10 hour hospital visit

>10 hour hospital visit
>A couple of ice water cups
>They drew blood 3 times
>Saw a doctor a total of 10 minutes
>Sent a $3,000 bill
>Land of the free

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just don't pay it

>Just don't pay it
Yeah, then they open an account with the credit bureau and tank your credit or start the process to get a judgement and if it's ruled in their favor, they can take money from your paychecks or your personal property, like your vehicle.

Why the fuck did you go to the hospital if you didn't have an emergency?
Ever hear of a urgent care clinic? Or maybe even call a doctor's office and make an appointment?

You realize the prices are inflated to reflect what they can fleece the insurance companies for?
You are free to call the hospital and tell them you have no insurance and the bill is way too high, 100% guarantee they adjust the billed costs.

You are a goofball.

OP is obviously unemployed so he won't have to worry about wage garnishing

You retarded fucking NEETs.
Don't just skip the point.

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the point is pay your fucking doctor, you fucking Bernout

>he doesn't have medicare and social security disability
lmao @ ur "life"

Blood tests cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000 depending on what they're testing for. Just dispute it once it shows up on your credit report. Most collectors won't spend the time required to actually prove you owe money and the account will be closed.

Source: Used to be an unemployed shithead with 4 negative accounts on my report. Simply reported them to TransUnion saying I had no clue what this account was for. They contact the collectors and are required to provide a fuck ton of information to prove you owe them money. None of them ever do and it's not worth the time, so one by one, the accounts were closed.

>A 10 minute conversation with a doctor who did nothing but order a blood test
Holy shit, this is how Ameritards think.

You were free not to go commie. It sounds like nothing was wrong with you you fucking hypochondriac.

They can't do that shit with medical bills. It's the law. They may send the debt to a collections agency but legally medical bile cannot affect your credit score or garnish your wages. Just don't pay it.

You may not be able to return to that hospital however

This. The reason you got treated like shit is because they more than likely took your vitals, your blood pressure, saw you were actually fine and realized you were going to be a waste of a bed and a waste of their time for hours. Meanwhile, people with real life emergencies are coming in.

OP is definitely voting for Bernie

t. someone who has no clue what they're talking about

Yes, yes they can. They can sue you and get a judgement taken out on you. Also, yes... not paying medical bills can absolutely be put onto your credit score if they send your debt to a collection agency. Not paying a bill can ruin your life. Try getting a vehicle, an apartment or any kind of loan with shit credit.

If you think it would be cheaper under socialized medicine you're wrong. In fact socialization of billing is exactly why you're paying the $3000. Get this, the reason you paid $3000 is because all the other people in the emergency room who won't pay a single penny because of their financial situation.
Do you honestly think getting the government involved is going to make costs go down? What a horrible idea...Let's take one of the largest bureaucracies known to man, the health care system, and put it under the largest bureaucracy ever, the US government, and expect costs to go down.
You wanna cut hospital costs? Start asking how much things cost. You wanna save yourself some money? Next time go to an accute care clinic not an emergency room.

Don't give them a real Ssn. They sell the bill to a collection company

>Have medical insurance
>Still have to pay hundreds of dollars for a visit under "co-pay"

Not only this but scam collection companies will find out you had a hospital visit and attempt to open up an account. If you're a NEET, most hospitals won't even report it because you're not worth the time.

>Americans justifying their bullshit health care system
Meanwhile, here in Canada. I'm pretty cozy.

I fixed your shit you babbled on about up there

Your leader is an ultimate cuck
Your women are self-absorbed ego-driven sociopathic cunts
Your country legalized fucking dogs
You're overrun with french niggers and refugees in major cities

I think I'm good here.

Ok well similar to OP I've gotten bills in the thousands even WITH insurance for just a couple hours in the hospital and I simply don't pay it and block the phone calls from the collections agencies and it's been fine.

Vote for Bernie he's going to give everyone who crosses the border illegally free healthcare. Trust me if you're making $50,000-$200,000 a year your taxes won't go up at all!

Bernie's not going to do a fucking thing. Neither congress or senate would vote for any of his stupid fucking ideas.