If Kurt Cobain didn’t kill himself, or was born later, do you think he would have used Cred Forums...

If Kurt Cobain didn’t kill himself, or was born later, do you think he would have used Cred Forums? It’s something i wonder....

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That is actually an interesting topic.

I would argue No. As in he was in a Band and he was no fat ass, so he was social and active. By that he wouldn't have been involved in Cred Forums as in "used". He might have looked it up and had some laughs with friends, when they browsed it. But that is pretty much it.

Lol. I wish he was alive so he could have a youtube channel.

I actually think we have had a yt channel for Nirvana as a garage band. KEK. think about the comments of some groupies, before the band ever had taken of. That would have been hilarious.

Yeah... I just wish grunge was still a thing.

>wish grunge was still a thing
Not at all. I wasn't big into Nirvana. However I still enjoy Peral Jam from time to time. But then again I listen to many different genres and prefer electronic music, since that is what i was listening to most of the time in 90s.

New pearl jam is shit

He didn't kill himself.

He was murdered because he didn't want to be a NWO tool anymore.

The drug war was fabricated for order out of chaos. Wake up sheeple!

Can't comment at all, didn't follow up on them and listen to newer albums. I guess i'm just stuck in the 90s grunge loop. Also liked sound garden - black hole sun. Still one of my favorites of the day.

The evidence points towards this, he had so much heroin in him, that it would have been physically imposible to move

Yeah, i wish Soaked in Bleach covered that part, as well.

Sound Garden is fucking amazing as well.

Yeah, no doubts.

Wrath and Natural Selection would too all things considered.

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Who cares, he was overrated

Kurt Cobain would have never posted trap pics and BBC shit.

Yeah, that’s why i wish he was here.

If you wanna talk about anything being overrated, can we at least agree that Imagine Dragons is the MOST overrated

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Who rates imagine dragons anything more than pleb-tier?

Soccer moms and freshmen girls.

i don't think so. he pumped out some good albums in a short amount of time. Sure it's not all gold, and many made a hype around him. But then again, compared to other grunge bands from the same time, Nirvana is far more recognized. Only compared across genres Nirvana isn't impressive i guess.

What you said.

>Watching right now teens react. youtube.com/watch?v=DGPbHUZQ-VE
And you can see, that even in this time periode little bitches get a crush on Cobain. It is absurd.

>when music videos used to be normal
#nobody's striping in the song.

it was a better time growing up back then.

yeah, it really was.

>nostalgia hitting
I'm old now

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>it was a better time growing up back then.
Lol no

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>If Kurt Cobain didn’t kill himself
he didn't. his wife killed him

no, he was murdered because Courtney Love is a satanist and knew sacrificing him would make her richer

i got my you's back

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Fucking loner

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That bitch!


more then a decade...

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user you made me depressive now I have to listen to


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