Why are men becoming increasingly feminized? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Why are men becoming increasingly feminized? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

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>smiling is feminine
okay, retard

What's so feminine about these guys?

They're not. There's always been feminine men. You're just swallowing some Alt right MGTOW bullshit bait hook line and sinker because you're an ignorant and uneducated rube.

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>Why are men becoming increasingly feminized?

Prove they are.

So i guess i'm feminine now because of my piercings and my smile

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Look at their dead fucking eyes bro. It ain't normal or healthy

Men aren't becoming more feminine? Really?
How stupid can you possibly be?
Men today are exactly as masculine as men in the 40s and 50s.


Educate yourself you fucking flyover state tool.

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Oh you're feminine as fuck. Soft as cotton.

Adorable lesbian

Thanks guys, i think it's because i CONSOOM 50 liters of soy milk every day

>uses wikipedia as source
>implies higher education
>wew you look dumb as fuck kid.

Good argument. You win. Oh wait, you're a moron.

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Men are exactly the same as they've always been. Nothing has changed. You're right.

>wikipedia isn't a source

Suck a dick faggot, neither is Infowars

>alt right whack job implies wikipedia is a liberal conspiracy.

A reminder that people like you exist is going to keep a smile on my face for the rest of the morning. Thank you . :D

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Prove it.

Cred Forumstards only have “feelings” to argue with. You FEEL men are “more feminine” when you have three chins, are pale and slimy, and live with your mom

Fashion and society changes, but it's cyclical. Get some perspective.

pyrocynical dark version

Damn your reading comprehension is at a new level!!! An all time low! You're even more retarted than I originally thought!

Men today are exactly as masculine as they've always been and always will be. That's what u said.

(((( You know who ))))

No one wants a docile population of slaves to rule..
No one wants to disarm you...
No man or group of men has ever conspired to consolidate power or currency ever..
It's all coincidence.

Feminists are trying to neuter men bc it’s just a way to bully and still feel like the good guy. Don’t submit to it. It’s really one of the biggest reasons mass shootings have become a daily thing in america. And before ppl call me an incel, look up what turns men into serial killers and if mass shootings and serial killers have a different psychology...

Hopefully something will be done about these women before things get too bad.

Jesus dude yeah men smiling more means the shadowy cabal of elites have cowled the population into slavery. Jesus you are fucking retarded. and I bet you lick the boot of every capitalist out there while pretending you have a problem with people hoarding currency

>men, implying all of them are becoming soy filled faggots
Right, you try that again tomorrow, faggot

That's the numale smile, yo.

you retards realize soy contains plant estrogen, right? like, as in it does fuck all to mammals? Jesus even if it did do you realize the amount you would have to consume to see any noticable difference at all? right wingers are so fucking stupid. none of you have any idea what you are talking about.

right wingers are now the smile police lol. seriously how fucking uptight do you gotta be to get upset that people smile differently from you?

Post your pic if you think you're more masculine than any of those 3 dudes.

On what planet is that shit considered smiling?

Think these guys collected comic books, faggot?

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>three chins, are pale and slimy, and live with your mom
This is what OP is talking about. Men are soft today. Most men don't work with their hands. They don't play sports. They are pussy whipped or virgins.

Bow down to the emerging matriarchy, bois!

an ugly lesbian

wow, youre retarded. its not like hes writing an academic paper or some shit. Wikipedia is perfectly valid source for a Cred Forums argument. people only say this shit if they have no argument and disagree with the point

Those aren't men. Pic related are men.

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Men are always as masculine as they've ever been and will always be the exact same. There is no change because wikipedia said their were effeminate guys in the past.
Damn nice evidence.

No man or group of men has ever conspired to amass power or currency, you're right.

What an ugly lesbian

there were obviously people like that back before now. these same types of faggots were literally writing fan fiction about sherlock holmes in the late 1800s. these autists have always existed, just in different forms

more effeminate men means more pussy for the rest of us. fuck it, let them be fags if they wanna be

Men today are exactly the same as men from 400 years ago.
There has not been any change. It's exactly the same.

why do you keep saying this? do you think youre proving a point?

I wish someone would feminize me

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Point? On b?
You must be new here, dumbfuck.

you just look dumb

Because of feminism. First wave hot voting rights. Then the welfare state exploded into existence. The women used said welfare to start be single moms. Now we are drowning in generations of fatherless homes. You get the many shitty posts in this thread as a result also.

If you want proof men are feminized notice how men aren't even willing to support someone who says "women belong at home" anonymously. They're too busy wacking off to porn and consuming propaganda. If you've still been paying to go watch Hollywood films in the last 5 years you're wrong

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Those numbers

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they so desperate for female approbation that they've lost themselves, I pity such weak creatures

Whether I am or not (I may very well be!) isn't the question. I can guess that you think men are not more feminine, but your defensive tone suggests that you may fear being judged by others to be less masculine than they are.

You are aware that you can check the sources cited on Wikpedia, right?

they so desperate for female approbation that they've lost themselves, I pity such weak creatures

you probably smile like this cuck

Thank you for the thoughtful answer. This is the kind of answer I was hoping for.
Thing about giving in women's demand for the vote, or the abolitionists, or any group that wants more "liberty" is, how can you deny them? What grounds are there?
Obviously, feminism and other progressive policies have caused the kinds of problems you discuss. But what is the alternative? It seems to be a no-win situation.
Greater freedom for a greater number of groups results in...a societal breakdown? Is there no way to mitigate the destruction of the family, work ethic, and personal responsibility?

>Alt right MGTOW

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ITT Zoomers and Millenials argue about their insecurity and about a time they weren’t even born in. Who fucking cares, morons? Neck yourself already, unironically.

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Okay incel


Bro stfu lol, you're writing dumb shit that nobody cares about, this thread won't even be archived, you're waisting your time loser

Lol this is sad, you're pathetic. It hurts you to know that women are free and don't have to listen to you. Loser.

Nigga u gay as fuq

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Fuck gender roles and fuck masculinity. I'd rather be a free individual who gets to express his emotions be it crying or telling a friend how uncomfortable I was with X thing they did, I don't want to be some fucking loser who bottles up his emotions because that what people expect of him, that's a shitty life

You're pretty safe down in your mother's basement

It's funny that you didn't post a picture of yourself

That whole open mouth bit only works when you're looking away from the camera.

These guys are like three feet tall lol. Post your pic fam.

Are you fucking stupid? Colleges don't accept wikipedia as a source.
Please omit yourself from the gene pool you jackass retard.

Hey hang on let me put on this insanely ruffly shirt, a bunch of makeup and a wig like a real man from the olden times. OP has never been delighted so he has justified his suppression and crippling sadness by deciding happiness is only for fags. Those grapes are sour anyway.

They accept the same sources you find on Wikipedia though! :)

How would you even begin to measure such a subjective thing? Even if guys are becoming more feminine is that really a bad thing? Expressing feelings is seen as a girl trait, but in reality it's a important thing to do. The expressing of feelings could lead to more guys with suicidal thoughts getting help, so in some aspects I'm fine with it.

You're not really this daft, right?
Jokes on me for falling for your bait, unless you actually are that fucking stupid.

Wtf are you on about

You tell em, sonny!

OP here. I could very well be among the men who feminization I question. I am talking about men now compared with the past. The men in the two pictures are from two generations. The men in the older picture had harder lives, materially, and were therefore harder men, I believe.

why is ceekay filled with faggots like yourself?

I look like the guys in the OP pic. What's your point? I didn't say men are less masculine than myself. I asked whether men are becoming more feminine and why.

I wish your pic also incorporated the gif os this chick getting ktfo at an antifa gathering

they do not acceot wikpedia since you are not supposed to cite any encyclopeidas as they only contain only summaries of the research of others and are not primary sources. however he wasn't writing an essay at college. this is an argument on Cred Forums and the same standards do not apply. people only say this if they have no counter argument

Lol, not in my country! They fine with wikipedia.

Bad (10-100 years)short term because women need to adjustand wont and we need strength to change shit politically. Good long term because being angry and horny all the time sucks and traps are the master race.

They post on Cred Forums

You know you can check out the references on Wikipedia right? Feel free to do that. Those are valid sources.

>Wtf are you on about
Can you read or no?

chainlink fags are the worst

Go ahead post your pic. Sounds like YOU'RE becoming more feminine and projecting it to all men.

Is that a real beaver??

No problem. You will get shamed and ridiculed if you point out reality. If you're curious about solutions your only chance is to start small communities. The Muslims do it. They get together and all agree to follow their own set of laws. The government leaves them alone. Executing this is extremely difficult however. The Amish are very patriarchal as well. Patriarchy is the natural order and nature always wins. This female empowerment is leading to unmitigated disasters we see today. By the way, Cred Forums is not the best place to expect productive discussion. You're surrounded by actual losers here. They kind of make you appreciate your life sometimes.

Then move to Saudi Arabia or become Amish, incel

You look gay af

Do you not know how to argue logically? You seem more interested in name-calling than actual reasoning.

>Do you not know how to argue logically? You seem more interested in name-calling than actual reasoning.

Hey retard guess what your premise is flawed and all your evidence has been refuted so we're just basically dunkin on you now. Do you not have the capacity to realize you're being mocked lol

I figure that raising this issue here would be a good way to put it out there. Ironic that the mainstream culture that built Western society and gave us running water and air conditioning has bred a generation that (1) takes those things for granted, (2) cannot function without those things, and (3) no longer have the traits or support of society for building and maintaining those things.

that dude is 18 bricks high

that's 54 inches

in what world is that a man XD

Except no one has made an argument. It's all been counter claims and name-calling.

Those guys did real work. Neither of us could keep up with them for a day.

>REEEEEEEEEEEEE why won't you debate me reeeeee

I could. I work construction. Sorry you're a bitch?

You've done nothing but prove my point, just as this other user said. >

If that's true, the you could see that those guys are hard-working men. You 're either lying or stupid.

It's a bad thing. The society cannot function with women and soyboys running things. I'd say it's dietary choices and lifestyle choices that are making men into soyboys. I should know, I was starting to become a soy boy about 7 years ago. even did that 'soy' open mouth smile type thing.

It's true. Anyone under 5 feet isn't a man. Hth.

why are you projecting your own insecurities onto men in general? where's your evidence that men are overall more feminized? reeeeee

The first sentence shows there is a problem with you. The Second sentence by itself is perfectly acceptable but in the context of the first sentence shows that there is something wrong with you. soy boy

how much semen do you consume in a month?

I'm married, expecting my second child, and Christian. The bible is patriarchal too, but modern Christians are fake Christians. There is a reason women tell you actual incels to kill themselves. Look how you represent yourself. The first step in learning how to think like a man is shut up and pay attention to them. Not sperg out and name call. " I really love how that guy screeches at anyone he disagrees with i wanna let that guy fuck my brains out" said no woman ever.

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I have said three or four times that I may be a feminized male myself. Not arguing that.
This does not change the questions: Why are men becoming increasingly feminized? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Either your reading comprehension is poor, you are just stirring up shit (which is to be expected on Cred Forums), or something else.

This is how a man talks. Sperging out is fun and to be expected on Cred Forums, but some real talk doesn't hurt sometimes.

where's the evidence that men are becoming more feminized?
ive already made arguments against it

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Men are not becoming increasingly 'feminized' even by any weird definition of 'feminization'you have. /thread

Wow the boys at a summer camp lost the baseball game so they had to dress like girls.

I am erect.

I actually view it as a good thing. I’m average in looks but with the ever increasing commonality of these lefty fags it makes me more attractive to the average female. 10 years ago I couldn’t get laid to save my life, but for the last 5 I’ve been pulling ass from literally any woman I want.

Keep it up, faggots. You’re doing the right thing, lol.

Same honestly, as an aspiring femboy I’d want nothing more then for someone to turn me into a cute girly little slut~

>larping that hard won't make the prostitutes charge less

What the fuck is this bullshit?

Who said anything about prostitutes? I’m out here fucking married women and girls with boyfriends, lol.

Well, according to an user above, it's just a harmless penalty for losing a baseball game. They're not little sissyboy faggots that take it up the ass at all.

Go figure.

In the 1820s and 1830s, the waists of coats were taken to extremes, with the more fashionable men wearing girdles or corsets to reshape their waists to extreme hourglass shapes. The majority of those men were going for ladies.

I don't think all men are feminine. I used to think I was a bit until I hit my mid 30s and got married.
>Bought a house with wife and started fixing it up and growing my tool collection. Using the skills my old man who was farmer taught me as a child to do so.
>Been taking karate lessons with a bro for 3 years and I'm pretty damn fit now. It also boosted my self esteem a ton.
>My wife was a bit dominant in bed when we first met, or at least you have to give to get type mentality. Slowly been converting her to a sub. I now get BJ's at random times and I can put it in her ass whenever I want.
>Own two American bullies.
>Got a truck out of necessity for home repair stuff and for transporting stuff to the dump.
I guess the most fem thing is I'm a librarian but I love my job.


Men aren't becoming more feminine, but American males are becoming more like metro European beta males. It's the world progressives want.


>they don't usually admit they're cucked and can only get women who fuck other men

Say what you will and be as pc as you want, but in my experience, no matter how "sensitive" and "relatable" you are, and how much a woman may tell you they think that is an attractive quality, you still have to carry a certain amount of positive masculinity. If you don;t know that I am talking about or thin that means you have to be an asshole your don't project the right type of masculinity to a woman.


I would be living if someone did that shit to my kid. When you lose a game you get no pizza, you DONT dress like a fag.

Someone should be in jail over this.

It's very clearly something like the former despite how hard you wish it was the latter. Pretty weird that you WISH men were being feminized though.

>can’t get a single woman to fuck him, let alone a taken one.

Double edged sword, buddy.


CNN dude here, you are fake news, Europeans are not feminine. You have never been here, more masculine than you Americas fuckers that have women tell you what to do dressing like bitches all the time lowering your pants to sell you ass, bunch of ghetto pussies

I'd respond to your post but I can't read Arabic

I'm married and I have a 20 year old mistress that my wife is ok with. Have fun cleaning up scraps and projecting. :)

KKK out.

>the head tilt
>the open mouth "i'm fun" smile
These are female things.

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you don't think there were infeminate men before this? or have they just been created now?

Shit How’d you manage that arrangement? Lol.

The only projecting I’ve done is on to some poor losers wives/girlfriends. With jizz...

Idk why but taken women are a fetish of mine. Maybe too many bond movies...


It's a Capybara and yes they are that size irl.

they're also one of the few animals that don't produce their own vitamin c.

just because betas have access to social media doesn't mean that all men are SJW paypigs


Don't drink the feminazi Kool-Aid.

It's a hard thing for men in 2020.
I grew up with a mother and a sister. My father was working most of the time and when he was around, he just relaxed and when he had something to do he was grumpy.

I never learned a skill with my hands, or to handle a motor of a car or something like that.

But anyways, I am 186 cm big, got a deep voice and I know to behave. I am dominant whenever a dominant role is needed (and that happens a lot - work, school, university, friends). But when I have to accept my position or when a dominant role isn't necessary, it's also no problem for me.

What I try to say is:
All this "you have to do this to be a man" is narrow-minded and every man who is trapped in this role is most of the time a poor and dumb human.

I love to cook, to take care of my child, to clean the house, to handle shit with Co. Panys, go to work but also fuck the shit out of my wife and also to mess around with everyone trying to cut me.

I think a lot of man today are more than manly and complete than those stereotypemen. I just woop everything.

That’s hot
I wish I had a trap shota with me

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you are literally a woman.
Id fuck your ass right now if i didnt have a boyfriend you sexy bitch.


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There were but they were the exception not the norm.

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This could just as easily say







NAMBLA AKA Cred Forums

your boomer shit is so played out

Men are a force for good and protect the world from women who are a force for evil. If you feminize men, you destroy good and allow evil to reign freely on Earth.
