Would you rather have a small uncircumcised penis or a large circumcised penis

Would you rather have a small uncircumcised penis or a large circumcised penis

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what kind of question is that?

Depends on how small or how large. I’d take a 5” uncircumcised over a 6.5” circumcised. I’d probably pick a 7” cut over a 5” uncut as long as it didn’t have a fucked up scar

Would you rather your penis be small and not mutilated or big but mutilated

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i'd rather have a catgirl on my whatever penis.

i'd suck both

Would you rather fuck a cat girl using a circumcised penis or a regular anime girl using an uncircumcised penis

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i just said that i'd prefer to fuck a catgirl with whatever MY penis.

Have a 6 uncut as is, I'd easily go as low as half that to remain unmutilated.

In order of what id rather have:
>large circumcised penis
>small circumcised penis
>Large uncircumcised penis
>small uncircumcised penis

Unfortunately for you "mutilated" penis' are more sexually desired than ones that arent. So youd be making an objectively stupid decision, at least here in the U.S.

theyre preferred everywhere. even in regions its less common.
>70-80% females prefer cut averaged across all sexual acts
>even higher for specifically blowjobs
>women reportedly decide to cut kids not for religious reasons but because they personally prefer it
eurofags have uglier dicks, at least to women

small unmutilated, any day.

I prefer functionality over novelty

Due to health risks, most men in pron films are circumsized. It has become so common that most people find those who aren't circumsized weird or not desirable.

The guys who fuck me don't seem to mind all that much, most find it cute, and none of the few girls I've been with seemed to mind either. I've never had a situation where that really mattered anyway though, by the time someone's seeing my penis it's usually a done deal anyway, so I'm not exactly sure how mutilating my cock would help.

Uncircumcized penises give you more pleasure, since they have more nerve endings. Bigger penises give the woman more pleasure. The Chad answer is obviously a smaller dick that will feel better for yourself.

No its because 99% of porn is owned by jews

>defending mutilation to please women
The absolute state of men. Circumcision is a barbaric practice that should be banned.

I got circumcised in my 20s. There is no meaningful difference. So yeah since I've experienced both (something very few people have) I'd take the big circumcised penis. Duh!

lying coping

>would I rather be fucked over twice or have cake AND eat it

What a stupid question

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having a big dick sucks
having a cut dick sucks

i'll take the small uncut
what the fuck kind of question is that

This lmao
