Attached: Kansas wins.jpg (600x766, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the cope / seethe line

Everyone under this line is coping or seething



This is the cope / seethe line

Everyone above this line is coping or seething

Trolls: I have nothing better to do than pay attention to twitter. Look, LOOK!!

everyone else: you're pretty upset huh?

What a fucking charlatan

>"maybe if I accuse of everyone who posts after me of being a loser in some way (maybe by accusing them of using coping strategies or by simmering in their own anger), then I can prevent everyone else from mocking this thread and me."
this is how delusional these faggots are

Attached: rage in reality.jpg (609x504, 22K)

I'll pick him over whatever "Hate Whitey, Child Trannies, Gibs for Illegals, Yay Communism" candidate he's going to run against.

>Trump: I have nothing better to do than post to twitter. Look, LOOK!!

>everyone else: you're pretty upset huh?

There's 75% chance he did this just to get more people to talk about him considering how many people pay attention to the Superbowl.

Attached: covfefe_tweet_e7606ca3feccb5943b69b8dd8c93a84f.nbcnews-ux-600-480.jpg (600x246, 16K)


Attached: D61946FC-5C67-42C3-AE67-B2D15D63653F.jpg (902x677, 154K)

He fixed it. This is now a Trump Derangement thread.

Attached: 1528405591029.gif (208x156, 1.23M)


Trump 2020
Stay mad

Attached: C159F99B-AC1F-4CDB-9925-7C2B416F454E.jpg (254x254, 14K)

Well he has everyone talking about this instead of the impeachment trial, so...

the sounds your line made gave me cancer

Is it genius to make a simple quip making yourself look dumb to a bunch of faggots who already hate you?


Attached: 1478318952606.jpg (500x433, 71K)

Good old covert female fellatio

This. This so hard. So much this. Fuck the Democratic platform. It is pure nonsense and poison.

Not a trump supporter but I guess I'll be the first to admit this, I did not know this either. Maybe I don't pay enough attention or maybe being a hockey fan and not a football fan it just wasn't relevant enough for me to know.

you are an autistic criminal and need one to accurately represent you
vote for trump

You should quit lying to yourself and reject all of these war mongering fools. No gods, no masters.