seems it

Of course.

Why a Lynx, though?

Here's the natural log of the image. Don't think there's anything to it, but here's the MATLAB code for it too:

grayImage = imread('1580647158290.jpg');
grayImage = double(grayImage);
logImage = log(grayImage+1);
normalizedImage = mat2gray(logImage);
imwrite(normalizedImage, '1580647158290_ln.jpg');

Attached: 1580647158290_ln.jpg (738x416, 36K)

I think that's what the LNX is pointing out

Yeah, I don't think those are coordinates

LNX = links mayne?

LNX = Lynx = Link

So where's the damn link !?

Legend of Zelda.

Are the stars supposed to be there are you cant decode it?

The OP is promoting the next Legend of Zelda

3g 0 2 3 w

I'm pretty sure we need to find some missing letters (or numbers)


The missing letters are

or both

That's quite the youtube video too

Ill try to type that into wiki

That seems promising


Attached: IMG_20200202_165052.png (1080x1337, 179K)

So it's a link

To where?


Theres a Cred Forums Cred Forums thread under that google search

I don't know if this is what OP wants us to find...?

Attached: Capture.jpg (832x312, 34K)

Year of the Rat?

I saw that too

This is definitely something. It has to be given the circumstances. Now we just have to find how it relates

Nothing comes up for me

Found this:
'* "THE MARCH OF WOODEN SOLDIERS" aka "BABES IN TOYLAND" 1934 Director Gus Mains is not a well-known name. He committed suicide after facing morals charges for indecent acts with minors.
Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy

A measure of how weird this movie is. A mouse is played by a monkey. Really. They put the mouse costume on a monkey.'

How did you find this




Google '3gHF0D2J3Cw'

and this blog link pops up about a guy watching movies with his sister




Attached: 1203901560577389.png (230x219, 52K)


Guys what is the gecib thing? Someone explain

the original CAPITALS

Its the same as HFDJC, but before the translation





Funny, the name of the uploader is RobotiXv64

Robots are made of metal

It is the year of the Metal Rat


Why do I feel like this has something to do with China?

We hit a dead end, we have to go back

whats a LNX

Asians do have cat-like eyes, don't they?

the cat in the pic, what kind is it?

It becomes more white if you stare at it


One word: Coronavirus


The Lynx is looking at its prey.

They eat mice.

The video linked had a cat and a mouse.

I'm confused :(



March of the Wooden Soldiers (Colorised):

The lynx probably has nothing to do with the puzzle. Just a cicada wannabe and needs somekind of image with an animal

In order:

i agree

Ah... There is a cat in the linked video

Lynx = Cat

here is some facts from linked video's comment section:

Historical fact regarding the mouse - This was the actual Mickey Mouse and first appearance ever as kind of a guess appearance in a non Disney film They needed the permission of Walt Disney to use Mickey in the film. As you can see his appearance is much different in the 30s Mickey had more of a rat like appearance in these days and he was changed throughout the years to look less frighting to children. As far as the monkey goes I do not believe that was ever known to be a fact and I personally think with the cost of film production they would have one heck of a time getting a monkey to perfectly drop bombs from a plane and clap among other what looks to be pretty difficult scenes that were shot with Mickey, I don't think they would have wanted to waste so many re shoots to get it right. So it just does not make any sense to use a monkey.

I dont think were even supposed to be looking at the video. We should search in wikipedia but its a dead end


Doesn't have to be a cicada wannabe. I like making puzzles like this (albeit I make them much harder) and give a steam game at the end of it

The full film from Laurel and Hardy:

Skip to 25:38 for the specific clip

The original letters (GECIB) send you to another video, but is says it is unavailable.

We have to use wikipedia not youtube

Maybe 3ghf0d2j3cw is some sort of encryptes message which well type on wikipedia when decyphered?

GECIB in reverse means "BICEG"


Guys, look:


(intransitive, of a person, animal) to limp, hobble, halt (to walk with a slight limp)

Synonyms: sántikál, húzza a lábát

(intransitive, of furniture) to wobble
Synonyms: inog, billeg

(intransitive, figuratively) to halt (e.g. rhyme, verse, rhythm)

Synonyms: akadozik, botladozik, döcög, sántít

So OP is from Hungary :/

What will we do with that

How do we know that the cat's forehead reads:

If you put the letters HFDJC in there, you google it and you will find a youtube video



Yeah I know that, but how did we come to the conclusion that the cat's forehead says 3g**0*2*3*w? It is so blury

One of these fools had pretty good eyesight.

Could be OP spreading misinformation?

Found this on Wikipedia:

Lynx (Mythology)
The lynx, a type of wildcat, has a prominent role in Greek, Norse, and North American mythology. It is considered an elusive and mysterious creature, known in some American Indian traditions as a 'keeper of secrets'. It is also believed to have supernatural eyesight, capable of seeing even through solid objects. As a result, it often symbolises the unravelling of hidden truths, and the psychic power of clairvoyance.


What about the fact that the linked YouTube video only shows the cat and the mouse together. In the film, there are scenes before, between and after the cat and mouse scenes that have purposely been cut out. But for what reason?

Found this


Anyone know how to unblur a photo?

Trying to put emphasis on something

Someone mentioned something about China and the Coronavirus

Were not on the right direction

This is way too far-fetched. You could literally do anything to the two words and claim it is something.

Did anyone found something about Hart Island?

HEDIC - Health expenditures by diseases and conditions

Have been trying to tell them for the past one hour

Does anyone know if the ¬--- stuff was OP or not? This may also be a clue?

Alot. Hart island has been a hub for state and government shit. All the way back to the 1800s. Civil war camp, Insane asylum, missle silos during the cold war, hub centers for military training. It's currently a giant grave yard, a Pottersfield. Unclaimed bodies, buried by riker's island inmates. Only state personal are allowed on, and it's heavily guarded

Attached: Hart-Island-NYC-Potters-Field-Bronx-City-Island_27.jpg (800x533, 136K)



It is from op for sure, I think its a clock, they were posted right after the image, then stopped when someone found the first world is wikipedia,

OP is everywhere

8:44 AM



Attached: ----.jpg (300x434, 54K)

Idk how relevant this info is, but Hart island once belonged to the Siwanoy People. A group of natives that inhabited the new york city area. The Siwanoy were an off shoot of the Algonquins. Like someone said before, The Natives had a very rich mythology surrounding nature.

The Algonquins had a creature in mythology called the Mishipeshu. Mishipeshu translates into "The Greah Lynx", a creature said to live on islands within river systems. Like Hart Island. In Algonquin Mythos, The Great Lynx is one of if not THE most powerful underworld being.

I'm not saying OP found a giant, demonic cat in the middle of the Bronx. But symbolism is key...

Attached: 220px-Agawa_Rock,_panel_VIII.jpg (220x171, 21K)

Is it just me or is there a map behind the cat?

>The Greah Lynx
Seems pretty relevant. Definitely could be something here

I reckon this might be OP. user's picture didnt come out well, so this is clarification after
said it was low-quality.

Just a guess, but I reckon that's about right. But can we trust it?

Gj, explains why the guy didnt explain how he got to the conclusion, I think op gave us hints as well, commented "back" like three times, not sure if it was him

If diggitz,
at the end of all the breadcrums there will be a pic with a (You are a faggot) written on it!

Attached: 2141245.jpg (284x178, 10K)


I think OP posted another pic here:
But we completely brushed past it:

No, he posts .jpg's this one is png.
Look at the first lynx image and the last he sent, theyre jpg,

I think it is very unlikely that 3gHF0D2J3Cw isn't a part of the puzzle as the slots fit perfectly, there just so happens to be a YouTube video with that link, and the link is pretty damn creepy

Ahh, a pretender


Attached: 4fcf519a-bbb1-40f9-ad7d-898df15d0ca2..jpg (720x681, 25K)

Who translated the first 4 words and how did he do it

Does anyone know the logo on the bottom right of the March of the Wooden Soldiers video? It is a common occurrence in RobotiXv64's last 3 videos

High Frequency

Didn't someone googled the 4 words at the same time and got something about heart island?

Then some other guy mentioned a Great Lynx

This island is known because of the million of corpses buried there

I find it odd that 2 of those words hint at that. I don't know about High Frequency and Juxtaposition.

The Great Lynx as I read from Wikipedia, was believed to be a powerful underwater creature

Also, take the into account the video with the cat and the mouse.

In the original film, there is no logo on the bottom-right of the screen, so this will have either been edited on by RobotiXv64, or more likely the recording came from a TV that aired the film and included their logo

Isnt the hart island and the great lynx a juxtaposition

Dont look for clues in the video its not part of the puzzle

*Hart Island
**take into

De nada.

Everyone is skipping over the fact that the director (Gus Mains) commited suicide after being outed as a pedophile

How do you know that?

Oh... Right.

Now, what about High Frequency?

The video was posted in 2011 and its too far fetched to look for clues in a yt video bc he stated in the thread that we have to look in wikipedia. It just happens that the video is about a movie with a cat and a mouse, dont waste your time

I mean, the video is meant to represent something

The lynx is the cat

I don't know about the rat, or if the fact that there was a monkey behind the costume should be taken into account.

From what I understand, the link to the video contained the letters HF D J C. Why link to the video if it means nothing?

OP said back in response to searching something up on wikipedia:

Idk, bcs it leads to nowhere, it wouldve made more sense if the video was private, and uploaded recently just for this thread, its just a coincidence imo. OP will confirm

At this point, with all the mentions of Hart Island, I can't believe i'm the only one who found this out:


Look at the last reply, user o.O

maybe something is hidden in the photo data?

pic related is right at the start

Attached: fgb.jpg (487x70, 19K)

Can I buy a time-share condo there?

Are you OP

na i just downloaded the photo and opened it in notepad+

I thought of doing the same thing ever since op started the thread, but Im not on pc rn. Anyways gj, bcs I totally forgot about it,

Cicada also started this way, can you open the original first photo in outguess? See what you can find there

yeah it reminded me of the cicada thing but thats all i can see in the file, someone might be able to get something else from it tho


This has been going on since 4 am?!

trying to get hold of outguess now

Theres nothing here, is that all the data?

thats all i can see when i open the file, trying to DL outguess or something similar now to see if there is anything else


Attached: 1182396312_68afbd7aa2_z_kindlephoto-7239398.jpg (427x640, 93K)

1310 i guess


1310 ?

The 3rd number looks different than the first one. It might be another number...

I think its a 4, 1340

the first 1 is equally spaced out from the following 3 as is the 3rd number from the 0 and 3, so its either a 1 or an l



1:40 pm

That is the JPEG standard. The alphabet is always present in the beginning of a JPEG. Look for words at the bottom, use strings.

I tried outguess, diit, stegosuite and steghide. But actually try using the weird text as the password for those.

We found nothing in the first picture (the lynx).
The second one (Tree) hide "OP IS A FAG"

Haha rlly , op then replied. how did you found out

4¬15¬ 14¬15¬20¬ 4¬15¬21¬2¬20

I replied to the tree poster, and I'm not OP.
I was with a friend on discord and he finds it, I don't know the tool he used.

what about ?

20¬8¬5¬18¬5 9¬19 1¬ 18¬5¬1¬29¬15¬14 6¬15¬18 20¬8¬9¬19

29 ? =)

there is a reason for this



¬ [Do not overlook those two

¬ [They are important

What does 1340 mean

¬[The time will come for you to know
¬[Be patient

7-9-22-5 21-19 8-9-14-20-19 15-16


This is dumb

Attached: 2d9.gif (530x300, 1.86M)

What does 1340 mean


Then, why waste your time here, user?

Are we even close op

15 16 19 8 15 21 12 4 11 9 12 12 8 9 13 19 5 12 6




he typed 29 instead of 19


Forget it.

Oh got it lol


What type of hint is that?


The fuck is this?

Attached: 23d1f4b28b33fe5d565d950ba3717320--ice-age-sid-kid-movies.jpg (377x566, 30K)


letters to numbers or numbers to letters, so easy

