What the fuck is wrong with my hands and feet...

What the fuck is wrong with my hands and feet? Yesterday they started to sting a bit and they have these red bumps on them. They don't itch they just sting a bit, not too painful maybe a 2/10.

As far as I know I'm not allergic to anything and I don't think I came into contact with anything I haven't before that I could possibly be allergic to. I also had chicken pox already when I was really young.

I was sweating a lot while sleeping the night before this started though. I was also really stressed out for about 2 days before which I've heard can cause shit like this sometimes.

I'm not freaking out about it but I am a little concerned, I'll see a doctor tomorrow but I wondered what Cred Forums might think is happening. Thanks lads.

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You might be dehydrated

you have herpes and you gonna die

it is hand foot mouth disease. pray it dosent fuck up your immune system or you are fucked for the rest of your life with auto immune desies

Coronavirus. Obvious.

Possibly. I was working really hard the days before it started and I wasn't eating or drinking much apart from like 1 or 2 sodas. I usually eat and drink pretty healthy but i was really busy

I had exactly the same thing happen to me. Several doctors said it was eczema but I'm still not sure.

coronavirus.. good luck op

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that my throat has also been feeling weird. Again not too painful but it feels like something sharp is stuck in there and it feels uncomfortable to swallow

drink some milk

Stop sucking cock then..

You're probably fucking dying.


It's leprosy.


Can confirm this user is right. It sucks and will only get worse. Looks like your in the beginning stages. When I had it it was like walking when your feet are asleep. Like stinging needles. Same sensation for the hands. Just wait until your hands and feet are covered and once the virus is gone all the skin on your hands and feet dies and peels off.

Sounds like "hand foot mouth". Thats actually what its called

Hand mouth and foot disease I had it.

Fuck man, is there a way to treat it?

u clearly have the gay, kys asap!

Pompholyx? You might be too stressed.