Hollywood secrets thread

Hollywood secrets thread.

Attached: hollywood-sign-mulholland-highway-es.jpg (1600x1200, 335K)




Everybody’s gay

did fixer died taking care of kobe bryant?

I was walking and loitering in the hills and streets of hollywood beverly hills. I was high on pcp and meth. It felt like heaven. This was back in 2017

which hills there ae more than one... seen anyone dispose of any bodies... if u did then shush... we will find u

was fixer fixed?

with his occupation anything could happen but i think hes around just laughing at us




Some shit gets filmed that never is released and never should be lol



Attached: 1577942320627.jpg (538x380, 32K)

What's that?

Steve Irwin. Release or no?

its a photoshop of the troll of gnomes

why would anyone willingly admit to doing that is beyond me.

It's not released yet for privacy reasons

Mitch Hurwitz and company have sex with the male actors who want to be on arrested development and other shows him and his company produce.

>Steve Irwin
in hollywood nothing is private u know that

what if u a female actor that wants to be on his shows his company produce and others

any more relevant pics for research purposes

Attached: 1577814237629.jpg (452x767, 46K)

Who is she?

thanks Cred Forumsro

what other shit that got filmed that should not be released do u got

why shouldnt they be released

see post



Some of it is probably illegal.

filming withou someone's consent has always been illegal and this is /b where filming someone dying is cool but other stuff is fucked up... kek

If you visit the la river near Glendale during the summer it's very nice and full of plants

is that why la is always oon fire every year. someone lighting up the "plants" kek

The river isn't that wide and it doesn't cover all of la, the fires mostly happen in the valley

Attached: La river .jpg (2048x1152, 811K)

nice to know user

In public it's not always illegal. Reasonable expectation of privacy varies.


The H in the Hollywood sign is actually an I