What have you given up on?

What have you given up on?

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everything but im still rooting for you

Trying to learn how to play bass.



Dude I play bass, what's holding ya down mate?

Thank you user

go back to lereddit faggot

Pretty women. They're all narcisists. I married a 6.5/10 and she is a wonderful mom to my 3 sons.

This is true, I've never met a pretty woman who isn't stuck up in some way

I feel like my fretting hand is not getting any better. My right seems alright though, I can gallop with two fingers and play flamenco like Geddy Lee.

I also bought the shittiest bass 100 dollars can buy.

At mate that's a good lead for you. I suggest learning the songs you love and know well, so you can help yourself practice that hand. Plus, learning the songs you love helps you play the way you want to play. And keep practicing consistantly

That's perfect imo, if you learn to be great on a shit bass than it becomes like butter when you play a better one

I will since the music club in my HS hasnt gotten a bass player since my freshman year.

good grades at uni
social life
one of the good friends
trusting anyone
learning another language
working out
youtube content (I rewatch old shit)
tv in general
music I probably need a bigger library but I usually have one-two songs that I prefer rest are just bad few months later I find another main song and the cycle repeats
thinking negatively
thinking positively
time management
looking for a better imageboard
3d modeling
playing rock paper scizors aka cringe edge newFriend
ocd fck my perfect fap folder with 40 keyword in an app that I bought just for that reason
being chad
staying virgin (no homo)
thousands of baits every week here
speaking to people like it's meaningful
all my hairdressers so far
racism sexism

Suck a cock, you liberal shitfuck


Cred Forums

Trying to get pussy from my wife. Don't care if I get caught and none of these bitches care that I'm married and have a 14yr old daughter.

most my hobbies
most of my favourite movie series
others reading shit I post on Cred Forums (I write for myself)
but I know that but I still am autistic so I wrote it just in case I forget
getting weight
being rich af
working on my accent
killing myself
finding a friend with similar interests
keeping my secrets secrets
using any time on hating anything
finger whistling and finger whistling without using fingers (friend's is loud af my shounds like a kettle)
saving money
my country
filling most documents perfectly good enough is good enough
sparkling water
cleaning my room perfectly
browsing rule 34 daily not missing a single image for 5 years
my rules (coming here just for the porn
never posting any content
never posting pics of myself
....... pics of myself naked)
all the boards but b (why) -idk
ok seems okay me
yes me now tell them why u make it so long
ok cause I am shitting and it would be quite ironic to shit post
ok bye me

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excuse me?


concurrent programming

Cigarettes, its been two years this may. I still dream of smoking every now and then

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my dad quit 40 years ago and tells me he still has nightmares about picking them up again

Aye i heard it never goes away

Having a kid does suck the life out of you.

females being whores, that's pretty much it

I have found over the years the hotter the woman the crazier

Fighting off the newly formed Hobo Republic. There's too many to fend off!

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Belle delphine full frontal or hardcore

most americans deciding to pull their head out and actually educate themselves about something

>Suck a cock, you liberal shitfuck

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Okay what's the deal with this meme? I've seen it a hundred times but literally don't know what it is or where it's from.

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You little shits gonna tell me or what?!