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Shut up, libtard.

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Strong economy, record low unemployment among multiple ethnic / race groups, no new major military incursions, most prosperous period in the past 20 years....yeah, totally on point OP.

Fake news

Nope, those are indisputable facts, lol guy. Even your beloved left leaning NBC News admits as much. I know multi-syllable words confuse the average left winger. So feel free to ask your Mommy to read it to you, son.

This! Niggers are swinging from every tree! Cock sucking faggots are being stomped to death in the streets! And starving illegal beaners are left to starve and then beaten! #TrumpsAmerica

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Where is the fucking wall and why did all the money went to Israel?

The Economy has done well due to deregulation. Its all well and good until something bad happens. I'm actually hoping that Trump gets reelected so I can hear him blubber and try to blame everyone else when this whole thing comes crashing down.

If Trump were smart he'd throw this election or resign before we have a recession that will put 2008 to shame. Let it all collapse under someone elses watch.

Totally. Trump is in Isreal's pocket and hasn't done shit about misegination.

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Once you let men marry eachother, you can't do shit about miscegenation.

But didn't you hear? Trump solved the economy by copying Herbert Hoover and there will never be any downside whatsoever.

Trump is a massive kike shill

LMAO Goddman I love this place. People trolling each other tongue in cheek to have a philosophical laugh at the Libs. Never change, Cred Forums.


If you drive a car or use a bus you should understand why we are fuckin with Israel. Oil is precious and if the terrorists get it our prices will go up and they're gonna start a bunch of shit on fire this is 3rd grade economics.


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Sounds like paradise.


...Yeah. That's what calling everyone a nazi does.
Congrats on posting a picture that details it.

Can't wait for GodKing Trump to cancel the election these leftist sub-human scum are trying to rig and declare the Democraps terrorists like they are. Maybe we'll get to see Schumer and Pelosi on their knees, Trump telling them America doesn't negotiate with terrorists, and summarily executing the treasonous snakes for trying to destroy this great nation.