Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

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It's actually a fantastic show that is on par with things like Game of Thrones and The Wire. HBO needs to watch themselves, because Netflix, while picking some baddies, has got this on its resume now.

>It's actually a fantastic show
My ass it's a fantastic show.

I don’t know faggot. We’ll never really know why libtards are so fucking gay. We just have to pray that their agenda(s) will die off and no longer play a roll in society.

>a roll in society

>Agenda dies off
Doubtful given the brown hoard buys into it

Eh, sue me.

Baaahahahahha. I mean, we’ll see man. Trump will solidly take this election, followed by another republican - maybe we can make some changes

it's entirely different from Game of Thrones- Game of Thrones is about the good guys having a wall to protect them from the north (Canada), the Witcher is about a good kingdom building a wall to protect them from the south (Mexico). other than that, the shows have nothing in common

Sue you for what? All the money you make off of your elite education? lol.

Actually it's entirely like Game of Thrones and the author even said it was inspired by it.

Because they fucking ruin everything. Libs gonna shit all over everything.

Sorry 'bout your tiny penis, bro.

i'm making a joke about how they are basically the same, except one is about protecting the US from Canada and one is about protecting the US from Mexico

>someone was actually paid real money they could theoretically pay rent or buy groceries with for this fucking post

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Why are you so butthurt? No one ruined anything about it.

Itt: Cuckservative circle-jerk
Kill yourselves

You should just accept that it’s a lame comparison and move on with your life.

Why are you in this thread?

oh yeah, I heard Trumptards were REEEEEE'ing out over this show. What was it that triggered you all into a category 5 spergfest?

That people hold beliefs that are not my own reee

How long before Nigflix files for bankruptcy?

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why do you keep shitposting this same boring thread topic over and over?

answer: lazy russian trollfarmer

die in a fire

>Implying the walkers weren't Mexicans

The slightest breeze.

Oof. Okay kiddo, isn’t it past your bedtime?

>No one ruined it
>Why don't you enjoy the fried chicken?

>why do you keep shitposting this same boring thread topic over and over?
Good question, who is spamming nigger dicks on here everyday? Oh right, those threads don't bother you.


Gamer server


It's absolutely fuck all to do with Canada and mexico and very clearly about Scotland and England with hadrians wall being the basis for the wall in GoT. JRRM has already said the war of the roses was a massively influence while he was writing the story

JRRM fucks jelly donuts.

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Also, it's GRRM, you filthy mongoloid.

Because it's an overrated videogame faggot neets cling to

go back to watching the masked singer

>Because it's an overrated videogame
Why bother making a show about it then?

>Masked singer
Am I suppose to know what the fuck that is? Is that what faggots like you are watching these days?

It's ok. Not enough geralt, way too much yennefer. Overall plot is pretty lame too. "Gotta get girl cuz destiny" k. But it's cool watch, wouldnt recommend though tbh.

A very long time

Damn. My woman and I wanted to watch it. How did the libs ruin it?

Highly doubtful.

Stupid statements get stupid responses

Why did conservatives ruin America?


Unironically because they're liberals and liberalism is brain poison.

>Why did conservatives ruin America?
Did they? So why do fags like you refuse to fuck out?

That's a retarded question in a country that is literally a prison. If the financial system of this broken shithole weren't so intentionally impoverishing, millions would flee to other countries. People literally can't afford to leave the prison state of america.

how did liberals ruin the witcher? ive only seen the show and thought it was ok, I have no frame of reference for source material.

>That's a retarded question in a country that is literally a prison
How the fuck is it a fucking prison? Who's stopping you from leaving? Your mommy and daddy you fag?

It's based on Polish folktales and it's full of niggers

horrible series pandering from ep1 on to minority demands and feminist agenda ......show is cucked and pbvi an ode to to current political demands rather than a faithful expose of the show

How are people going to leave and explain why it doesn't cost thousands of dollars.

When will this get old

When you die from liberalism.

Can't wait for a Liberal to win the whitehouse, execute trump, hang his corpse for the crows, and then come find you and fuck your kids.

I smell a jew rat

another day another conservative crying

>cost thousands of dollars.
Ah so you're a broke nigger? No wonder life is so bad for you here. Maybe you should go back to your motherland Africa?

But trump is a liberal, you imbecile. You don't even know what the word means.

It's a good show, they of course dropped shitty diversity quotas and muh stronk womans in it but it should lessen as it goes on.

Everyone is broke in america, you fucking faggot. 40% of americans work low wage jobs. The median income of americans is LESS than 30k a year. People can't even pay fucking rent in this country anymore. You honestly think they can afford to leave the fucking country? And that's if they can manage to cut through all the fucking red tape to even accomplish the goal. And since they're white, good luck finding a country that won't just kick them out. Your entire premise is built on a world that simply does not exist. It's entirely in your fucking empty head and nowhere else.


You don't even live in america do you?

so they casted some black people in a show about a guy who hunts monsters and that has you all butthurt?


Then why have any basis on reality at all? Why not have Geralt shoot lazers from his ass?

>Why did jews ruin the Witcher?
Because jews tell themselves that they're god's chosen people people who are destined to rule over all of humanity and dictate "right & wrong" based on what they'd like to see. They don't tell you that their main "gods" in their polytheistic non-religion are themselves and the literal devil. They have to ruin everything. They look for who or what is popular, like that did with 4chinz, and seek to infiltrate, subvert, and control whatever is or was popular for their own benefit while always claiming to be some sort of victim. You see them promoting this mindset in feminists, LGBT, niggers, and spics, and everyone who's not white; white people are their sworn enemy because they're the greatest resistance to jewish hegemony and are clearly smarter and better than the jew menace in every way shape and form. Jews hate white people with such a furious passion that they've been teaching everyone, including white people, that whites are guilty for jewish crimes against humanity and need to be knocked down a million pegs. They have weaseled their way into positions of power for years by means of blackmail and extortion. They look for the weakest members of the white race and seek to exploit that weakness, which grants them tremendous power and influence. Look at Disney, who owns Blacked.com by proxy. They literally pay kikes a better than living wage to police the internet all day and night in order to "combat antisemitism"; a made up word which actually means "someone who jews hate". Jews are the literal physical embodiment of cancer and need to be cleansed from this planet. Their pet niggers and spics can go to hell with them for all I care. They deliberately ruin everything that is popular with anyone with their dumb fucking kikery

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Still not a prison.

I guess it makes sense that some loser racist keeps complaining. In my opinion they ruined the Witcher because the dryads weren't naked and he didn't bone them enough. m.youtube.com/watch?v=WHjw9sXxoX8

This is part of the larger reason why no one whose brain functions takes lefties seriously. The word you're looking for is "cast". There is no such word as "casted" in the context which you have provided. You are literally too stupid to know how stupid you are, child

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>Still not a prison


Right, it has monsters and shit, so in season 2 there will be fried chicken and Tom Brady


Sorry but there were black people in medieval times.

basis in reality about hunting fictional monsters? what basis on reality does the show even have? that there are humans in it? cause last I checked I havent bumped into any elves in line at the grocery store

this argument right here I would accept over "theres black people in my make believe show!"

>It's make believe bro
>They can add fried chicken and basketball
>And it will make sense

Were there white people in Africa back then? Funny how this logic doesn't apply the other way though

but why wouldnt they already have fried chicken?

Right, so because it's fictional season 2 will have fried chicken and Michael Jordan. No one can complain because it's fiction.

ya dude who do you think were buying the slaves?

So you'd be fine with Geralt shooting lazers out of his ass because fuck any semblance of reality.

Why not? get Michael in there, he and superman can dunk on monsters together.

Dude I dunno! They should also have Michael Jordan and Burger King while they're at it

So where are all the white people in black panther?

it would be a weird choice but if you could shoot lasers out your ass why not do it to kill monsters?

>where are all the white people in black panther
everywhere else?

>Were there white people in Africa back then?
There were welcomed black people that were not slaves that lived in Europe during Medieval Times. Read the article, learn something new, change your opinion and grow as a person.

>ya (sic) dude who do you think were buying the slaves?
The jews
Did you know that over 80% of slave owners in the US were jewish?

You just said they had whites in Africa though. So why aren't there white people in the show?

How about you stop avoiding my question, cuck

>Can't wait for a Liberal to win the whitehouse, execute trump, hang his corpse for the crows, and then come find you and fuck your kids
Well, you're right about the Liberal fucking kids part

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ITT local incel upset two black people in show about made up shit.

Back to redd*t


>How about you stop avoiding my question, cuck
Your question is off topic, but from the article it mentioned Christianity being spread to Africa. White people are going to spread it, which means they went to Africa.
My question for you is what were you trying to prove by asking this question?

That you retards only say this bullshit about shows that white people like to watch. But nigger shows this same bullshit doesn't fly there. You think it's not obvious what you people are doing?

fuck off xD

Literally how? Tf was ruined? I thought it was good

>I thought it was good
Great news faggot, you're gonna LOVE season 2. They're going to have a lot of fried chicken and basketball, jsut for you!

Jews ruin everything their subhuman failure of a race come in contact with. And since they dominate Hollywood they're going to promote absolute filth and degeneracy and try to change history with their lies and propaganda. The jews need to be exterminated. Every last one of them; man, woman and child. Kill them off and the world will be able to progress and heal as a whole. They cannot help themselves when it comes to lying and spreading filth and degeneracy. They believe themselves to be the chosen people of Satan, their chief deity, who they claim to be direct descendants of

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Wait is the issue there are blacks?
That's fucking retarded even for Cred Forums. They didn't even make a deal out of it. Except the bard I guess

>But nigger shows this same bullshit doesn't fly there.
You seem to be claiming that people would be upset if a white person were to be a character in a African show?

I think you seem to not understand the difference between a white person playing a person of color and a white person existing as a character in Africa. The complaining is about white people playing the roll of a person of color. How you can equate the two, because they are clearly not the same.

IMHO everything with Geralt was cool. The rest of the cast and their stories were dumb.

>Wait is the issue there are blacks?
Not at all! I LOVE all the fried chicken and Tom Brady

I never said anything about a white person playing the role of a black character. But since you bring it up, why was it necessary to change multiple white women into black characters? Funny you're not saying anything about that.

>Heimdalr, the "whitest of the gods" played by a nigger
I don't think you're smart enough to grasp anything being said here. Jews are replacing white characters with niggers and spics because they have an agenda. White history is not "shared history". White people have done more good for the world than every other group of "people" combined. Yet are constantly painted as the "bad guys" by the actual bad guys of history. You really don't get it and you're not willing to admit that you're wrong despite there being mountains of evidence against whatever dumbfucking retard tier bullshit you're vomiting out

> They believe themselves to be the chosen people of Satan, their chief deity, who they claim to be direct descendants of

Where in the ever-living-fuck did you hear THAT?

They definitely claim to be the chosen people (although, what religion doesn't want its own followers to be the chosen?) but last I checked their God of choice was Yahweh, or YHWH, or whatever the fuck... not Satan.

Imagine a white person playing Malcom X or Martin Luther King Jr. That's the equivalent of niggers replacing human beings in white folkore

Not who you are replying to, just hopping into this thread, but what exactly is their agenda supposed to be?

>change multiple white women into black characters
Because those are witches and mages. If there were deep roots in an ethnicity and color that revolved around a character, then your argument holds, but as far as I saw there wasn't.

You know literally less than nothing about judaism, boy. Yahweh is Saturn who is Satan. He's a god of war and vengeance. They primarily worship themselves. But Satan is technically their chief deity

Which is based on a book series that did not have black people. Would you be fine with black characters being made white?

>Because those are witches and mages
Again you keep saying this like it's a valid argument. It's not. So by this same logic they can add computers and cell phones?

>>Why not bro? It's not based in reality, after all, there's monsters and elves!

>what exactly is their agenda supposed to be?
To take over the world, turn everyone into mindless slave wholly dependent on a centralized government which they control. When people talk about jews having a plan to take over the world they're talking about socialism/communism. Which the rabbis describe is being "pure judaism". It's jewish hegemony for the sake thereof. There's no rhyme or reason to it. They're an "evil" race or stone aged people who are not capable of living peacefully and sharing the world with civilized people. Have you ever read anything that jews have written? It's a rhetorical question because the answer is obviously "no". They hate humanity. They hate white people and Christians more than anything in the world. They are filled with hatred, vicious insecurity, malice, and envy. That is their core doctrine. And they stick together and promote one another without shame. They are the closest thing to pure and unrepentant evil that there ever was. The closest thing to an actual and literal enemy of all mankind that there ever was. They will proudly tell you this in their own words if you read the shit that they write when they feel that humans won't be reading it. I mean, just the Talmud itself is the most vile and wretched series of books ever written, in which they literally declare themselves smarter and better than God.

While I really liked GoT until the last 2 seasons or so, I'd say that Witcher actually surpasses it. It's a genuinely monumental production and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the show, as I went into it with low expectations. The writing, the characters the plot are all amazing in Witcher and everyone should give it a chance. Plus lots of tiddies.

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I know, this logic is fucking ridiculous and makes no sense. Oh yeah it's made up so they can add iMacs and McDonalds so they want too.

A skin color has nothing to do with the character it is about other attributes that make up the character. It's like criticizing the costume of a character for using the wrong color boots and saying the show is ruined. Only someone very sick would lose their mind over it.

liberals ruin everything they touch; see:-

The French Revolution

Detroit, Michigan

I wouldn't say "ruin", but yeah wow, they didn't really try with the casting. Sure they tried to ruin it but I mostly just got the feeling Netflix didn't want to spend enough money to really pull it off.

Also as to "why" the critical theorists believe whites will accept being treated as second class citizens so long as all the art surrounding them depicts them as sufficiently weak or guilty. They will one day be shocked to find this is completely untrue and that art imitates life rather than life imitating art.

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No. Skin color and race are real things. You can tell the race of a person by their skull and bone structure. Different races have diseases and ailments which are wholly unique to that race. Black people are not "people". Jews are not "people". Spics are not "people". White people are people. White people are human beings. White people have done more good for the world than every other race combined. And every other race hates white people for this fact. White people have advanced "humanity" to a point at which we're basically able to colonize other planets. But there are certain elements that wish to stop this progress. Those mainly being jews, who rile up their pet niggers and spics and mudslimes to disrupt humanity's chances of progressing. It's like you've never even visited reality before because you're stuck in your jew bubble Ivory Tower

>art surrounding them depicts them as sufficiently weak or guilty.
The black witch/mage are villains.

>A skin color has nothing to do with the character
Then why bother changing anybody's race? Funny how it doesn't matter but the show HAD to include hoards of niggers everywhere

from the catalog i actually thought that was legolas from lord of the rings
that looks very little like geralt
netflix cares about stroking their own egos more than making good content

The actor played the character well and if race wasn't part of the character, then it's open to any race.


Where in the Talmud is the bad stuff? I haven't read it, but clearly you have. Show me.

My ass it wasn't part of her character. And I'm sure it's also just "coincidence" the men are jacked and work out while all the women have the body of a fucking middle aged house wife.

Cool, so there's no reason to change the characters' races.

But not weak. Villains are often the favorite characters of critical theory believers, since on a base level they identify with reacting to injustice with violence. Tone deafness to this fact is exactly what made Black Panther so funny, you end up with a villain who's motivation is morally correct (anti-separatism) and by the end of the movie the hero agrees with him.

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Imagine being so much of a fucking faggot you watch black fucking panther

They didn't.

The writers deviated a bit too much from the books and that was not a gamble that played off. Also, the writers at netflix are not very good in general.

If the series just stuck to the books as much as possible it would have been amazing.

Having said that, The Witcher series is still good. The only sting is that it had the potential to be incredible and that is purely the fault of the writers.

It's like 99% of the Talmud. They literally talk about how the rabbis have had conversations with god and god has proclaimed them to be smarter and better than it. They also talk about how jews are destined to rule over all of humanity because they're so much smarter and better than everyone. The Talmud is like a study in extreme mental illness. It's great for human beings to read because it perfectly describes the collective mental illness and retardation of the jewish race

The Dunning-Kruger "race"...

>Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?
Maby the Witcher isn't for you.
There are many Leny Riefenstahl movies you can choose from.

Pretty much, yeah. Dunning-Kruger would have had a field day if they had ever read any of the Talmud. Jews are too stupid to know how stupid they are, and use their influence to desperately try and convince the rest of the world that jews are smarter and better than everyone else. Like, have you ever paid attention to anything they say or do? The unrefuted champions of the negative aspect of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Jews, whose average IQ is 70 claim that they have the highest average IQ in the world and they're just so much smarter and better than everyone despite what they demonstrate

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liberals are like niggers. they ruin everything.

this is the stupidest thing I have ever read this week
there are so many famous jewish scientists it really breaks the norms based on their much lower population count.
how the fuck can the stupid jews run the banks, investment firms, media, etc if they are BAD at things like math and social manipulations?

Why is it every time this thread is made, some retard is ranting about fried chicken?

Nepotism and they are far from bad at social manipulation, it's pretty much their super power. Which is precisely why they are such a small part of the population and still everywhere. The social capitol of the holohoax is immeasurable.And with the old money of the likes of the Rothschilds, they have deep pockets. Unlike the guy you replied to, I find them a formidable enemy, but an enemy none the less.

>outliers and people who are relentlessly promoted as being "smart" break the norms
No thanks, Shlomo

As if Witcher 3 is even good.

Rather play Final Fantasy X like lol

Everytime I played the Witcher I never saw 1 black person

I love how shows like the Witcher gives whores chances to act like sluts on screen so they can atleast make some money too.

You seem to be fine with him shooting blasts of pure energy out of his hands. That isn't based in reality.

I can think of two just off the top of my head, up by the mill Northeast of Novigrad.