Daily reminder you're going to die because the corona virus is population control...

Daily reminder you're going to die because the corona virus is population control. This data is now 4 days old and it's still tracking the exponential curve even with 120 million quarantined and borders closed. 40% fatal with today's numbers.

Attached: cornoavsSARSbynumbers.jpg (720x1280, 325K)

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I doubt its that serious like black plague but either way idc

Attached: corona-wuhan.jpg (748x960, 54K)

Some idiot will be along shortly to tell you that 15k infected should count as not dead. they will also argue cancer is 0% fatal because everyone currently alive with cancer hasn't died yet.

>Dude look at this disease scare that will amount to nothing being used to sell newspapers

The function was never exponential. This is a lie spread by teenage doomers who are either purposefully lying to spread disinfo or just know shit about math.

using a virus as population control would be super dumb. All it takes would be one random mutation and the vaccine for the rich / illuminati / serpent people would be worthless. No one with enough brains to form an elite would do that.

it's not that bad

Attached: 1559613383193.png (915x707, 32K)

I’m not Chinese.

I didn't even make it in before that. 15k infected has two outcomes, either your fine or you die. 15k haven't reached either yet and dont count. hospital fag here.

>Less people than live in a small city are infected oh no

if you're stupid enough to believe in collectivism of any kind, nothing is out of the question.

>Can't owe China trillions of dollars if China no longer exists.

>Society don’t real

The state of “””individualism”””.

>if you're stupid enough to believe in collectivism of any kind, nothing is out of the question.

I dont get how this relates to my post.

It's ok, don't worry

The seasonal flu has a r0 of between .1 and .2. this has an r0 of between 2.2 and 5.8, likely about 3. This is bad, bad news. This will be a world changing event.

Stock up on food, water, masks, and disinfectants. Unfortunately past preparing there is really nothing else you can do.

Don't worry, soon they'll just start shooting anyone who coughs.



I'm way more concerned about what China is not telling us than what they are.

Attached: CoronaVirusChineseKillYou.jpg (1200x928, 96K)

SARS was significantly more deadly than the corona is, currently.

People don't realize that the regular flu kils over 500.000 people a year, and infects millions upon millions, yet we have people who are anti-vaxx.. yet now something that statistically is slightly more dangerous than the flu, only because we have no fucking clue as to how many are actually infected we all have to run and buy facemasks and pretend the world is ending?

Because the seasonal flu infects upto a fucking billion people, and despite hundreds of thousands dying, it's a small percentage.

Ya know the rest of the world has lower use of vaccines than the US and also has lower cancer rates.
Why is that?

remember when that fucking ginger from Harry Potter got the swine flu (when it was new) and he got cured right away... when there was no cure at the time. they have the antidotes ready to go they just want to kill some poors first

>trusting CCP numbers
they only "confirm" so many deaths a day because they literally don't have enough test kits to even test
Chinks are killing off their boomers so they don't have to pay social security to them

Attached: sauted pho.webm (540x402, 1.46M)

That's my point. Not only is much, much more contagious than the flu, if its 5% fatal it will also kill 600 times more people than the flu, that would be only 300 million people, or 1.8 billion if it infects the whole world. This is spanish flu of 1918 bad.

confirmed cases a day*

Oh god, someone's been spending too much time on facebook anti vaxx groups

Right, because if the Illuminati had the power to decide life and death, the #1 priority would be to save 'that fucking ginger from Harry Potter'.

How is it more contagious, the flu infects a significant part of the world's population.. 20.000 people is not a significant part of the worlds population.

He's agree with you that the idea is stupid...

Probably because you fat fucks die through obesity, guns and shit healthcare before the long term effects of cancer can take your lives.

Its a lie to take your attention away from trumpy trial

"this one amuses me, he may live..."

I'm not sure how to explain how its more infectious other than thats what the data says.Maybe because its air born and smaller, but thats a guess. google r nought.

how many times have you gotten the flu walking in an airport?


I find it difficult to imagine that anyone could say a small disease that's local and infects a group of people the size of a small village can be considered more contagious than a world wide epidemic that infects a billion people and kills hundreds of thousands, and despite being aware of the existance of it for centuries, we can't prevent it.

statistics, how do they work? fucking magnets.

So much this. China is a step or two above north korea in how they treat their population. Who cares if 500 million people die? Its just less money that the communist party has to spend.

You can't upscale a disease from 10.000 to and pretend it's the same thing.

So other than the obvious of stay home and watch your hands, what can you really do to protect yourself? I see some people wearing masks so that?

If you've got better data I'd love to see it. It's not perfect but its what we've got. China doesn't quarantine 100 million people every flu season. What does that tell you? No one I know who works in healthcare gave a shit about ebola SARS or the swine flu. They're all legitimately losing their fucking minds over this.

Anyone making less than $30,000 a year, Anyone without health insurance, Anyone who feels stuck without a way forward, please listen when I say, this system has made fools of us all. We all know the stick poking us into line is the threat of homelessness. Why not just take the power back by proving we'd be fine at least for a day? We all know the feeling of being stuck inside on a day off before a check comes. We know what it's like to have an empty pantry. Most of all, we know what it's like to feel like our needs aren't being met. The United States has 155,000,000 workers. An 8 hour shift at $15/hr comes to $120 before taxes. Even if your boss thinks they can't afford their workforce’s time for a day, here's a list of people who could single handedly pay literally every worker that amount with money left over: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Paige, Larry Ellison (I love that there's two larry's), Narc Suckernerd, Alice Walton, Jim Walton, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffet, Micheal Bloomberg, Steve Balmer, Rob Walton, Charles Koch, Julia Koch, Mackenzie Bezos, Phil Knight, Sheldon Adelson, Micheal Dell, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Jim Simmons, Lauren Powell Jobs, Elon Musk, and Rupert Murdoch. Needless to say, your boss can take it up with them. Hell, a lot of you reading this are probably employed by these people. They can't fire us all. If you're on work release, they can't throw you all back in jail at once; although, I'm sure Geo Group would love to try.
The day is only yours if you seize it. If you want to stand up for what you believe in, please, put this in your own words, find your inner courage, and come outside with us. Afterward, return to the status quo if you’d like.

China also didn't say shit untill late 2019 even though the virus was spreading for a whole month prior to that.
And why would they not quarantine, they know the world is watching, they don't give a fuck about their people anyways and this will keep the western world happy.

Daily reminder that you're the same kind of dumb faggot who cries "APOCALYPSE INCOMING" every time something upsets you, and so far you're been wrong 100% of the time.

Nothing is going to happen. People who aren't paranoid retards know this. Just like the other thousand times we've been promised the end times.

that fucking ginger from Harry Potter confirmed illuminati

kk thx. lost in translation i guess :D

EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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High fructose corn syrup, Alcohol, tobacco, those growth hormones in cows, talcum powder, asbestos, air pollution, poor workplace regulation enforcement. Don't worry friend. As soon as the rest of the world adopts our way of life, they'll get just as much cancer. Vaccines or no vaccines