Why do girls hate my appearance

Why do girls hate my appearance

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Its because of how you look

You've got soft eyes. Can see you are weak and easy to crush spiritually. Women want a man they can abuse but not destroy. You are not him.

get your eyebrows done op. make them a bit sharper. you'll look more Manly

Weak how? Tf

I thought my brows were fine

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You actually look very good, man. Not joking. Remember : looks, money, status. Unless you are a turbo chad physically you will not score just from the looks.

Not your looks Brandon but because you have obsessed over it for years and its probably your beta obsessive personality more than anything.

because you post on Cred Forums about your insecurities too often

Dude it's been, what, four years? Stop.

Brandon, nothing wrong with your looks.
It's your neurotic obsessions that pushes people away.
Go see a fucking therapist.

Cred Forums is toxic for you and you know it.
Fuckake, you've been here for years.


omg still doing this?

The fact you go online and do strange shit like this is probably why mate... they detect how fucked you are

vocaroo.com/kE9MDLAW9gI hey brandon remember that day you exposed your mom and your grandmother to a sperg of autists on tinychat and they started crying over all the shit you said? it was turned into music

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They don't you look fuckin fine, it's probably your personality. Fix yourself stop worrying about how u look, you're a fucking 8/10 faggot fuck complaining like a bitch.

Stinky Jim is that you?


you need a haircut faggot.
your parted bangs make you look like a fucking mongaloid

Well, if that's you Brandon then all hope is gone. You will never change. KYS or leave.

these guys literally know nothing about women, stop taking them seriously.

instant deterrent, he looks so young there

It's all in your mind.

Your not ugly, you’re eyes make me think you might be a lil queer, but not terrible looking.

Hows your body? And butt? Chicks have a big thing for guy butts.

says the guy on Cred Forums who can't even look a girl in the eyes.


Shut the fuck up Brandon
You ultimate beta virgin faggot
Even if people give you genuine feedback, solutions, tips, answers, you fucking name it
You still fucking whine back at every reply and you never fucking apply anything and do these threads over and over
In a couple of years it will mark the 10th anniversary of you doing this you fucking tard
You’re a fucking meme you stupid dumbass, stop being an attention whore and fucking get over yourself you retarded dumb fuck

he also has a considerably bigger dick than most people that also looks a lot better than most cucumber, but he's broken over "Why am I a 5/10" and basically expects a cute 9/10 10/10, but even if he engages egirls he just fucks it up over his constant self hate and making everything about it and his looks and he can go for hours

Hmmm yeah i suppose he nose does look a tad odd. Like it got broken and permanently stayed oddly slightly swollen.

Okay i definitely need to see that dick

Post it OP


yuki.la/hm/1220463 image query from there should work, lots of pictures altogether but just thumbnails saved I think


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Holy shit. I popped a boner so quick it was like i was back in puberty.


he's a legend, his mastery in self sabotage is almost unrivaled

also seriously listen to the music about him in the vocaroo link, based as he is he exposed his mom and grandmother to a big sperg of autists on tinychat and made them cry while in the room and on speakerphone

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They very likely don't, you're a good looking lad. Maybe they can't stand something else about you

Yes. Nothing says "manly" like plucking your fucking eyebrows.

Dear lord, is this recent??

see no big dick here

Yeah, it got me good, but its not that big, pretty sure im bigger than him, but its still a good size.

Thanks for all the very helpful replies. I must stop worrying every day about it and crest more problems

His dick looks at least 6”

dude I'm 19cm and his dick is half of my size

Yeah, i guessed the same, im 7in, so yeah, pretty sure im bigger

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