I just put $500 on the 49ers and I don’t know anything about football. Did I make a good bet...

I just put $500 on the 49ers and I don’t know anything about football. Did I make a good bet? I did it as a joke but it would be cool to win

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Lol, you’re so fucked

Who did you make a bet with? What what's the spread you agreed on? Most likely you just threw away 500$

Kansas fags

they've won more super bowls thAn the chiefs And their record this seAson wAs better, so it's not A bAd bet. never bet on the super bowl though, it cAn AlwAys go either wAy

This game has a pretty fair spread, slightly favoring the chiefs. not really a good betting game for low wagers like 500. Even if you win you will only get paid 25$

wtf are you talking about

how many super bowls a team won before the current players were born could not be more irrelevant

You made a bet knowing nothing about the subject matter...regardless of the outcome, you made a bad bet. If you're not going to research it and instead simply rely on random chance, you may as well just go to the Roulette Table and put $500 on black.

San Fran has a Vegas moneyline of 105. Meaning OP will get 5 dollars per 100 he spent on the bet, yielding 25$ profit if they win...
It will probably go down to a dead 100 split too, meaning you probably won't make a single dollar on this bet.

Someone in taking bets or numbers or whatever in the bar I’m at. I’m not sure what you mean by spread but the guy is friends with my friends dad

well they both made it to the super bowl, so it is better than if you bet on the pirates or something

I don’t watch football and I did it for fun. There’s always a chance I can win

you are rarted

you're an idiot

Good franchises tend to continue to do well, that is evident if you look at the history of the NFL. Furthermore, the fact that the 49ers had a better record THIS season is absolutely relevant. Betting on the Chiefs would be the worse bet all things considered, but like I said, I don't think betting on the super bowl is a good idea in the first place

41-20 Cheifs

it'll be close until KC picks apart SF secondary.
Sherman is gonna get TORCHED.

I would have bet 1000 on those redhole 49s. Chiefs are a training team whereas 49s are just better.

I'll take that bet and I'll even give you 2:1

What the fuck are you on about dude?

Will know in a few hours. Personally, I would have invested that $500 in drugs, booze & hookers.

The NFL hates the Chiefs and black people so you'll probably win.

That's not even close to correct. Any of it.

Are you retarded?

You sound real smart. Would you like to make some bets with me?

If you are betting with a spread, theoretically the odds are supposed to be 50 50.