76 get The vault is about Extreme normalisation of pornography to "encurage reproduction". Tv screens on every Wall in every bedrooms Got porn of all kinds going, and one of the more prestegious jobs is to make more yourself
OP and his descendants have to play 76 25/7 while everyone else leads a normal existence outside of tuning into OP's crack-addled livestream
Jordan Torres
U are gay
Joseph Brown
Anthony Foster
please just blow us all up
Matthew Kelly
>evens >i got in
why live
if 76 the vault is a nuke itself that explodes the moment the total population inside reaches 50 to encourage the overseer to control the population carefully before letting everyone out
Angel Cooper
Hudson Gray
Experiment: The only books are physics books. The only movies are documentaries on physics. The classroom curriculum is physics & math. The vault is equipped with a full suite of equipment including a five step supercollider in the sub levels. Vault door controlled by a supercomputer and will not open after the detonation until someone runs a simulation capable of reconciling quantum physics and general relativity.
Ian Adams
Its good to be welcome in boys
Oliver Stewart
Closed... Damn. Rerolling this.
Matthew Johnson
>Closed... Damn. Rerolling this. On the plus side I got it back open. On the downside I still didn't get in. Rerolling PhysicsVault.
Eli Bell
James Nelson
Oh come on. Rerolling, let me in, I brought the key to the cyclotron!
Oliver Morris
Ayden Hill
Dylan Flores
roll, hope I won't end up getting stuck in Paradise falls
Carson Hernandez
rollin rollin rollin
Joseph Reed
How about we blow this shithole up?
Gabriel Scott
Nukes inbound
Jace Foster
Since I'm in now, rolling to close doors / set up PhysicsVault.
Zachary Thomas
let me in please
Evan Turner
o fuuuck
Ian Bailey
Everyone is dead. The nuke went off and the doors were open. Good going fucktard.