Our greatest President

Our greatest President

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Can you ask the gaynigger to move so we can see Trump?

hush, nigger

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America's greatest president committed thousands of war crimes. America really sets the bar low these days, huh?

This. Yes he was OP. Miles beyond trump. Only reason trump got in was cause of aggro'd white trash terrified that a black man was in the office and they couldn't drum up a scandal on him#

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You've made a mistake. That's not Trump's pic.

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>couldn't drum up a scandal
>illegal wiretaps & fisa abuse
>drone strikes against own citizens
>drone strikes on weddings & civilians in other countries
>giving guns to cartelfags who used them to kill some of his own citizens
>weaponized IRS against political opponents

that's just stuff i can recall without much effort.
enjoy your fantasy world.

Attached: Obama_Order_of_Lenin.jpg (1800x2408, 573K)

haha all these cucks ripping on one of the greatest men to ever live. his name will persist for hundreds if not thousands of years as he's remembered as a savior and a hero and a superb leader, and your names, well they'll die the instant you do and will never be uttered again unless possibly to revel in your departure.

there was isis, there was a caliphate in iraq, antifa did shit in 2002, and there was never a war on police. the only thing correct on your photo is that BLM didn't exist before obama, and that's not even that bad of a thing.