Is the Corona Virus actually anything to worry about?

Is the Corona Virus actually anything to worry about?

Attached: lel.png (1053x545, 706K)

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who is she?

No it's not worse than a usual flue.
Just young, old and pregnant people die of it.
And of course faggots and jew shills

Fear mongering nothing more. We'll be fine!

OP are you a Canada fag? This is the news anchor where i live... she is fucking stacked

Khazar milkers thread?

Of course not!

Prease to lift travel restrictions to China, if not you lacist!

As a guy with a chest cold, no almost certainly not.

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Who are you, Charles Starkweather?

huge fan of heavy hangers here

Who isn’t?

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these fucking weirdos

at this point no, but you should always be prepared in case it takes a turn for the worse.

We have words for those kinds of people: faggots

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It's over hyped as fuck

Lawl. I know this anchor. She does have huge yonkers. I wonder if that guy actually stared or not. Probably i would think.

I mean they push past her nose, which is saying something on her with that honker

Whats that mean? and what are the odds her co-host stared or looked at them?

oh i get it now lmfao

Most women with sizable tits have them looked at hundreds of times a day, so 100%

You're fucking stupid. He's looking at her face, it is very obvious. Come back when you are 18, faggot.

This. She actually posted the video of this on her twitter today. Someone just posted a Got Milk GIF in the comments lmfao

First post on her page. Im going to make a burner just so i can keep the GIF's going lmao