Hilllary lost. Get over it

Hilllary lost. Get over it.

Attached: groundhog_hillary.jpg (1800x1274, 819K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ok. I'll vote for Berndogg this time.

Isn't he a pinko?

Attached: marx-lumpenproletariat-comic.png (1500x500, 84K)

love how everyone keeps saying she's 100% going to run again, yet the iowa caucus is tomorrow and she still hasn't entered.

Will her new look get her the votes she needs?

Attached: hilldog.jpg (634x910, 123K)


Full blown socialism can fuck shit up, what Berndogg's proposing just brings us in line with other countries around the world. Media's trying to trash him because he's a threat to their monopolies and corporate power.

Also I had neighbors go broke because the wife got cancer. Sucked because they were nice people too. Healthcare for all would stop stuff like that from happening.

We are the number one county in the world... why would you want to lower us the the level of those other shit hole countrys? If you like them so much just go there honestly.

number one in which metric?

You talk like everything is perfect here. News flash - it fucking ain't. If you have something to complain about, then shit isn't perfect.

What's wrong with taking ideas other countries have implemented and making them better? If anyone can take a foreign idea and improve it, it's us.

First off it was literally 4 years ago, the liberals are already over it. Your bait is fucking stale.
Second why are you coming to Cred Forums to find Hillary supporters? Seriously? Try Tumblr.

>We are the number one country in the world
We're not even the number one country in North America, blue piller.

Turn off cnn and go outside looking at numbers is how ur ass got blown out last election go and look up some real stories about the gang wars in Sweden and the raise in violent crime all across the EU and then look at the standard of living going up in America and the unemployment rate going down.

Projective power

The EU has a fraction of the murders, assaults, robberies and rapes of the US despite having a larger overall population.

Maybe you're the one who should turn off the news, hahaha



Didn't Garrison already make this comic?

February 2nd 2020:

February 2nd 2018:

February 2nd 2017:

Maybe he should make some more original stuff?

Attached: ben-garrison-hillary.jpg (2040x1442, 721K)

He lost the popular vote by 3 million. It was only through a fluke of the electoral college he got in.

As to the Economy...

Attached: jobs.png (720x720, 542K)

trump reduced the country debt to just $200,00 explain that


Same place you got your source libtard

Hillary lost, maybe stop making these comics?

Attached: ben-garrison-hilldog.jpg (1000x963, 199K)

This is why people don't take the right wing seriously any more. Jesus Christ.

Breadline "let's be like Venezuela" Sanders?

Sounds like a wild ride if we let him in charge

Im not that guy I just saw your claim and was curious

>national debt is only 200,000
Are you fucking high?

Uhm, tax cuts + increased military spending + failing to slash piling aca/medicare and medicaid costs = increased debt

Attached: national-review.jpg (1435x960, 203K)

find it yourself nigger!

The right wing when asking for a source: We rely on factual information and I ask you to do the same or I'll believe you've been absorbing fake news good sir.

The right wing when being asked for source:

Oh fuck off with that argument.

Venezuela is fucked because it bet the farm on it's oil industry and the price of oil tanked. Then it's leader died and a dumbass took over.

A dumbass who thought printing money would be the answer to their problems.

Spoiler: It didn't, and instead caused hyperinflation.

It wasn't socialism, it was poor governance.

it's almost as if the whole world's unemployment is going down, has violence , and for the standard of living, mind finding some sauce for that, or do you just expect me to accept your feelings as such?

Attached: 1553985564158.png (789x430, 90K)

Also the state run oil enterprise was egregiously mismanaged and they frequently cut all the experienced personnel they had in desperate attempts to remain solvent

Crack grandma has no chill

I dont remember the name of any former candidate that lost the presidency, but fore some reason republicucks can't forget about hillary

>We're not even the number one country in North America, blue piller.

Worse - he’s a welfarist. Endless bigger gibs.

>it wasn't real socialism!
Every time...

Not America's fault she took 3 shitty jobs and didn't train or educate to get 1 decent one

>they’re already over it

Nigger do you even own a tv

I live in the middle of bum-fuck-ville Florida, so I like to remind derka ders that the South lost and that they need to get over it, too.

Do I need to remind you of that as well?

But Venezuela just actually wasn't fucked by socialism. It was fucked by bad resources and a dumbfuck government that learned economy in grade school.

Imagine using this as an argument in the same breath as trying to justify voting for someone here that openly states they want to tank the oil industry when the farm is bet on it.

Attached: jpKEVORKIAN1-obit-jumbo.jpg (1024x719, 166K)

its called a boom bust cycle, calm down.


the south won in the long term ;)

good, fuck oil

only if they wanted BLACKed cuckold fantasies.

Less people sleeping on the streets and less people going broke because they got sick.

Oh yeah, that must be awful. We should really keep spending that money on bombing brown people on the other side of the planet.

how is it possible that someone doesn't understand that socialism and poor governance is the same?

so what the fuck does it have to do with america being #1?

so it was fucked by socialism re-re

>dumbfuck government that learned economy in grade school.

Yes, we call this 'socialism'

we have the lowest crime and of course guns that all democrat countries banned

>brings us in line with other countries
Stopped reading there
Our own. the only one that matters
Everything is not perfect here. But we are America, not somewhere else.
Irrelevant. We are not the EU
America is a republic, not a democracy. Popular vote is irrelevant

no, you have one of the highest incarceration rates.

Intentionally lost you mean. The whole system is rigged.

If you still think Trump won, Alex jones has a few things you may like to buy.

Don't worry folks, Israel isn't running this country or ANYTHING! It's not like the wars in the mid east benefit them! Weakening all who want to destroy them as the Ethnostate maniacs they are.

Keep sleeping sheeple, your guns are safe....till Trumpo uses the draft to send most of our fighting men to Iran. Then he will allow the U.N., FBI & Chabbad forces to disarm the rest.

Good luck.enjoy your guillotines

Americans be like
>Stupid socialists don't understand economy, what would I need cheap college books for?!
>What, you're willing to sell our army rifles at $40,000 each? I'll take two million.

>Our own. the only one that matters to us

America roast thread right here oof

The US economy isn't riding on oil as hard as Venezuela was, also transitioning away from oil isn't the same as fucking the industry. It's possible to move away and now have shit come crashing down.

It's like you don't understand intricacies, nuance, or anything more complex than a fox news talking point.

Some of the red states are so shit they almost fall into the category of third world. Must be all that socialism they have going on.

Shut up, libtard.

lol, snowflake.

Found the 'Real communism/socialism/fascism hasn't been tried yet' weenie.

Wow you guys are killing it tonight huh?

Such unbeatable arguments such as "find [the source] yourself" and "shut up"

Genius plays.

The US is way more reliant on oil than anywhere, it's a huge land mass full of infrastructure that relies on it. It's not even arguable. The economy absolutely relies on transportation in every way, everything does. So we got some health care reform the democrats pushed, oh look it doesn't work and "well we wanted to do something else but we just decided to do this instead despite people not wanting it because we're not doing it right.

Real nuanced.

Splitting hairs. They mean the same thing. Your post was perfectly redundant rehash.
the doings of other nations is irrelevant.
No one cares what other countries think of us
Rhetorical nonsense. The big cities of blue states, Chicago for example is crumbling to ruin.

>cheap college books
You dont seem to understand that you'll be paying for those college books for the rest of your life in socialism through taxes, where as you could just pay them off for good instead.

Nothing is free. It won't just be "muh 1%" getting gouged by taxes, look at any other nation that has socialist programs like this. And accepting absurd permanent tax increases for the illusion of something being "free" is like being a dumbass maxing out 6 credit cards and paying only the interest for the rest of your life.

The US pays high tax anyway since for some fucking reason your government thinks you need... What was it, 33,000 nukes and counting?

Yeah but college and hospitals, and oh yeah functioning mental healthcare so you don't have a mass shooting every 4 days... Those are just optional bullshit.

Stay mad, libtard.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Missing the point. Trump brags about the creation of jobs, but these jobs are garbage that don't contribute to quality of life

america has the lowest crime in the world so thats all you need to know rly

Seethe, libtard.

Still mad that you got fuckin toasted like eight different times in this thread?

Thought so.

Blow it out your ass, libtard.

Literally any time someone has a better point than a right-winger:
>haha r u mad xddd

Shut up, libtard.

Weak stuff, libtard.

Next person to say 'libtard' in place of an actual argument has actual literal braindamage and proves my point that the right wing have literally no debate points.

The US is a top oil producer and exporter, we can be the number 1 producer and exporter by just flipping a switch and turning it up to full blast.

Not that it matters, the argument is whether or not Venezuela is sucking dick because of oil prices or socialism.....easy answer it to look at all those great socialist 1st world nations out there...Oh wait after almost 100 years of trying there aren't any 1st world purely socialist states and a significant number of socialist states that have to close their borders to force their citizens to stay in their respective shit holes.


also libtard

We beat your shitty candidate. If we have brain damage, you must have no brain at all, libtard.

>America is a republic, not a democracy.
Taken the Ben Garrison pill, I see.

Actually, a democratic republic (like the US) is a democracy. Democracy only means that there is elections. People's republics are undemocratic, and some monarchies have parliamentary democracy.

The phrase "america is a republic not a democracy" is brainlet-tier

Threads like these always attract the bots

It's hard to tell if they're bots or just elementary school dropouts.

Shut up, libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Samefag libtard

Not a bot, you're just losing.


Attached: IMG_3326.jpg (125x125, 4K)

Sure libtard.

no they don't mean the same thing, your own thoughts on which metric are admittedly riddled with bias. are you being purposefully retarded or what?

Literally complains about government waste while saying "We need to do this for health and education".


Seethe, libtard.

>we can just destroy the infrastructure on it and lose all the workers and then just flip the switch back on at the drop of a hat
Look honestly I've never been a fan of big oil, but this is just ridiculous. I'm gonna stop commenting with you because the things you're saying just sound contradictory and illogical. I'm not hung over or drunk enough for this kinda shit right now.

Attached: 911.jpg (480x320, 28K)

Not an argument, libtard.

Threads like this are why when someone asks me what my politics are I say "libertarian" and not "right wing"

Still mad she lost, libtard?

I took no pills but the ones prescribed in the constitution. Along with the founding fathers' warnings against democracy(Jefferson-Tyranny of the mob Farnklin 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner)
"Democratic republic" is a bullshitic term coined by leftists who want to erode the republic into a democracy to pave the way for their socialist eutopian pipe dreams.
Your arguments are as old as they are irrelevant. Debunked over and over again for half a century.
Literally none of what you said is true.

Attached: 1464083159425.jpg (720x684, 19K)

Stay mad, libtard.

Don't forget "libtard". Read this thread... They ran out of actual arguments after like 5 minutes and just starting echoing "HURR HURR LIBTARD" for the entire fucking thread.

Shut up, libtard.

So instead of arguing over who pays for 500 dollar text books, let's just agree that textbooks shouldn't be 500 damn dollars.

Newtonian physics hasn't changed since Newton, so why the fuck is Pearson releasing a 'new revised' edition every damn year and why the fuck are schools making the newest editions mandatory?!

There's the real problem.

Sure libtard.

Is metric the buzz word of the day?
or is retarded?
You made no argument, and what i said stands. You are basically a walking tape recording chirping the same drivel over and over again.
I have no metric. I have a constitution.

Attached: utried.jpg (500x371, 18K)

i'm not the one trying to act like my country is the best, while simultaneously saying fuck anyone that can be compared with it(because you can't defend the rank you assigned), don't be so upset that the US isn't the powerhouse it used to be.

Stay mad, libtard.

23,000,000,000,000 and counting (up)

A democracy and a representative republic aren't the same things.
Saying they are is plain wrong.

Seethe, libtard.

you still haven't specified in which way you think it's better, other than now i guess having a constitution, yet there are plenty of other countries that have them too.


Still mad she lost, libtard?

They're not real people, please don't let this be your image of right-wingers.

They're clearly liberals parodying actual good men. I have another thread going where we can talk actual politics.

I am sure I can convince you to see my way on religion and the mass immigration crisis, but I'll do it with actual reason and not this painfully obvious spam bait.

Again, these aren't real right-wing people, DO NOT look down on us for this, most of us are very intelligent people.

Sure libtard.

Sure libtard.

Our taxes are a tad high, but by comparison to canada, the UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden,... throw a dart at any nation in europe actually, and you'll find US taxes are significantly lower.

College is pricey, but more optional than people think. Kids need to view college as an investment for their career and it'll pay for itself before your 30's if you use it as such, and not go for some masters in liberal arts feminist underwater basket weaving degree.

hospitals? We have some of the most reputable doctors and medical services in the world in the US. People will fly here to be treated for serious conditions and specialized surgeries. So I'll assume you're instead talking about the cost. Its not really that difficult to get health insurance to be honest. The best way to improve medical costs would be to instead look towards the drug administrations and look to impose more regulation there, or make it slightly easier for 3rd party producers to enter that market for competition. The issue there is a monopoly on the product providers, and not so much the healthcare system itself.

>muh mass shootings
really over sensationalized. You're 10x more likely to slip and break your neck in the shower than ever die to a mass shooting. I would much rather allow people a proper means to defend themselves than attempt to ban a relatively simple technology that can be easily manufactured in a garage by anyone looking to break the law anyway if you have 2 braincells to rub together.

Liberals want the debt to rise to the sky...
Are you paying attention?

Other countries mean nothing.
As does whatever argument you are still trying to cobble together.

Attached: 1416999947816.jpg (680x380, 49K)

Still mad she lost, libbie?

I simply look down on you for redditspacing, not having a political opinion.

>Democratic republic" is a bullshitic term coined by leftists
Take your pills, bro.

You're fucking stupid.


>Generally, there are two types of democracy: direct and representative.

>when you have to keep bringing up the harpy to have someone to make Zion Don look good by comparison
go back to your containment thread on Cred Forums kushnershill

Attached: Ron Paul Trump Clinton.jpg (900x796, 310K)

Stay mad, libtard.

Are you a bot or a moron?

>Other countries mean nothing.
it's almost as if I already said you were saying that.

Seethe, libtard.

Based as fuck

Shut up, libtard

Wrong party, guy.

I'm a constitutionalist. A constitutionalist that thinks things need to get French soon, and we need to see some of the 'elite' dangle-dance from a few tree branches.

Wikipedia links!!!!
Oh no, he's bringing in the heavy artillery now!
What's next, snopes?

Attached: 1413417568327.png (397x379, 151K)

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Stay mad, libtard.


Attached: 1576162299013.jpg (900x439, 107K)

Sure libtard.


One of us doesn't know what they're talking about.

You haven't actually said anything. Just stringing a bunch of words together

Attached: 1411065539042.png (625x626, 181K)

Shut up, libtard.

Oh shit you're right. Force of habit.

Reddit has some okay places, we can hang out on r/the_donald sometimes, it got quarantined but eh, it was good while it lasted

Anyway for actual fucking debate don't use this thread, it's been hijacked by false flag liberals.

The reply wasn't from me btw, it's that liberal dick trying to implicate me.

Seethe, libtard.

Sure libtard.

NBC source..
The pinnacle of unbiased and honest reporting.


Attached: 1573077348741.jpg (1200x1200, 158K)

Well, at least he has something biased, and objective backing him up!

Attached: 1438340363829.jpg (400x300, 99K)

Shut up, libtard.

Wikipedia links > memes and denial
The point remains, saying that the US is "hurr durr a republic not a democracy" is fucking retarded, as it is a democratic republic.

Sure libtard.

100% guarantee he responds like "Sure libtard" because he's trying so vewy vewy hard

Seethe, libtard.

Is that your programmed response when someone asks if you're a bot?

I'm sorry you can't understand when words are being used that are a tad above your prowess. i should have expected as much from an ignorant nationalist, but sometimes you have to give retards the benefit of the doubt.

It's thanks to socialism that Hitler saved Germany's economy from the kikes's doings.

The multi job rate is the lowest it's ever been

Fucking kek.

>where breadlines wait on you

Attached: breadline.jpg (640x480, 108K)

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.


Not an argument, libtard.

I swear you Trumptards are even dumber than niggers.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Attached: libtard.jpg (600x450, 88K)

Sure libtard.

Seethe, libtard.

Shut up, libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

You're some overweight poor and angry white male lol muh "Hitler was right" Is what edgy 13yr olds say you psycho fag lol

Sure libtard.

Attached: great-depression-breadline.jpg (576x423, 35K)

Everybody got over it years ago... everybody except you.

Attached: 1516838873728.jpg (600x600, 18K)

Stay mad, libtard.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

It seems like he just cycles between
>Sure libtard
>Seethe libtard

and a few others less common.

My theory is a liberal wrote it to make the right wing look like fucking retards. Please do not judge us by this example.

I think I like you. I might even fuck your dad.

But he has to be the catcher. I ain't no queermosexual.

Sure libtard.

Holy shit it really is a bot, it gives that exact response every time the word bot it is in a post that's amazing.
Makes as much sense as anything

The world is enslaved by debt from a private central bank.
You are a slave.
Who is the master, who runs the bank that owns you?

Seethe, libtard.

Shut up, libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Yeah I'm gonna stop responding I guess. It's way less fun when it's not even a real person you're making mad. Like why should I type witty bantz for a fucking C++ widget?

Been fun guys. Or a few of you anyway.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Stay mad, libtard.

No it isn't. Take a picture of a page with a founder saying so, if you want this argument to go further.
Your argument has devolved into "Nu-uh."
That this is a democratic republic is a statement not of fact but of wishful thinking, and it's boring.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Attached: libtard 2.jpg (960x960, 78K)

Not a bot, you're just losing.

lmao there're two of them responding to each other.


Sure libtard.

They shouldn't be $500. It is extortion on vulnerable semi ignorant young adults, that only works because people have been lead to believe college is a mandatory thing in the world, creating an artificial high demand.

How would this be solved though? You could look to impose regulations on publishers perhaps.
Ideally, people would start looking more into trade skills to lower the demand and the market would kind of sort itself out more.
Depending on the books, students may just bypass the purchase and instead use an open source equivalent for the material. Which is easy enough for your example of physics books.

Its hard to say what would be the most responsible solution, but I feel the best course would require a collective of people being more responsible consumers, rather than one person imposing legislation that may have adverse side effects elsewhere. Unfortunately, that is more difficult to accomplish.

So I'm not who you're responding to but how does a democratic republic differ from what the US has and why does it make a difference?


This is a weird fuckin thread man

I understand you just fine.
This is why I brush you off.
Your belief I am ignorant can be lived with, because I don't care about your opinion.
That I am a nationalist is actually fact. Your one world pipe dreams will never come to pass.
Get accustomed to that, and try your pedantic arguments on someone you can actually get a rise out of, kiddo.

Attached: 1419952111486.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Stay mad, libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

Sure libtard.

>As to the Economy...I have 3 jobs and I still can’t pay my rent

You may not want to get your talking point from AOC.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

Retard. The government took ownership of the oil companies. Fucking idiot.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

No she didn't. Hillary had over 3 million more votes than Trump The Traitor. The bullshit electoral college stole and gave Trump The Traitor the office.

Time for you Trumptards to get over the fact that your cult leader is a fucking loser.


Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

>take a picture of a founding father saying so
I thought you were trolling, now you're just coming off as ignorant and stupid.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-02-02 at 16.56.32.png (844x102, 31K)

Not a bot, you're just losing.

The US is a republic.
It's quite true that there are democratic elements, and have been from the outset, such as local elections and ballot questions.
But it is officially a republic in the we elect representatives to legislate, and sign/veto laws.
A Republic ensures that 51% of a populace is not dictating what the other 49% does.
Which is what a pure democracy would do.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Don't bother with this thread. Unless you want a really funny bot near the end.

Still mad she lost?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

He's trying to pretend that representative democracy is not a form of democracy.

>219 replies
>41 posters

Almost like there's 100 instances of a bot telling itself it's not a bot, hahaha

Shut up, libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

The bot keeps responding to itself, can somebody legit fix it already?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Did Franklin, or Jefferson make that wiki entry.
I meant take a pic of a document, or even a modern book referring to a document.
Talk to me when you're done with freshman year

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Asks for source.
Gets source.
Disputes source without googling anything for himself.

OK whatever this thread turned into a monkey flinging poo thread a long time ago.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

you don't understand me though, because you still haven't been able to answer the first question you replied to without "fuck ever other country" which you can't have a best if you compare it to nothing, i cannot think of any other way to lower it to where a normal sub-70 iq nationalist can understand. i'm not even trying to troll, just trying to understand how one can be so fucked, but i guess i will never find my answer out from you. The problem lies in the fact i thought you were the average level of intellect for a nationalist, not substandard.

He says, using a cellphone

He's got a beer and no gut. OK fine, I wanna be him anyways.

Seethe, libtard.

>My theory is a liberal wrote it to make the right wing look like fucking retards. Please do not judge us by this example.
pretty sure you're correct. it seems to be blindly replying to any post, regardless of what side the content is on.

Surprisingly a good step up from the normal shilling leftists tried to do years prior. Not that that really says too much. Maybe they finally figured out what a bump limit is.

Am I the only person laughing at the bot? You guys are having a political argument like this isn't the silliest robot thread in years.

pick one

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Attached: 1494876149531.jpg (317x699, 181K)

It's a modern classification, but that doesn't make it wrong. It is a democracy no matter how hard you pretend it isn't. Representatives are elected (aka democracy), but being a democracy doesn't make their powers unlimited. John Adams said that the republic is a government of laws, not of men.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-02-02 at 17.03.50.png (1468x386, 84K)

I cherry pick my political opinions, and it seems to basically reply like "Seeth libtard" whenever I say any controversial topic. It'll even say it if I say the Republican stance on it sometimes.

Don't really like this false flag bullshit, it makes BOTH sides look more childish than they even are and makes people feel divided.


Attached: 1568662306300.jpg (620x348, 50K)

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

>makes people feel divided.
tbh I think this is the real reason. Keep people from having intelligent conversation and you ensure division which prevents any meaningful action on the part of anyone on any side.

I do understand you.
And if you think you are to be taken seriously with all you childish ad hominem shit, think again.
I did not say fuck any other country, I said their way of doing things is irrelevant to ours.
You do not get to dictate the frame of anyone's conversation, much less someone more wise and intelligent that your emotional little self.
You are obviously young, and looking at the world through info you have been spoon fed by professors in your first year.
Whether we are the best is actually irrelevant to me as well. We are who we are.
Not who Europe is
Not who the UN is
Not anyone.
The only thing I am actually having trouble with is who you think you are that I should care about your opinion?
You are, like myself. a nobody on Cred Forums having a conversation that I am sure to forget even happened 10 minutes after it's over.
Where does your arrogance come from?
I almost believe you are not trying to troll. But you do not sound more intelligent than those who are.

Attached: 1452794210758.png (800x500, 33K)

bot, or a trumptard?
either way, fucking useless

No one cares what Hillary is doing except Republicans.

All you keep saying is "uh huh yes it is."
I can almost see you jumping up and down with your fingers in your ears.

Attached: 1379441124102.jpg (208x199, 14K)

>Don't really like this false flag bullshit, it makes BOTH sides look more childish than they even are and makes people feel divided.
It is rather unfortunate. However I'm kind of curious if you're right about this bot actually replying based of key words or phrases. I wont test other words yet, lets see if it just picks up on 'bot' first. For science.

it's really bullshit. People think their opponents are some distant, cold psychopaths who want full control and hate their own family.

It doesn't help that the more this idea propagates, the less people want to hear their "enemies" explain themselves.

What also doesn't help is people who write bots that are total fucking muppets, to make the opposing political side look like morons.

I literally posted a cite by John Adams, like you fucking asked, you dumb piece of shit.

"no matter what you say"
THAT'S sure objective and well reasoned!

Attached: 1552503096043.jpg (652x960, 463K)

Sure libtard.

I'm voting for whoever wins the Democratic primary idga single fuck if it's Biden, Bernie, Bloomberg, Warren or any of the others.

And I already stated earlier there are democratic elements. That quote does not indicate we were designed as a democracy.
Read it again, and you will see he is cautioning against democratic rule.

As many voted against Hillary in '16

Shut up, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Times have changed with the orangemanbad Trump effect, there won't be much infighting after the nominee is chosen.

With you. I think Bernie is trending really hard right now.

>you dumb piece of shit.
The arrogance of youth. Stay mad, kid.

Attached: 1428394940237.jpg (318x500, 58K)

It's not doing it this time. I don't get it, it was even getting triggered by itself before, got caught in a loop.

It *could* be a dude with a keyboard macro but it wouldn't explain how it even called conservatives a libtard, or how it got stuck.

Maybe the author changed it.

I do enjoy watching them fight to see who loses to trump

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voted trump 2016 voting bernie 2020 because what we have now is a fucking moron

While I doubt I could sway your opinion, I'm curious as to why? Bernie and Warren are relatively similar, but Biden and Bloomberg are vastly different, with 3 very different ideals that could almost be split into entirely separate political parties. In fact, they should be split into 3 separate parties to be honest. Is it just due to disliking Trump?

Still mad she lost, libtard?

except she actually won, but lost due to an archaic technicality in our flawed system that highly favors repubs as they've taken advantage of it twice in just a couple decades now.

so you're not the one who said
>Our own. the only one that matters
>Other countries mean nothing.
? or are you just trying to weasel your way out like all the nationalists do?




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Still mad she lost, libtard?

Good for you and yes, you're right.

>That quote does not indicate we were designed as a democracy.
Historians literally point out that the founding fathers regarded republics to be a form of representative democracy. That quote literally says the same.

>Read it again, and you will see he is cautioning against democratic rule.
He's cautioning against direct democracy, and advocating representative democracy. Which the US is. I'm tired of this bullshit, and I'm not going to humour you any more. You've been listening too much to right-wing talking heads that try to justify gerrymandering and the fact that Trump lost the popular vote. I mean, I don't care particularly by either, it is a system that both sides of the aisle has used and misused. But I'm bothered by the level of ignorance people fall for. The US is a federal republic (constitutional republic) that has representative democracy. It is, by any standard, a democratic republic. Go take some political science classes if you don't believe me.

Trump has less than a year left of his reign of terror. Get over it.

libtard bad

is this passing for edgy these days?

Did I hurt your poor little fayfays?
Being arrogant doesn't mean I'm wrong, cry more you butthurt little snowflake.

I said both of those things.
I did not say fuck other countries, as you later claimed in the hopes it would bolster you and continue your childish ad hominem shit
In terms of how we govern, both of the things you quoted are true.

If elections were solely based on the popular vote, candidates would only rally in CA, NY, TX, and ignore the rest of the nation. Why is that a good idea?

Sure libtard.

He's not real, he's a bot made by a leftist. Please stay and chat with a real right-winger with social skills and come away feeling more positive.

no I voted against her..you fucking moron

Sure libtard.

Seethe, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Noooo he turned the fucking bot back on!

you mean like they pretty much already do? the candidates don't care about your podunk town in kentucky with the electoral college, and they won't without it either.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

I don't give a fuck what you humor, kid.
I hope you stay this frothing mad all day.
You cry and bitch, and act like you are the reasonable one, here.
I have clearly wasted my time trying to talk sensibly to you. You have said nothing without bitching. You are to be brushed aside, along with your ideology. You hurt nothing. Don't flatter yourself.
You're cranky. Go have a nice glass of juice.

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Stay mad, libtard.

libtard bad

>Is it just due to disliking Trump?
Absolutely, we all have our preferences, just as we all have opinions. But in the end who leads the country after the 2020 elections is not as fundamentally important as who does NOT lead the country.

libtard good

I did not vote for Hillary she is about half the scum fuck that Trump is and that it's WAAAAAAYYY to much. Trump's not even a conservative Republican. He's just a self involved rich boy rapist. Also everything he touches turns to shit. How the fuck do you make a fucking casino go broke? I'm seriously upset I might have to vote for a Democratic Scocialist. Fuck. Where did all the decent Republicans with integrity and morals go to?

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so then how can you try to say
>Whether we are the best is actually irrelevant to me as well. We are who we are.
while also trying to say that the only thing that matters is the thought that we are the best?

libtard neutral

If you followed Trump's 2016 campaign, you'd find that isn't remotely close to what happened. A vast majority of his rallies were in the rust belt, and various other states you'd likely deem as just a 'flyover' state.

Yo, he dead.

Sure libtard.

It sure looks like a bot. The same exact post, punctuation identical, every 30 seconds. If it's not a bot - it sure is pathetic.

libtard good?

Nice non-argument. Couldn't even refute a single thing from my post I see. What a fucking waste of time.

trumps dumbass will be out in 1 or or 5 years makes no difference to me really. I'll be laughing when SDNY gets him when hes kicked out of office

I really hope it's a bot and not an actual human with an IQ of about 20.

It seems repetitive and glitchy enough to actually be a bot though, I'm considering this solved.
Still gonna fuck with it though, bored anyway.


cheers m8. i'm not really a liberal, more of a slightly left-leaning centrist, but right leaning on some issues particularly the 2nd amendment.

libtard better

So, is Ben "Took a hike to gas a kike" Garrison still mad at us improving himps comics, or is he now free to admit that he'd love to see all non-whites dead?

I agree, we all have our preferences, but I'm still a tad curious as to why you dislike him hard enough to elect somebody who may have policies you'd find far worse. We've isolated it down to disliking Trump, and wanting anybody else instead, but why exactly?

I can understand if its for his personality, thats simple enough. I don't think that should be as important as actual actions however.

So if its due to policies, what has he done, or is trying to do that opposes you hard enough to potentially vote for another person you'll dislike?

The standard of living in the US has been in decline for a few Presidents now. We just got off Obama's coat tails. Now we're about to see if Trump has fucked us or helped this country. As a man who assembled solar panels for a living and lost his job along with tens of thousands of other Americans so Trump could "save" a few coal jobs. I must say this Trump dude has not a single clue what the fuck is really going on. This country runs itself but he is still managing fucking shit up.

Trump played a slightly different game than typical. He knew his base well without a doubt. Uneducated whites in the bible/rust belts. Despite that, he still couldn't actually care less about the people who love him so much. Imagine thinking a NY billionaire and con artist isn't part of the elite these people so vehemently despise.

No I'm fine as a right-winger but feel free to discuss your own progressive views with us, we're chill down here.

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sure libtard.

not the guy who you are replying, but-
I have been studying this.
IMO, IMHO-this is a training ground for liberal trolls. I do not know but believe the long tie guy is the 'trainer' or similar.

The goal is propaganda and the ends justify any means. The largest view count is on the first pg. The number of posts determines the ability to stay on the front page. Post and image count will 404 the thread.

I feel there is about 3 constantly and therefore they have the ability to start viable threads. They post both sides of the debate as long as necessary to propagate the thread.

They used to post the thread count up to the time they can not stay on the front pg. They used to post fin or other notification and would abandon thread. In almost every case there is at least one new thread started at that time.

Hey that capitalisation was different!


ensure, libtard

Attached: l-ensure-original-vanilla-7545-3057.jpg (375x375, 17K)

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Check the replies. Bump limit's reached. He's packed it up and gone. This thread will self destruct.

I'm too tired to follow entirely but very good observations.

The only thing they could gain is making people hate right-wingers more but that seems so childish to me.
Plus if they're leftist, their bot is gonna piss off leftists and make their own allies feel upset. I'm sure that's an acceptable casualty but it's still a dick move just to incite some anti-right sentiment.

Not sure why I'm still in this thread tbh, I kinda want it to 404.

Thank god tbh. Was funny when the bot got stuck replying to itself earlier though.

>Uneducated whites in the bible/rust belts
perhaps people might be more inclined to listen to your ideals if you don't paint all your opposition with a broad brush. Contrary to what you've been told, there is about an equal level of intellectual people on the other side of politics.


en pure, libtard!

>I kinda want it to 404
from studying this, it will in very few posts-



endure, libtard