Is Bernie the epitome of baby's first politician...

Is Bernie the epitome of baby's first politician? He is introduced on this board over and over with such enthusiasm as if him and his beliefs are some kind of novel solution to every issue the nation has. Bernie supporters, you sound gay every time. You know that right?

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So the russian bots are scared of Bernie now?

ok boomer

Muh Russia.

>his beliefs are some kind of novel solution to every issue the nation has.
that sounds a lot like someone we currently have in office.

So yes?

I'd even say they sound like little faggots.

That's it. Im going to start calling them little faggots

No, little faggot

Fuck off commie fag

Uh oh Russian bot mad

Can Bernie be considered a 'real" man?

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I think you're confused

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His policies ARE novel in your backwards shithole of a country.

Would you consider yourself an undersized person?

Hes a nobody.
Trump will crush him if he gets the nomination.
I dont even like trump, but Bernie is the worst.

Shiiieeet, this is like comedy. Too good.

He's a perfect fit for /r9k/

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It must be hard to type so much while crying

Bernie gets my vote, fuck all you haters!

Bernie's ideas have been around a long time.

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hey, you guys are off the front page. You leftist are going to have to carry this on your own.....

>He is introduced on this board over and over
Welcome to Cred Forums, newfriend.

No. They just want to ensure their puppet stays in office.

Food stands?
Like, taco trucks?

david brock fuck off

Look at the little faggots confiding in their debunked conspiracy theories for comfort. Seriously, are you from r eddit?

He and his supporters are much more transparent than they realize. Whenever someone tells me they're a Bernie Sanders supporter I question their principles, the content of their character. But yes, they seem like little faggots.

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>russian bots

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Bernie Bros think there is a conspiracy against his candidacy, but really. He's just a low hanging fruit (not unlike his supporters). If he were here in my southern town I could picture everyone circled around him and kicking him for fun, laughing at his wacky & cartoonish reluctance to defend himself.

Single issue voter. Health care as a right for all Americans. I’m sold that he’ll fight for it when politicians from both parties rally against it since it’ll show down the money hose

What happened?

He used to be based

He is there to attract young idiots, get them to buy in with their neetbux or their mommy's credit card, package them up neatly, and then deliver them to Biden, Warren, Bloomburg/ whoever while he bows out.

He'll get another house out of it.

All establishment Democrats flipped on immigration, including Bernie.

I don't see any pro-Bernie threads recently, but there's always at least 3 anti-Bernie threads going. You faggots are really shitting your panties now, aren't you?

Did a Bernie boy just call me a faggot? lol

yeah, it's not like you're doing the same thing with the NPC meme. Oh wait...


>Did a Bernie boy just call me a faggot? lol
What's wrong snowflake? Did I hurt your feefees? Ask papa Trump, maybe he'll give you a healing kiss.

The last 40 years haven't worked out very well for this country or regular Americans, and he's the only person who is advocating something significantly different, so he gets my vote. Whatever it takes to break the American oligarchy and the Reagan status quo.

Did a Bernie boy also imply that im wearing "panties"?

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Let's not larp. If anyone is a panty wearing faggot it would be (You).

Youre retarded if you believe Bernie and his “new ideas” are going to help America. Trump is a fuck boi but a well watched fuck boi. Bernie is a loose cannon with the autism. Wasn’t John McCain to old to run in 2008 how the fuck has this bitch stuck around this fair? Probably because of the money he made from exploiting Capitalism. What a joke faggot.

Lmao I guess he felt the bern. What a faggot.

I thought Cred Forums was a place that wanted to stick it to authority and give a big middle finger to the elites? Shouldn't you fucking love Bernie because he pisses off wealthy liberals and pro-Israeli globalists?

This faggot communist called me a faggot communist
This crying panty wearing faggot is calling me a crying panty wearing faggot.

If you don't think a pushover like Bernie won't be easily swayed to keep funding Israel, then you're stupid.

Just bring in a couple mad black women and force him to sign it. He'll hang his head low and let it continue.

I'd vote for that jew fuck just to jimmy some rustles. America is dead now anyway but the one thing we CAN change is Cred Forums and shit's getting boring here, it's time to change it up.

Because greedy rich guys in power will suddenly stop being greedy rich guys because Bernie will open their hearts? Bernie's plans are nothing more than government subsidy programs under the guise of "nu-socialism" And who do you think ultimately pays for government subsidy programs? Problem with the left is what you need to do to be workably left economically is directly countermanded by the demand of the left for "we are the world" liberalism. Any real socialist who has an understanding of the historical conflict between capital and labor would be against open borders and globalism.

>>Whatever it takes to break the American oligarchy
Can't be done with a vote and definitely not a vote for Bernie, a career politician

>>don't you want open borders
No thanks

Whatever his plans are it's better than the current bullshit, or at least more interesting.

Also, if you or can please point me to anywhere Sanders has ever said he was for 'open borders' then please, share with the class.

>Can't be done with a vote and definitely not a vote for Bernie, a career politician

Better than doing nothing. If the DNC and RNC didn't fear him, why are they trying so hard to suppress him? And what are my alternatives? Joe Biden, neolib asshat? Elizabeth Warren, pocahontas? Donald Trump, useful idiot and liar extraordinaire? All Bernie's competition has ever done is line the pockets of the rich at the expense of you and me. I'm not interested in any more of that, so of the given set of candidates, which would be better at sticking it to the rich than Bernie?

Let me clear the confusion. I consider his healthcare for all illegal immigrants policy and his pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants policy are effectively open border policy, since he had said nothing about the mitigation of the large influx of illegal immigrants that his policies would cause. Like you, he doesn't "aspire" to be an open borders dumbass, he just accidentally "is" an open borders dumbass

DNC is trying to suppress him, I wouldn't be surprised if the RNC is helping as much as they can.

Also, lol at "he scares rich old men" he IS a rich old man.

>I wouldn't be surprised if the RNC is helping as much as they can

What would you rather have? An old rich man that fucking tries or old rich men who don't even pretend to try?

>effectively open border policy

>isn't actually open border policy


You may not realize this, but you already subsidize illegal immigrants for their healthcare as it currently stands, because hospitals must treat them as part of their basic code of conduct whether they have insurance or citizenship or not.

You also may not realize that there are a large group of people currently in the country who were brought here as small children and this country is all they have ever known, but they have no legal status or ability to obtain citizenship. Yet they have learned and worked here their entire lives. Why should they not be given a path to citizenship? Because they were forced to come here by their parents illegally? At least if they are citizens they are paying appropriate taxes.

I have but one question for all the Bernie supporters. How are you going to pay for all of his free shit that he promises while campaigning? You morons do know he does not even have a fucking clue how to pay for it, right?

They gotta leave, they can apply to come back if they have skills/ will not rely on welfare.

How do we pay for trillion dollar wars in the middle east or massive tax cuts for the rich?

So you want to deport them to a country they have never been to before and then force them to apply for a citizenship process that has a 20-year backlog?

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he has his plan on how he will pay for it on his website

What do you propose we do? Let anyone who makes it here become a citizen?

What's wrong with this retards eyes?

if you have trouble spelling and don't understand wind you're probably a trump fan

I propose that we create a real legal channel for people who have been here for decades through no fault of their own to be citizens. I'm not talking about rational adults that deliberately crossed the border yesterday, I'm talking about people who came here as children and had no control over what happened to them.


Do you agree with deporting & banning the parents/whoever brought them here at a young age?

Ostrich tactic. No witnesses, only redacted reports, admitted mutual interests...

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If your dad gives you a stolen car do you get to keep it on the basis of it being inconvenient for you not to have a car? Same principle.

Oh heavens no they have kids here, so that would be JUST AWFUL.

They HAVE to stay FOR THE CHILDREN!!!!!1

>you sound gay every time
Imagine posting on Cred Forums and saying that about other people

I hope you guys will experience what's living without the fear of getting bankrupt because you have to go to the hospital.

You are getting buttfucked by big corps continuously. It's time to get some power back for these oligarchs!

Did you know Bernie never learned how to tie his shoes?
He prefers slip on shoes for this very reason.
He literally can't tie his own fucking shoes.

yeah, there is a new Bernie thread on the front page.
the leftist propaganda is working Saturdays-

I have insurance.

Thanks though.

did you know trump had Russian hookers piss on a bed because Obama once slept in it?

Is it anything like the fear the college students felt when Bernie's wife ruined the college they were attending due to fraud?
One minute you're enrolled, the next the college is bankrupt.

I heard that was found to be made up.
Why would Bernie's illegal alien maintenance worker lie.

thats hot

Jesus christ you people are stupid.

Most medical bankruptcies in the US are filed by people with insurance.

Do you want america to be like venezuela?!

Attack his argument, not him. Unless you have no argument, then by all means, carry on showing us how clueless you are.

> citizenship is like a stolen car

How the fuck do you even begin to dissect something this stupid? It's like someone saying the Earth is flat because they can't see the curves. You can't reason with people who don't even have the most basic grasp of logic.

>t. Bernout who's never heard of comparisons before

>Attack his argument, not him.

>carry on showing us how clueless you are
>Bernout who's never heard of comparisons before

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

>Is Bernie the epitome of baby's first politician?
There is nothing wrong with Bernie being “baby’s first politician”. Nearly 70 years of Cold War propaganda turned to dust when Bernie stood up, said he was a Democratic Socialist, and he instantly became the most trusted and beloved politician in the country. That is no small feat.
Are there weak points in Bernie’s platform? Of course. Are his policies radical enough to fundamentally reconfigure society into one that deserves the designation of “civilized”? Probably not. But it’s a start, and it takes us off the road to an open Neo-Nazi regime, which is where we are heading under Trump.
Lastly, what makes Bernie so dangerous to the intelligence community and the political and economic elites is that he is telling people that they should have a voice and they have every right to participate in the moral and economic decisions of this country. Obama pretended to do this with the Yes We Can “movement”, but Occupy demonstrated that he had no intention of allowing real democracy to take root in the US. On the other hand, Sanders knows full well the political enemies he has created, and he knows that only by shaking people out of their political passivity is the only way to achieve his policy platform. That is extremely dangerous to the elites.

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