The only people who support Bernie are retards who want free shit

The only people who support Bernie are retards who want free shit

>Prove me wrong

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I can't, because you are correct

>are retards who want free shit
We're not retards if we want free stuff, we're actually pretty smart for not being a idiot like you and work to "buy" things.

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>I'm not a retard
>Proceeds to make a literal retarded post

Libtards and conservafags aint ever going to stop fighting are they? Just know it's your fault Cred Forums is shit these days.

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Retard confirmed

Will you ever stop being a gay pussy? Same answer

absolutely retarded post

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Rich people get free shit all the time lol and people like you think they earned it

Wrong *trump voice*

>Rich people get free shit
Oh really? That's funny, last I checked Tyrone and Juan sitting on the porch all day aren't "rich". Although you would think they are since they sit on the porch like they fucking own that shit(they don't btw)

i know, right?
why not keep giving all that money to corporations and banks and military contractors instead of people like us? if we got any that would be communizzzum.
>fucking retards actually think like that and make threads like this

At lease I've studied the philosophies and economics of both sides and don't make asinine assumptions about either. If you equate Socialism with free shit or Capitalism with fascism you deserve to be fucking hanged, period. But of course actually debating the two systems and their flaws is beyond most peoples mental capacity, better just blame the lazy kikes and their libtardness or the altrights and their evil pistol gripped guns and binary genders.

>Calls other retard
>Still fall for the b8
Get a load of these retarded

>Socialism isn't about free shit!
My ass it's not. Give me a fucking break. Everytime that fucking jew talks it's about giving his retarded base and non-whites free shit.

I will not need any of the resources until I am much older, meaning I have decades of work at which I will be taxed for.
I did not get healthcare or education for free, I worked for it just as everyone else did, contributing what I can to my country and my countrymen because I love them both.
Die mad about it Boomer.

>wanting to regulate markets that have profitted exorbitantly due to deregulation is retarded


>Tyrone and Juan are getting FREE SHIT because they're lazy rats
Neanderthalic IQ

Trump is a racist, sexist, traitor, terrorist and white nationalist fraud

>prove me wrong

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Kobe bryant just died was worth hundreds of millions and people still donated millions for his wife

Normie Tyrone died and he didnt get shit

Kylie jenner gets free iphones all the time why can't I?

White Nationalist is a maybe, but his handlers sure as shit are, so really, what's the difference?
>don't forget about his degenerating mental faculties.

>Tyrone and Juan are getting FREE SHIT because they're lazy rats

Said literally by no one

>I hick an thinks obama is commie
Oh god, not one of these people. ACTUAL socialism and communism is about communal ownership of the means of production, and the more you put in the more you get out (i.e. "From each according to his efforts to each according to his needs.") Try slacking off in a Kibbutz and think you'll get free shit. I fact the whole point of the Gulag was to promote labor. Is the Labor Theory of Value flawless, well that's another argument.

I seriously doubt Kobe was worth "hundreds of millions of dollars" bro. Yes he was rich, but he wasn't THAT fucking rich. Plus it's just people being generous. He was the beard winner in that family. His wife isn't gonna make anywhere near that kind of cash. Their status as millionaires might end someday.

>Picks one multimillionaire
Surviving off the perceived charity of Billionaires and Multimillionaires does not allow us the man-power or organizational power we need to solve our problems Cletus.
>Meanwhile Jeff Bezos admits he only cares about space because he wants off this rock before capitalism collapses and the planet ignites.

He's a textbook sociopathic narcissist. the only thing he believes in is himself. if being a racist means he increases in val3ur he's going to do it. If executive ordering socialized heathcare into existence made him "better" he'd do it. He'd do it if someone convinced him that jnvading Antarctica woild improve his poll numbers. Stop putting all this on this incontinent dementia ridden old man. The actual people in charge dictate his moves.

Beard Wintrader?

Except the Rightwing party of the US party.
Piss off

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Oh, no no, you misunderstand me.
I didn't deny him being a gross fucking narcissist or a person with ASPD. He's also just clearly degrading mentally. Recently dude's walking with a limp like he had a stroke, and talking even more like he had one.
Wouldn't be surprised if it's his second.

i sure would like to borrow someones daughter and fist fuck her while she sucks my dick...over 18 of course. and so long as its socialism it shouldnt matter if i just keep her for the dishes.

Wage slave here. Went to a trade school and have 7 years of hands on experience to be making 4 dollars and hour over min wage. If I do go back to school some day, ill do it with my own money, but if theres a chance that someone else in my situation could have put themselves through college instead of settling for cram courses, then im for it. And fuckin Amazon can pay for that shit too. We are fucking sheep to the corporations that own this country. Do you know how grand shit was back in the day when companies had to fuckin compete for our business? When they actually gave a fuck. Now they just have to keep paying the right people. You know I was even halfway interested when Trump started easing up on taxes on businesses. I wanted to see how it went. Well it didnt go anywhere. It was a fuckib flop and the Fed is that much poorer for it. Now what if they took that same idea and only applied it to small businesses? Those of us who are struggling between making our payments and getting our cash? It feels like ive been spinning in place for years and its shit. Feel the Burn, fuckers.

So I'm retarted because I am tired of working 40 hour work weeks just to land in a shit tax bracket and can hardly afford medical coverage for my family? I am retarted because i don't agree with capitalism and paying trillions of dollars to MAH MURICAN MILITARY!? I'm fucking retarted because I want an easier future for our children!? IM FUCKING RETARTED BECAUSE I'M SICK AND TIRED OF PIECES OF SHIT LIKE HALF THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS WHO DONT GET THE WHOLE PICTURE!? shut the fuck up troll. Anyone who supports trump lives with their boomer parents and spews their parents beliefs all over the place like some disgusting pimple on their fragile egotistical backs.

and their dumb enough to buy Bernie a 4th house

Who the fuck is complaining about niggers stealing jobs? This is literal logical fallacy

The federal government already pays for poor people to go to school and have healthcare via subsidies. Your taxes are already being used for social programs. The different with Jewbro is that there'd be some oversight into how badly the collegiate and health insurance industries are violently exploiting this free tax payer money.

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yep you're retarded

>So I'm retarted because I am tired of working 40 hour work weeks just to land in a shit tax bracket and can hardly afford medical coverage for my family?
Maybe you should try not working at fucking Burger King?

Establishment shills in overdrive. Proves how scared they are of the bern. When I see 3 anti-Bernie threads on Cred Forums at the same time I know I’ll be making the right choice by voting for him

They're like astroturfing DNCniggers.

Cope harder.

Lethal amounts of Boomer.

Dont want for free want gov to take what other people bought and give to me but the other people already paid for it so its technically not free.

>Proves how scared they are of the bern
Scared? If anything they're fucking laughing at you retards

How are those tax breaks working out for you?

Who doesn't want free shit?

The funny part is that if Bernie wins they probably will get free as well...unlike all the broken promises from Trump...

May god have mercy on your soul trumptard

People are complaining about AA because the democrats use it to give their retarded pets jobs they aren't qualified for or get into schools with shitty grades and test score. But sure, you sperg out about some other bullshit while you defend your "team".

It's not free stuff.
It's called using tax revenue to actually help the people for a change, an overall trillion dollar military budget with 100 billion earmarked for the F-35 jet project that still won't fly helps exactly no-one.
I for one prefer that my tax dollars go to feed & clothe my less fortunate neighbors, rather than being used to kill people I have no quarrel with half a world away from here.

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Tyrone and Juan are nothing but strange kinky fantasies swirling around in your closeted homo head...they dont exist

I want the US to save money over all, and pay less money to huge industries who have their grabby hands down in the pants of the nations coffers with the blessings of (mostly) republican politicians.

And I'm willign to pay more tax, if it goes to less retarded shit.

Use our money to help our citizens not to police the world!

Surprise...Kobys net worth was 500 million dollars!

Look it up..."bro"

Let me guess


You think that nigger was worth $500 million dollars? He didn't even make that much in fucking contract money. How stupid are you?

Can't. You're right.
Leftists always attract useful idiots.

There is no reason why every American shouldnt be entitled to free health care so they can be healthy happy and working so they can BUY SHIT and keep this capitalistic shit moving...its like maintaining and fueling your car to keep it running smoothly instead of shelling out uber money after you fuck it up...

Retard...look up his net worth and stop arguing like an uninformed dumbass

>so they can BUY SHIT
BINGO, and there it fucking is. You people only want "free" healthcare so you can spent your money on fucking bullshit.

I mean, if you want to disregard public records and argue with "facts" you pull out of your ass. Be our guest, but frankly everyone else knows you are being the idiot in the room...


Hey jackass...that stuff Americans blow money know like Christmas time and shit...your fucking xbox and hd tv...that's what moves our economy...the healthcare system in this country is broken and has only worked to profit a few...and guess what jackass? You are not and never will be one of those few...

He was worth 500 million its fucking public record dumbass...if you want to research it the hard way go ahead...that is still the number

The problem there is that the health insurance and pharmaceuticals industries leverages the almost infinite money of raping the fuck our of the individual by charging massive out of pocket expenses and tax funded kick backs that it's more fiscally viable to let the peasants die from a condition whose cure costs pennies than it does to provide affordable care so that people can then waste their money on competing industries.

Must hurt knowing niggers can make so much that you have to blow up in this awesome explosion of denial

No it just makes you a brainwashed fucking sheep who likes to blow all your money on bullshit while you complain about the "rich elite", so you want me to pay for your fucking healthcare so you can spent more money on video games and weed? Yeah I don't think so champ.

>Public record
You're a fucking dumbass holy shit

You're a fucking idiot!

And that's the honest truth as opposed to the "free stuff" faggotry argument. The irony is that they are not even defending their own wallets with that belief...

And how the fuck does making it "free" fix that problem? You're gonna force doctors and nurses to work for free too?

Hey, I am not the truth denier jackass...with Koby being one of the largest best and most beloved players in the sport in well outright history the contracts for sportswear alone netted him millions it's not that impossible to believe his net worth was in the hundreds of millions. Well, unless you are an uneducated piece of envious shit. At the end of the day. Who the fuck cares what you choose to believe, their estate still has that much money and YOU never will

Its not free, its just a reallocation of tax dollars and more strick regulation. Instead of the fed comping $15k for a drug that costs less than $10 to produce, you'd see an introduction of price caps. The core business of health care wouldnt change fundamentally. it would just be a reduction in a handful of people pocketing billions of dollars.

I want you to pay for my healthcare? You are an idiot...right now as we speak I probably pay yours couch warrior faggot. And Ibdont mind paying out more if it means a healthier nation...especially with shit like the coronavirus spreading to kill your mom

You cant possibly be so stupid...

>Its not free
Yeah no shit. Yet plenty of you fucking dumbasses keep saying it should "free". So again, are doctors going to work for free? Who's going to pay them? Let me guess the fucking government right?

>I want you to pay for my healthcare?
Yes you fucking nigger. And if that's what you want then donate your own fucking money. Which fags like never fucking do because you're full of shit. You only want a "better society" as long as everyone else pays for it.

in our current system where companies privatize profit and socialize liabilities

I get that you are trying to educate him but I doubt it will get through. I mean he seems to be perfectly happy covering corporations free taxes but somehow doesnt feel they should pay his healthcare...that's unfixable stupidity

Yeah, you are just angry and uneducated...but that's OK. All is forgiven



>implying government doesn't try to profit

It's amazing that you can solve a captcha

Yeah, you are just gay and in the closet...but that's OK. You'll get aids eventually.

the only people who support trump are illiterate morons who think wind is a mystery

>prove me wrong

The government already pays them. Hospitals make their money by charging insurance companies. Insurance companies take billions of dollars in subsidies from the federal government. The check from the insurance company to the hospital clears, the doctors get paid. It's not that hard to understand, user. Hospitals are inherently a money losing venture. Literally everything they do costs money without generating revenue. Its only once they bill the insurance companies that they make any money. The same insurance companies that work in tandem with pharmaceutical companies to jack up medicine prices to ensure that the bill is at max profitability.

>illiterate morons
Wrong, those niggers and spics that can't read are voting democrat

You seem to fail to understand that I am arguing that YOU should receive free healthcare.

trump can't spell, ergo, you support illiteracy

>The government already pays them.
Okay so you're just retarded and/or underaged. Don't worry kiddo. Someday you'll get your first big boy job and see how the world really works.

Ooh you broke out the "gay" hate...still forgive you for that the end it is not your fault

You really don't know how taxes work do you, nigger?)

Free Healthcare isn't free you retard!
It's more like subsidized healthcare, by everyone and eliminating waste such as Health insurance companies which are only there to provide profits for their shareholders.

Inb4 more government is bad
Less waste and more value.

You forgot racist...

lmao stupid russian troll has no argument for this one so he just resorts to insults

Ah see...there it is...the racism

You're so stupid it hurts.

>russian troll

no evidence

go to bed, ivan

democrats love controlling minorities

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>by everyone and eliminating waste such as Health insurance companies
Yeah, GREAT idea. That way we can all get put onto the government's healthcare plan instead. Which is exactly what the democrat want, more people dependent on big brother. That's how they keep sheep like you in check.

>Muh Russia
Serious question, are you the same fucking fag who's going around and saying in every fucking thread? Because you look look a complete fucking idiot

Both sides of Cred Forums are literal cancer. Cred Forums is nothing but a hugbox now

if that was true you and every other racist right winger would be voting for them

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typical russian troll, can't argue with facts or logic

>if that was true you and every other racist right winger would be voting for them
Are you really trying to say the democrats aren't racist? Are you for real right now?

lmao you retards switch between democrats being cuckolds for all black men and claiming they are still plantation owners whenever it suits your argument. it's pure cowardice because you know you're wrong on both fronts.

I want my own home. And willing to work at one of the millions of Bernie $15/hr jobs to afford one. Also, I want a clean environment and a secure retirement.

What do you want? A wall?

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Yeah, you seem to not understand how things work here in the USA. You're either a Russian troll or a very, very dumb Trumptard.
I go for the latter.

Who you calling a retard retard? Mental health will also be covered in this new program and we can determine who the retard is at that point. The ACA is currently a subsidized medical program as you define. Bernie's program would be more akin to Medicaid which could be defined as free healthcare that does in fact get paid by us all...including the billionaires currently escaping tax responsibility. But does not come out of pocket in the tens of thousands...

Except the democrats WERE the fucking plantation owners, so what the fuck are you talking about? This is literal fact

>thinking you can afford a home for $15/hr when everyone gets $15/hr
>"retards who want free shit"

>democrats are all just sjw cucks!
>democrats control minorities through an extensively orchestrated conspiracy

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so are they still plantation owners or are they weak beta cucks for minorities? which is it? and if they are racist, are you saying that right wingers are the beta cucks for black men?

I wonder if the new health care program can take care of that pain...


Idiots love making those kinds of false statements

Can't fix what's not there. The pain is yours, of course.

Dude seriously...with Trump YOU are currently the sheepiest fucking sheep in sheep fucking check!

>that does in fact get paid by us all
So Tyrone and Juan will pay for it will they? Or do they get a free pass from people like you? Funny you love ranting about billionaires, but Tyrone sitting on the porch all day and selling drugs you people don't say a fucking word about that. But I should be happy I'm gonna pay for that nigger's health care, fuck outta here.

You're not even making sense. The only person who brought up cucks is you. What is even your fucking point? Do you even know?

okay, pretend to be retarded because you know your point is absurd and dishonest, it's all you right wingers ever do anyway.

>answers in the most artistically retarded way possible...

Plantation owners valued earnings over human lives to the point that niggers were a commodity, not human. That's textbook right wing bullshit. The current government in Australia is called the Liberal party but they espouse deeply conservative views. Nuance is tough, I know, but jesus christ user.

What is it with you and Tyrone and Juan? Did they refuse to suck your cock or something?

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That and communist fucks that want to kill this country.

don't even bother, these rat-fucking cowards know their bullshit is just that, they don't care, because it's not their responsibility to believe in anything. They could walk in on trump fucking their wife and they'd shout from the rooftops how great being a cuckold was all along. These boot licking retards don't actually have any convictions, and the king can do no wrong as long as he keeps letting them play at being goose-stepping bullies.

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Dishonest my ass. Are they gonna pay yes or no retard? You people not only DONT say anything about them sitting on the porch THEY DO NOT OWN, while selling drugs and having kids they don't even raise. But any time someone brings up your pets you people wanna play stupid. So why are you not bitching about them not paying for their own fucking healthcare?

Sure kid, any bullshit excuse for why your team were the slave masters. Facts are facts and the bottom line is the democrats owned the slaves. Own up to it you fucking coward.

In todays economy, billionaires are still the plantation owners and we are ALL now the commodities. Fighting for fair and equal healthcare is fighting for the right to good health as a nation and the conglomerates and insurance companies could give a fuck about that

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Wow, that's a mouthful of shit...just wow

based and antiworkpilled

>What is it with you and Tyrone and Juan?
Because I find it funny how you're supposedly upset that billionaires don't pay for YOUR fucking healthcare, which is absolutely ridiculous and comical. Meanwhile there are millions of niggers and spics that don't put a fucking dime into "social services" they receive, including free health care, and you fags don't say a fucking word about that. Which just prove this has nothhing to do with people paying for healthcare. You just want to be given money from rich people so you can turn around and waste it on fucking bullshit, like video games and tendies. Let's be fucking real here.

Can't be a White Nationalist, he gave his daughter to a Jew. Also kisses Israel's ass too much.

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wow this right wing retard is melting down hard. His words aren't even making sense anymore.

There are just as many white trash niggers collecting section 8 in all the red states...actually more...but you can only manage to see poverty through racist colored glasses....go fuck yourself

a racist democrat? nothing new heredemocrats systematically control minorities
oh you mean systematic racism?

a white person denying racism. nothing new

Not before he fucked her, though. which is elder god tier based.

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>What is per capita
But I know, we're not suppose to pay attention to that. Any excuse in the fucking book for your pets. I also find it funny you refuse to answer my question. Why are you not complaining about them not paying?

citation needed

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Nobody mentioned Obama you dumbass, we are discussing Bernie.

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you're a retard who elected a retard user hahaha

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I know right? And he still does not seem to get that he is defending companies like Amazon that make billions tax free from HIS pocket and believes that somehow HE would be the one solely paying for minorities health care and that idea alone absolutely KILLS his racist little soul...he is being ass raped by our government right now but as long as they are rich and likely white...its aaallll gooood. What a cuck!

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Dude you are such a racist fucking peice of shit that you dont even realize that your question is nothing but hateful delusional the only reasonable answer is fuck yourself...

Citations not needed...its common knowlege

>that make billions tax free from HIS pocket
Don't you have some high school math homework to finish? Because you clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about. But I know, your pets not paying is fine for you though. You just want to be given more money to buy tendies.

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Right so you can't answer it. Because if you did, it would reveal the fact you don't CARE that they don't pay. This isn't about having free healthcare. This is about fags like you that want to steal other people's money, so you can waste it on bullshit. At least be fucking honest for once in your pathetic life.

Contrary to your beliefs whites still make up a majority of this country and there are far more of them collecting freebies from the system just by sheer population numbers alone

Fuck up bootlicker

>I was only pretending
Here's your (you)

>your pets
user you are one of the biggest cringiest faggots I've ever seen post here lol

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Corporate tax rates have dropped while their revenues have increased in the trillions. Why do you like handing the government money to pay for some spic on her fifth kid to go ti college when businesses payout billions to their share holders and virtually nothing in taxes. It's an aggressive proclamation of your retardation.

Hey dumb fuck, you do realize that if Bernie wins, you won't have a small business because he will take it and give what you have built with you sweat and blood to some undeserving nigger or shitskins.

Would you prefer I refer to them all as your slaves? That's how your team treats them all, like pets and slaves

>your team
Top 10 cringemeister

Your still going to work the 40+ hours just to have most of it taken away and given to some lazy non-working nigger.

Yeah those are the only 2 fucking options, paying for some beaner's or nigger's welfare, or paying for corporate welfare. You fucking idiot.

Is 13% aggregate or averaged out of him paying income tax on work, and capital gains tax on investments. Is it reduced from charitable donations?

frogposter what makes you think you "deserve" anything

You did it yourself. Also the worker class of the USA isn't exactly full of "retards", and they are the ones supporting him

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Its actually not two options because you're already doing both.

>per capita #s please

No you are just an idiot and not worth it

That's what these fucking dumbasses who support Bernie don't understand. They really do believe Amazon is gonna pay for their fucking healthcare. They don't even understand how taxes work.

>Income tax
So more taxes on the fucking middle class, nice
>Capital gains tax
Lol what a fucking joke. What the fuck is that gonna do? You think your average rich person is trading stocks all fucking day?

And voting for Bernie fixes that, how exactly? When we have his retarded followers who won't even acknowledge the fact that hoards of non-whites aren't paying into the system right bow

hey moron, literally every developed country spends less on healthcare than the US, and most of them have universal healthcare. same again for social security, same again (mostly) for education.

you've been duped. everyone has.

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By regulating a badly broken system.

>literally every developed country spends less on healthcare than the US, and most of them have universal healthcare.
Great, so go move your bitch ass to one of those countries. Then tell us how "great" their healthcare is.

>By regulating a badly broken system
How, by forcing everyone to pay more taxes into this "broken system"? Give me a break.

Why shouldn't Amazon be taxed?

>So more taxes on the fucking middle class, nice
The middle class wouldn't be paying 70%
>you don't understand taxes
you abhor them, so you make up shit and call yourself an expert :~)

And when the drug companies refuse to create new drugs for new diseases, what are you going to do then? Without profits there is no innovation or incentive for innovation.

>most of it
I dont know who employs you but they are lying to you about where "most of" your pay is going...

I assume these pictures are just cannon-fodder to distract from the Cred Forums circle jerk, but there is some kind of underlying meaning? Is there a point to the long tie?

>by forcing everyone to pay more taxes
user we're sorry you don't know what progressive taxation is
but you're a dumbfuck
stop posting

Irellevant faggot...your wallet does not care about per capitas

Not more taxes. The same amount. Just overisght into how much a handful of folks on the pharma and insurance industries pocket. Its seriously not that hard to understand. Strict regulations would actually produce a drop in tax money.

>there is no innovation or incentive for innovation.
believe it or not the real world isn't like living with your mom

He is an idiot defending corporations and people that are literally screwing him...

So... A Trump supporter?

>Why shouldn't Amazon be taxed?
Again, how about you turn off CNN and learn how fucking taxes work. But let's just play your game for a second here. How much should Amazon be taxed? What is the exact amount? And after they pay this tax and fire thousands of people right afterward, what is your stupid ass gonna say then? Hehe I don't care at least I have more money for tendies :). Fucking ridiculous.

You do understand that income taxes are paid by people who fucking WORK for a living, right? No of course you don't. Because people like you have your head so far up your ass, you can't be bothered to think about anything you say for 2 fucking seconds. You just hear the words tax and rich and that makes you happy. When in reality, for the democrats, "rich" is code for "anyone who doesn't collect welfare and sit on the porch all day".

And I'm sorry you're so fucking stupid you don't even understand how income taxes fucking work. But don't worry, you'll learn after you leave that job at Taco Bell and get your first big boy job.

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They still profit. People are always going to get sick. They just won't profit in the billions to buy plane tickets to pedo island and donate millions to state and federal elections. How do you not understand how removing that influence is a good thing?

It's literally stopping the people sucking money out of ALL of us and redistributing it...yet this cuck faggot continues to defend the people he will never be

because he hates the gubbamint because it's "tyrannical"
but corporate tyranny=ok

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>Not more taxes. The same amount. Just overisght into how much a handful of folks on the pharma and insurance industries pocket. Its seriously not that hard to understand. Strict regulations would actually produce a drop in tax money.
ROFL, yeah because that's really gonna happen with the democrats in office. You can't be fucking serious right now.

Your posts are code for "I hate anyone who is non-white"

Amazon is not paying ANY taxes right now you moron...wake the fuck up

>you don't even understand how income taxes fucking work
you were told to stop posting boomer

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Okay so you're just gonna keep on acting like a fucking dumbass, got it

You realize you are all on your own here right? Nobody is backing your bullshit...

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inb4 some stupid link that says they are lol

This isnt a demo/repub issue. Politicians are gonna politic. Limiting influence from extraordinary players is a good thing for the common man. You let robber barons run wild long enough, people start cutting off heads. I'd like a healthy balance.

USA democrats aren't really lefty. That's why Bernie is under attack by them, he's an actual lefty with actual democratic values.

you're not wrong

No, because that would mean I would be in agreement with you...

Yet no one can refute a single thing I said. Almost like all the people I replied to are literal children with no real life experience. Which is exactly who supports Bernie Kike Sanders.

it's literally a parody of a Fox News Trumper. Putin must be hard up for recruits with all of them dying of natural causes or disappearing.

Well he is far left...not moderate

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Fuck niggers

Here's your proof:

All the retards are already voting for Trump. None left for Bernie.


MAGA 2020



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Attached: unnamed.jpg (433x269, 34K) one is even going to bother when you are being such an are like a flat earthers at a world science convention...we all know you are retarded so we dont need to defend our points

Yikes, Bernie isn't even that close, he's leftist but social democrats aren't exactly far left

Just take ALL the free stuff that billionaires already get and turn it into universal healthcare. You'll have plenty leftover to fix other things too.

The welfare queens of this country are corporations.

>when you are being such an asshole
So go back to fucking Jewbook where you belong you fucking fag

All those things have already been proven true.

He's also a criminal.

Hope those tears give you the Coronavirus and drown in your own vile fluids..

Yeah, no, workers work meanwhile capitalists do nothing except receive profit by stealing from the working class

See? You keep arguing for me...thanks

not all heroes wear capes

>Just take ALL the free stuff that billionaires already get
>While my pets continue to get free stuff for real
>Please don't pay attention to that though
>My pets get a free pass

>bootyblasted snowflake can't handle someone disagreeing with him.

Its like poerry

>by stealing from the working class
>except for when it time's for me to buy the new iPhone and Nikes
>that doesn't count though
>they steal from me until it's time to buy stuff i like
>then suddenly it's not a problem anymore

no but my racist heart does, nice way of dodging the question though. it's almost like i'd expect to pay more to whites in a white majority nation but the numbers are staggering at how many more niggers and spics benefit from it in comparison to total amounts of niggers and spics.

Who are "pets" you fucking freak? How do you even socialize in public? You are that dude everyone will say was so quiet after you shoot the local school up....fucking get help man

Bud, it's time for you to return to your safe space. You don't belong here.

THERE IS NO QUESTION have no worth

They do have a right to all that, if they work for it like I did. Nobody gave me anything and I have all that because I was honorable and worked my ass off for what I wanted. Fuck all you communist tranny faggots. Kys

>my pets
this doesn't get any less cringe when you mix up the words
you are a massive faggot

But user, those billionaires are stealing from you! All 50 of them! But millions of my pets collecting welfare and sitting on porches they don't own, that's okay! I NEED MORE MONEY FOR TENDIES REEEEEEE

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Also...even if ALL the blacks got free stuff they still would not outnumber whites on section 8...also you are a racist fuck...poor is poor and people are people and everyone deserves care

Amen Brother
White Pride World Wide 14 88


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Oh I'm sorry, would you prefer I call them your slaves? Hell I don't know what you people refer to them as these days. It sure as fuck ain't as fellow human beings that's for sure.

Yeah and what are you going to do with all the people you put out of work? You fuckers just don't think do you?

What kind of faggot believes in "equality" or "diversity"?

>stealing from the working class

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It's fucking imbeciles like you and everyone else in this thread agreeing with you why we're going to have another 4 years of this retard down in Washington ignoring science, putting more inbred conservative boomers in charge of shit, fucking up healthcare and literally everything else for us middle class people and I can take a wild guess that you're one of them. Jfc PLEASE kill yourselves.


You're an even bigger retard if you actually think that, nor have you ever picked up a history book.

[This is what retarded capitalists actually believe]

All 50 of them have more money than all the rest of us...let that sink in dipshit

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You are a racist fuck...your words are meaningless

>you people
cringelord lol

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Are you fucking stupid Annon? It's not about consumption, it's about capitalists pigs monopolizing the market and forcing labor upon us. Me buying a phone doesn't do anything, nor not buying it.

His only avenue of communication is in this retarded corner of the internet

Nigger lover

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>the reason why Cred Forums is shit
>not mentioning the porn posting coomers


you don't have a job user
we can't put you out of work

Well given the fact there are far more whites compared to blacks, yeah no shit more of them are in section 8. It would be a fucking embarrassment if there were more niggers on welfare than whites. Still doesn't change the fact they are on welfare disproportionally compared to whites. But I know, you don't want people to pay attention to that part. Just like how we're just suppose to believe whites and blacks commit crimes at the same rate, EVEN THOUGH literally every city with high amounts of gun violence are majority black and hispanic. But that level of thinking doesn't fly in the DNC party.

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No worth at all..

>ignoring science
You mean like the "science" of turning kids into trannies and cutting your dick and balls off? That science?

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This is retarded and you are retarded and we are slightly closer to being retarded from having read it.

Americans Know. ;)

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That means when you complain about YOUR money paying for other people...YOU ARE PAYING FOR MORE WHITE PEOPLE...period! The rest of your racist crap is meaningless

This shit is way more cancerous than most of the porn. The agendas behind this crap are far more insidious and the people arguing over it are exponentially dumber.

It is absolutely about consumption. You people love bitching about capitalism until you fucking benefit from it. So why don't you fucking move to Cuba if you hate it so much? Afriad to walk the walk?

lol i know they aren't worth anything, but thanks.

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Scientists agree on the gender spectrum and that transgender is real. You not understanding something doesn't make it unreal or unscientific.

Yes I enjoy that please post more.

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What does that matter to you? Less sperm to create more liberals...

that's your sick twisted attempt at controlling the gender dialogue user
has nothing to do with science :~)

What's your point?

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Oh you are no daisy at all

That’s a good point.

As expected in a white majority country.
How much goes out to niggers, spics, and whites in total. Go ahead and pull those numbers up for me google. While you're at it, go ahead and tell me the total % of niggers, spics and whites in the population.

I'd be pro-choice if it meant one less Libreal

Ooh a meme!

>I'm above both sides
that's how trump got elected dipshit

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How do I benefit from it? I literally have to work to not die, that's not a good thing, buying a fucking phone doesn't mean capitalism is good, you're fucking stupid dude, and Cuba is just another capitalist country.

Duh, it's the ONLY ones who ever supported him

there needs to be one less you actually

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You're just scared Bernie has the election in the bag

Stop being an idiot...its not about race... If there is a universal health care more white people will benefit from it period...regardless of your per capitalist are just a racist fuck. And that's the only reason your delicate little ass is bothered. Neck yourself dude

This is fucking comical. So first, you didn't even want to address how there is a literal massive brown hoard not paying for health care at the moment. NOW, you wanna complain there are more whites on welfare. You people are fucking pathetic. Any excuse in the motherfucking book for your pets not paying. But you don't care they don't pay because this has nothing to with people paying or not. This is about you wanting to steal money from rich people so you can buy more bullshit you don't even need, like playstations and Taco Bell. You've been ousted son. It's over. Own it.

says it all trumpshit

I want my taxes to go to social programs that benefit everyone, like infrastructure and education. I don't want it going directly into the pockets of multibillionaires.

But retards like you think taxes should just vanish into the fucking black hole that is multinational corporations and CEO pockets instead of benefiting you and everyone like you. You think this because the people who own the politicians and the media tell you to think that, and because you have negative critical thinking skills, you just follow whatever you hear first.

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Because I worked for everything I have, and I am proud of that fact. If you don't work you deserve nothing.


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Be pro choice anyway, it could mean a lot less of a lot of the things you've been trained to hate.

Its an objective fact that if workers stop showing up the business fails. You can't hire and train an entire store in a day.

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>and Cuba is just another capitalist country.
Oh okay so you're just incredibly stupid. My mistaken then. I didn't realize I was talking to a fucking chimp.

>Maybe you should try not working at fucking Burger King
Don't think that will be a problem for much longer.

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This sad little racist pig is worthless and ruins the fun of any debate with his autistic bullshit...

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I'm sure what you have is amazing...outhouse and all

Come on man, tell me, what is Cuba? And you're fucking missing the point of the comment. Capitalism is shit, buying a fucking phone doesn't make things good and having to slave myself to make a living isn't a good thing.

>I don't want it going directly into the pockets of multibillionaires.
>Until it's time to buy the new iPhone
>Then I don't mind anymore

We the working class need to be the government and control the companies

>I work at LARPing on the Internet
>I'm proud of the fact all the money goes to the richest people
top zoz

You are the only thing that is fucking comical.. you actually believed you had talking points this whole time...go take your tiki torch to a gathering and fuck off

ok boomer

And Donald trump just inherited the wealth from his father lol

I haven't lived at home since 1985. I was to busy raising a family and buying my own land. I never had anything given to me.

So buying a new fucking phone every 2 years isn't part of the problem? And you people wanna complain about rich people everyday. How about you stop wasting your money on dumb shit, then we can fucking talk? Until then you can suck my fucking cock.

I think somebody who's actually committed to solving problems, and is willing to do the extreme things necessary is just what this country needs.

>per capitalist
lol alright you're just screeching from raw emotion. opinions discarded.

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>I'm too busy LARPing
shut up faggot

"Look at my black! Look at my black over here!"

-- a very stable genius

NOTE: Trump's black left him a few months ago. No idea why.

End user consumer products make up less than 1% of an individual's debt. Try again you goalpost shifting nigger.

You know damn well that's not what I was fucking talking about but nice try. I'm talking about climate change, reducing carbon emissions, more research into biotech, more research into better and safer food production like GMOs, etc. There's a lot more, stuff that Trump couldn't even begin to comprehend. If you don't want Bernie in office then fine but don't put another republican living in his regressive God-loving fairyland in office.

Of course he's screeching from raw emtion. This nigger is complaining about people being racist on fucking Cred Forums. Like anybody here gives a fuck. Go back to fucking Jewbook if you don't like it.

The more you reduce their profits the more they will reduce the products and services they supply. I take it you have not even taken a high school economics course.

>"I never had anything given to me"

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Clearly we need to defend those poor billionaires from making marginal profits.

You guys know the British mercantile and free-market actions killed nearly 1 billion Indians over 200 years?

Goalpost up your fucking ass. You have no argument and you fucking know it. You look at the average retard out there. They switch jobs and make more money what's the first instinct they have? Run out and buy a bunch of shit on fucking credit. How many people out there finance a car or lease? And I should fucking feel bad for you? Yeah I don't think so.

How you break corporate tyranny is to stop doing business with them, not increase your dependence on them.

Uh Oh!!
Who called 1-800-4FA-GGOT?
Cuz It's Ben GAYrisson!

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Holy shit you are fucking idiotic. I'm complaining about dirty ass capitalists who control our wages, they turn us into slaves. You don't have to go to work to survive in the world, only in a capitalist system do you have to. If you buy a phone, it's to talk to people or whatever, in these days a phone is essential, fucking prick. You've reached top stupidity

>durr vote with your wallet
It actually takes regulation user. Thanks for asking.

A guy buying a $500 tv or xbox isn't what's breaking the socioeconomic situation in America you frothy nigger.

Actually, I am because everything he says is correct.