If you're white then why don't you support Nazism?

If you're white then why don't you support Nazism?

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Coz its cringe and im a faggot

Because I'm not a retard lazy shitposter, kill yourself

Because todays Nazis are an embarassing joke.

Cuz that’s gay, bro

If you win a war then YES

Because i'm not a incel.

Because I wasn't dropped on my head repeatedly as a child.

Because I have standards.

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What if I'm on the fence?

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Because i'm not afraid of womens

You lost the war you racist ass nazi die like hitler scumbag

Too dangerous.
I get nothing in return.
You become a government dog, like soldiers around the world fighting wars for their president.

I would fight for someone like Palpatine though, who actually has a chance o winning a war against the world.

But you know... Unnaturally powerful beings aren't real, so...

because the only people who would want to live in a totalitarian facist dictatorship are idiots stupid enough to get hyped by neonazi propaganda and their racist ideology. anyone else just wants this scum to disappear.

I dont like meth

>why don't you support Nazism
not gay

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Both sides used it. Nazi's are the ones who stopped.

Yeah white race!
Lets kill all jews!
Who are white!
Have the most Nobel Prize winnners!
Yeah white race sure...

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National Socialism? Sorry, I don't subscribe to the left right paradigm. I know the illusion of choice is just that.

I prep for the fall which is soon to come.

Jews aren't white Schlomo.

>implying we are not

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Use glasses, honey.

The holohoax and everyone's totally incorrect view of Nazism aside.

Racial pride (and really any pride) is ridiculous. And this is because you did not choose to be "white", "black", Hispanic, Asian, European, or ANYTHING in between. What person alive chose anything before they were born? You cannot choose to be male or female. You cannot choose to be German or Polish. You had nothing to do with the "colour of your skin", where you were born, what family you were born into, what you'd look like (like features such as attractive face, height, eye colour, etc.) You did not choose how big your penis or breasts would be or how "cute" or "hot" you'd be. YOU. CHOSE. NOTHING. Your face is not an accomplishment of yours. Your genitals were not an accomplishment of yours. God is in control (regardless of how you defined that.) You don't decide when to get old. You don't decide when to stop or start growing.

PRIDE, (noun)
- Inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, accomplishments, rank or elevation in office, which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve, and often in contempt of others.

You did nothing and chose nothing. Your pride is foolishness because you had no say in anything. You accomplished nothing of yourself. You were dealt a hand at birth and you sit there and arrogantly act as though you chose that hand all along.

Because I want to be able to continue fucking women.

I really stopped being natsoc when that hispanic woman started flirting with me and i had sex with her. Then I realized how extremely easy it is for a white man to have sex with a non-white woman.

so many kikes on this board lol

Because i actually like Niggers, Spics, Chinamen, and Sand niggers sometimes.

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