What is the easiest way to be an hero Cred Forums

what is the easiest way to be an hero Cred Forums
europoor here so guns not an option
give me something painless and fast pls
if something good i can livestream it
thanks for your company all this year
pic somewhat related

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Im Euro here too. Yea guns are unavailable. Try hanging or CO poisoning. Hanging might be a bit of pain but first half minute. Then you pass out and thats it. But in case of interruption you might end up with brain damage and physical and mental disability.

Souce:I tried to hang myself about year ago and pussied out

i know the ammonia bleach trick but the burning seems terrible
i need a good, easy and fast way
pills seems ok but meh, also i dont know what kind of pills gonna do the trick
if i had a vehicle that would be very easy

hanging is an option worth considering

Not doing it. Can't lose if you don't play

pills are weird. You can throw them up and just be brain damaged for life. Alternatively if youre saying like tylonol for liver failure, Id suggest against it. Its a slow painful death over a week plus.

Just asphyxiate yourself tbh. Like a hanging but easier. Had suicidal ideation for a while now and the noose on your neck and kneel method seems the best.

i mean I knew a guy who sliced open his brachial artery. just sliced across the top of his elbow and bled out.

The related pic, do you have the link to that video?

Also, I would not like to see you dying and expelling shit, piss and other bodily fluids, keep your death to yourself you faggot.

Find a way to pass for an extensive period of time and jump on the water or some shit like that. If you're well sedated, you'll not regain consciousness.

Find where the "refugees" are and got there

this is such a classic. literally went directly from seeing her cuck boyfriend off to war to a porn shoot. exact same outfit.

a warm bath, a man of culture

no links if i had i would gladly share everything, all i got is some pics of mine with her but my dick is not gonna be in your folder

also, drowning is awfull 1/10

Asphyxiation with a physiologically inert gas would be my method of choice. I would choose carbon monoxide poisoning if CO was easily available in home like it was 50 years ago.

Get a mask, connect it to a source of inert gas (helium and nitrogen are cheap and easily available), sit on your sofa and just start breathing. Allegedly you'll be unconscious and unable to remove the mask in a matter of a few breaths. Then you'll just die to lack of oxygen.

thank you Cred Forumsro!
all the best to you!!

Just shoot yourself, easy

Literally search "cheating girlfriend" on Pornhub and it's like the first video you fucking mongoloid.


I hope you don't go through with it dude, bu as someone with a lot of suicidal thoughts going on right now i know what it's like.

I don't think it's worth it dude, especially not for some thot.

It costs £50 to just turn up at a place to shoot clay pigeons. The second you have the gun and know how to shoot it just pop your shoe off and use it to pull the trigger with the barrel in your mouth

>I don't think it's worth it dude, especially not for some thot.

it's a lot more than that
I never expected to pass 25, now i did and my life is not fixable in any way, problems stacks day by day, not much to do nor the will for it

It was a good trip lads!
Have fun!

Here you go. Actually know a guy who did it this way. Called the services and put the mask on. When they arrived 15 mins later there was already no reviving him.

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Kill a cop & take his gun.

Why not this OP?
Easy quick and painless

Eat 30 asprin.

>boo boo I'm getting close to 30 and have problems.
welcome to life kid. now get your hand off your dick and get it fixed.
>but I'm a lazy retard
yeah no shit. you could have searched easy ways to die but you wanted attention

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>an hero
"an hero" is a verb, you stupid nigger
"How do I an hero, Cred Forums?" is the proper way to ask.
I suggest you wait in your shame for death to take you. I hope you live to be 100, and spend 80 of those years wearing a diaper.

Go up and grab a cop's gun, dummy.

Jump off a bridge or a building.

You got nothing to lose at this point, how about you start selling drugs for money and build a small empire? When you know you’re about to get caught, that’s when you end it.

Who episode is she in?
