How much do you tip Cred Forums? And is it mandatory?

How much do you tip Cred Forums? And is it mandatory?
I'm gonna be visiting my uncle in Delaware next week. Will they spit in my food if I don't tip?

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90% of places have a forces gratuity for bills larger than a certain amount, any tip AFTER that is a thank you, but I normally dont tip any higher if I'm forced gratuity because apparently that's the enforced acceptable tip

She can't do fucking math lmao.

I live in a 1st world country, so tipping is not allowed here, you will be told not to and it can get the employee fired. Instead, they are paid good wages by their employer.

I dont tip at all. Fuck that shit

Excuse me Mr Pink.

You tip after the food is eaten. Deciding what to leave depends on how dumb the waiteress is.

u live in europoor land?

Apparently neither does working, which means she’s a waitress for fun.

Ungrateful cunt.

I tip what ever i think is fair. Bringing me a steak and a beer is as much work as bringing me a salad and a water. Why should my tip be a percentage of what I chose? I tip based on thier service, not my menu selections.

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I mean, a 15 dollar tip is nothing to bitch about, and in my experience in the biz, anyone who stressed over the % isnt worth shit. A $200 order also doesnt mean that it was that large of a table either, could just be heavy drinkers or extravagant spenders

yes, only niggers tip less than 20 percent.

At a restaurant it is a maximum of 10%. Delivery drivers get 15%. Only because of the social pressure to do so. Every argument I have heard saying these people deserve it is fucking retarded

tipping is a retarded american tradition that only a society full of cucks would accept, shifting the burden wage payment from the employer directly to the consumer, whom he only should worry about eating his fucking food since HE IS PAYING FOR THAT FUCKING SERVICE.

So no, don't tip, don't be a cuck and tell people to actually demand for higher wages instead.

Actually it's more like 30% of places that do, and they only do this for parties over a certain number. Plus they have to tell you outright on the menu if they're going to do this

Retard alert

> How much do you tip Cred Forums?
20%. you should just tip 15% and you're fine.
> And is it mandatory?
it's not mandatory to shake someone's hand when meeting them and they offer it, but you'd be considered very rude if you didn't. same with tipping. it's not mandatory, but at sit-down restaurants where a server takes your order and delivers your food to the table, you're supposed to tip. btw that tip goes to the whole staff, not just the server (usually)
> I'm gonna be visiting my uncle in Delaware next week. Will they spit in my food if I don't tip?
how will they spit in your food if you tip after you've eaten everything? they can't give you a bill until you are done buying everything.

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Pay your own tuition you dumb bitch. Get a better job if you’re poor.

Tipping is only a thing so business owners or companies can get away with paying their employees next to nothing.

Dumb bitch prob doesnt have a degree in anything and cant get a better job. Sucks to suck

>You tip after the food is eaten
Looks like someone never been in a high end restaurant.

Wow thanks captain fucking obvious.

You are fucking retarded

My job is done here

No shit

it's properly called a 'gratuity'
it is a measure of your gratitude for their service
so basically do whatever the fuck you want, but remember that the plebs in the service industry can and will fuck you right the fuck up

Now you can kys

Already ahead of you

you realize this is what your first world country is really up to, no?

15-20% unless the service is shitty.

If the service is really good, even more.

Thank god

You too AFTER you eat, so no unless they're cunts. Even then, the spitters are usually your cooks, not the servers.
>t. A server


They usually tip nothing, or try to get shit for free by making a scene.

Lmao stfu and go get my salad, cunt

Name of her please.

Here’s the deal. Wait staff gets paid far less than normal minimum wag. It’s literally like a quarter of minimum wage.

So they basically live off tips, which is pretty fucked-up and needs to be changed but in America we only make things worse, not better.

So tip 20%. Don’t be an asshole.

Why is it my problem they took a job that pays so low? It isn’t.

If they make less than minimum after tips, the employer pays them the difference

They are making minimum wage

Imagine going out to eat then having to pay a 10% service charge for the food at least and then 20% more of your total to some person walking from point A to point B.
Eating at a restaurant is pure cuck shit.

Never tipped and never will, fuck those sluts and fags

Another question. Will the security guys beat me up if I don't tip enough or not at all?

$2.13/hr to be exact. Still, if a waiter/waitress sucks as in never refills drinks, slow with delivering food, never attends table, etc... then the tip will suffer cause of it.

Then pay the wait staff more or fuck off, I'm not their employer

I think that is a fair pay hurr durr they get paid less...that bitch should have done more than one table.

I'm sure you're out fighting for a livable wage for all then, yes?

Not just selfishly saying, "fuck y'all, not my problem"

That would be pretty American of you, though

She needs to go die for complaining about receiving free money.

No, they will look at you with a frown

Oh look just another liberal snowflake looking for their handout. Fucking kys

That's why I eat at home. I don't want to pay not only for my food and drinks but also for a "service". If some busy slut waitress will blow me in the toilet them maybe I'll give her some money, but pay for a smile and that she's doing her job? No

I have a toddler who always makes a huge mess under his seat at restaurants so I tip like 30% usually. I was a waiter in college so I know how it feels to be stiffed.

I don't tip that much in my home country because wages are higher here, but I do tip if I get good service in countries like the US or other similar third world countries. But not if the service is shit of course.

Also, how will they spit in your food if you tip at the end?

You're not responsible for everything everyone else is doing dingus. I bet your life is a mess, but you still think the world should be like you say it ought to be. Fix your own life and clean your disgusting room before giving anyone shit for not fighting in the streets for waitresses to make a couple bucks extra

I always tip $8.8

> food at a restaurant means that i have to pay for cooks to cook it, servers to serve it, rent for the business to exist, dishwashers to clean up, and it is therefore more expensive than me throwing some shit in a pan myself.
what a revelation.

Your kid sounds like an inconsiderate slob who should be less of a degenerate slob

Non American here. I pay by card then tip a portion of my change that I have, depending on how good it was. Whenever I visit the US I never go to restaurants because I don't wanna deal with your tipping bullshit

He’s 16 months, what can you expect?

>sets a price for food, fully capable of charging enough to pay for all of those things, but chooses to not do that and expects you to pay more

Shut the fuck up

In my experience as a delivery driver, it's blacks that don't tip. I literally crumple up the receipt if I see the customer name is LaShawn or something like that.

I waited tables and bartended for almost 5 years.
Get a better job. Shit sucks.

Something costs like $9.99. I'll give you 10 and that's it, you'll get nothing more from me.

i've heard it said many times that people that don't have a lot of money usually tip very well and consistently and that rich people are shitty tippers.

shut the fuck up and go yell at your mom for some tendies.

Most of the people on Cred Forums who say they don’t tip are LARPing or their parents pay for their meals out so it doesn’t come up. I waited tables for 5 years and 99% of Americans tip. Blacks are stingy but still tip. Indian immigrants were the worst in my experience.

Idk where you're from, but my average tip is like $1 as a driver. Really fucking sucks when you make minimum wage plus tips. But other nights I can make a decent amount, so my overall average wages including tips ends up being anywhere from $12-16/hr.

Because rich people know the value of money and they don't want to spend it on another low life motherfucker service boy.

Thanks god I live in the country where there is no such thing as "tip"

sounds like you're saying that if tips were eliminated and all restaurants that used to rely on tips raised their prices across the board 20% you'd be completely fine with that? then what does it matter if you tip the additional amount now? either way are going to pay more than the current menu price.

Definitely always both

>get free money for literally no reason
>still complain

I travel for my job all over the US, and I've never been on a place where I tipped before.

Damn. You just solved poverty, you need to run for office the right will love you! Just stop being poor!

20% tip is quite high here in the Netherlands. Also within the NL it is encouraged to pay by card/phone. Not many waiters will get their tips, so if you ever visit the Netherlands, pay by card but tip with change. +-10% tip or rounding up is good enough over here. Wages are okay.

>I'm sure you're out fighting for a livable wage for all then, yes?
No, because if you want something, you fight for it. You don't make others do it for you, or hold their food hostage like a little bitch. Either quit and get a real job, or unionize (i know, evil word in America, but I don't give a shit.).

Then you are either an asshole who refuses to tip or you are a ham planet that only eats fast food and quick casual

You're not the chef, either. You're too based to craft your own meal; you deserve to pay.

Are you for real? Nobody is cooking for you, they got all food already frozen and then just put it in the microwave you dumb nigger. And dishwasher is a machine you know, not a real person, so it costs nothing.

lol mods deleted my comment, fucking cucks

and remember to never order from that place again 'cause you're not going to like what they do to your food next time....if it even shows up at all.

The cope is real, boyo.

Class and decorum.

Wages here for waiters before tips is usually under $3/hr. If they don't make tips they get recompense by the employers to prevailing minimum wage of $7.25/hr. But in reality many employers refuse to do it and will simply fire waiters if they are having to pay any money.

Don't even bother. This board of mathletes will never understand that fact.

20% is the US upper limit for a normal tip. it is supposed to be for great service. the standard is still 15%. there are idiots here that engage in tip inflation, where they are trying to make the normal tip now 20% i guess so they can sound like they are so thoughtful of the server's plight.

Be part of the problem then. I don't care. FYIGM right

You read that wrong, genius. Look at the comment it was replying to.

That's exactly what should happen

What kind of a fucking upscale restaurant demand you pay before you eat?

it hasn't been 15% for years, boomer

I almost never tip. For a lot of the same reasons as other anons here. Another reason is that it can encourage female servers (especially bartenders) to act flirtatious towards male customers to get a bigger tip from them. I don't like that kind of deception.

Also, NEVER tip cashiers before getting your food. The ones who make you pay on an iPad, and swivel it towards you with generous tip options on the screen are the worst.

Lol you niggers get blacklisted from restaurants based on whether or not you tip well, how the fuck you finna call other people "monitered" cucklord?

which comments?

Fucking retard, read what I responded to. What restaurant have you ever been in where you tipped before eating?!? Neck yourself.

it's still 15%

Honestly not that invested since we are all shit posting in a bait thread on a Uzbekistanian yak herding forum while the world burns.

It's better to go to self service restaurants, fuck those stupid niggers waitresses and their tips. Maybe I should pay to a fucking nigger that opens the door too?

Tl;dr rich businesses make the customer foot part pf the staff wages and americucks lap it up like the dumb fuck dogs they are

yet you had lash out

Hope you find a phone pole to wrap your car around later today. Ciao!

I'd say the same to you, but I'm sure you can't afford a car.

Wait, you guys tip your delivery driver too?

restaurants are low margin businesses typically, meaning their profits are razor thin due to stiff competition. i don't know how rich the typical restaurant owner is getting.

"oops I'm a fucking moron, I'll act like I don't care even though I took the time to respond to that which I couldn't comprehend"


Youre retarded. That bill was for upwards of $200. Clearly it wasnt at an Applebee's or whatever reataurant you go to with that kind of expectation.
dishwashers are a people. It's not an easy job either.

Tipping is gay. USA land of the cucked haha

>I don't understand that if wages rise and tipping is eliminated, that all menu items have price increases that result in paying the same amount in the end anyway

Tipping is dumb. Why should you have to subsidise employers? They can pay their employees more. I’m paying for what I buy, a portion of that already goes to their wages. If they don’t like it get a different job.

No, this is a dishwasher. Maybe in some kind of shithole indian fast food there are a real people that washing dishes, but that's retarded af.

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If there is service fee then there is no tip.
If no service fee then it depends on the service i receive.
If it is exceptional then there will be ~10% tip.
if it is average (=waiter/waitress just serves the food and drink) then no tip.

For everyone who expects a tip without walking the extra mile: fuck you.

+ You should not rely on tips, get a job that pays properly.

I guess you give your plumber 20% more than you are supposed to pay too and the car salesman, the cashier, the barber, the lawyer, the bus driver, the phone repair guy and so fucking on.

The answer is fucking no cuz you pay them to do they job exactly like the waiter but they are somehow special.....

jelly? in norway waiters got 23dollars a hour! we dont tip. man feels good to live in a superiour contry

Your whole country is smaller than a one state. What the point of even living there?

Wait do you actually think that? Holy shit you’re dumb. Heaps of places have actual dishwashers employed to wash dishes. Dishwashing machines are too unreliable and too slow for restaurants.

Giving someone an extra 8% and she still bitches? That person is obligated to give you the cost of the meal. If you want a real wage get a real job.

Luckily that thing loads and unloads itself.

>How much do you tip?
Round up to the next 5€ amount. I only tip food delivery and wait staff at a bar if they're bringing drinks to the table/booth.

>crying about tips
These crybabies need a real job, it's not my fault you wanked yourself instead of graduating, don't complain you get a slave wage when you didn't thrive to go further in your life.

another retard that doesn't realize that you're gong to pay it one way or another. do away with tipping and your cheap ass won't be able to afford going out to eat.

you of course know there is no equivalent custom of tipping people in those professions, so you're making some sad attempt at sophistry to cover for your lacking ability to make a genuine point on the subject.

this is why. and alot of other good reasons

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No one is forcing people to take $2 an hour jobs. It's their choice, they know the pay before they accept it. If you have 0 skills to get a real job im assuming your prolly going to fuck my order up not check back enough and prolly still expect me to give you a bunch of extra money for carrying a plate to me once

A tip is a compliment. This bitch is retarded and deserves only the 8%.

You ever been to a restaurant? The only place you pay before you eat is fast food

why? just why? dishwashers are the worst appliance. they just don't do a good job unless you drop a grand on a miele or asko. how the fuck do you not know this? fucking pleb.

Luxury restaurants will make you pay before you eat. Usually when you make a reservation at their website.

That's a 8.61% tip, and if you're rounding that number for discussion, you should round up to 9% not down to 8%. The other user's lmao suggests a gross error, so they probably made a mistake and thought the error was larger, but they're technically correct.

Bullshit, tipping is only a think because employees are pretty sure batting their eyes or showing cleavage will get them more money than a fixed wage.

Are you stupid or something the prices have gone up its just that the waiters are to stupid to mange to get paid so instead they blame the customer and not the one not paying them.

There shouldn't be no custom of tipping for people just doing their job and those job I mentioned often goes the extra mile to help you and do their job exceptionally and they often deserve tip while a food carrier almost never does anything extra than their job.

Try again you fucking retard.


I wish i had a job where someone gave me $20 for no reason and I could bitch because it wasn't $40

By "luxury restaurants" you must mean Domino's

A hypothetical situation:

I come to your restaurant and order a steak, a glass of wine and some creme brulee for dessert. You refill my wine glass once and check in on me once during the meal. Total bill $100 expected tip $20.

Another customer comes to your restaurant and sits right next to me. She orders a salad, a glass of water and a bowl of ice cream for dessert. You refill her water once and check in on her once during the meal. Total bill $10 expected tip $2.

What did you do for me that required me to provide a 900% higher tip?

Grow tits.

No, even with reservation, the only reason they'll make you pay before your meal is if you're eating in a place where peoples tend to leave before paying, so yeah, detroit restaurants doesn't count as luxury.

20% is mandatory and yes they will spit if you don't. If u can't afford it then dine somewhere 20% cheaper and tip OR go to fast food where no tip is required

I leave one of these, got 2000 of them for $20 from Amazon.

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That's backwards user
15.86/184.14 = 8.61
8.61 rounds to 9

Here are some handy ‘tips’ that you can use to not pay someone extra for just doing their job.

When on a date:

You’ll need a credit card for this one. When the bill comes they always give you two receipts, the store copy and your copy. On your copy write in a big tip in full view of your date; I like to do 50-90% for effect. You can play it up “What’s a good tip? $40?”. Now, here’s where you need to do a little slight of hand. On the store copy write the word CASH in the tip line as if you left a cash tip. This way, you also fuck with the waiter, who wonders if someone stole the cash you supposedly left for him. This has the added bonus of creating mistrust among the waitstaff and could lead to violence. Add to that, no waiter will post your receipt online to shame you, because it indicates that a tip was left. finally when leaving, feign forgetting something at the table and pull the old switch-a-roo.

> Continued

When at a bar:

Here’s a great way to get excellent service and strong drinks all night long… Bring a lot of small denomination bills, $5s and $10s. The trick here is to pay after every serving and get back some ones. Leave those ones on the bar, not so far out that the bartender would be bold enough to take them, but far enough that there is no doubt that you are leaving them as a tip. As the night goes on and that stack grows, you’ll see your service and the quality of your drinks increase. At the end of the night simply pick up your change and leave.

So I pay for a meal days or weeks in advance? And if I change my mind? No place does this

> Continued

In General:

Guesstimate on the cost of the meal before you go. Get a Visa prepaid card with just a few dollars over the expected value. When it comes time to tip be super generous. When you are billed out the tip isn't run through until the end of the shift. You've already paid for the meal on the card, but the tip won't be able to post since there isn't enough left to cover it; you can then go can spend the last few dollars on the card on penny whistles and moonpies comfortable in the knowledge that you didn't pay a societal leech for simply doing their job.

I like how you spread hate for organized religion, $10 at a time

This 100%. They are making min wage. Any that say otherwise are lying or don’t understand how shit works. My roommate regularly comes home with $100 cash in her pocket from tips and if she doesn’t make at least min wage in tips she gets a check from her employer.

Love how you expect a $5 sandwich to pay 6 employees $50k a year and still pay for rent, heat, electricity, and all the food, table, and kitchen equipment...


1.The bitch is a liar who just wants attention, the people could have left cash or gratuity may have been added to the total.

2. $15 on top of her hourly rate is actually fair considering all she did was write something down and carry a couple trays to a table. You shouldn't get $30+ for such a small task.

holy shit imagine being this dumb

I'm doing my part. I usually stuff it into the billfolio, so I have a chance to get out and to my car incase they are quick on the pickup.

Fuck these leeches.

Even her bitmoji looks like a bitchy liar who would make shit up for attention.

Lol literal poorfags replied to my post.
Way to show that you never set foot in a real high end restaurant. You may probably even think water is free at these restaurants lol.
Yes, but usually people make reservations in the day they will visit.

Friend worked at BW3, said Tuesdays were the worst (cheap wings, all blacks, no tips) she says you literally learn to be racist working in the food industry.

I guess I'm just glad I didnt have to beg for money like a scum bag. I mean I went out of my way to not work in food service, just as anyone else could do, so fuck anyone who complains about the choices they made.

If you dont like your pay get a new job. Plenty of jobs on the oilfield around here that pay 80k a year with nothing but a GED.

My rule is 15% for good service, rounded up to nearest dollar (I suck at math) for sir down restaurants where I'm served. I'll go more for great service. If you're bad, you ain't getting shit.
For buffets (my fat ass loves buffets) my rule of thumb is $2 per person per hour at the table.

You're a fucktard. Ignorant scun

That's hilarious

Tell us about your high end experience at Domino's pizza

> 1.The bitch is a liar who just wants attention, the people could have left cash or gratuity may have been added to the total.

That's why you always write CASH on the tip line. Then you don't leave shit and they will just think a busboy or another customer stole it. The bonus is they can't post shit like this because it says CASH on it.



heres a tip get a better job nigger hahahahaha

This is pretty bad you asshole

Delivery drivers are putting wear and tear on their car to bring you what you could have picked up for yourself. It cost 0.59 cents per mile to run a car. You should pay them that many cents per mile for the round trip AND pay them for their time delivering it. If you don't, you got something for free at their expense and you are a piece of shit.

My rule of thumb is zero unless you go above and beyond.

Explain why it's harder to bring out a steak and beer as opposed to salad and water.

Why should I pay more for the same service / work?

(Handshake emoji)

Only at places you never plan to go back to.

You're retarded, idk where you're eating but it sounds like they're insecure af about their meal.
>Free water

Yeah you're for sure retarded or underaged.


this doesn't exist where I live. It's actually considered rude to tip, people will think you're an asshole.

It's adorable that you think the employers won't lie.

They will but you generally tip after you eat so it shouldn't be a problem.

Looks comfy but I bet all people in that country knows each other by the name, like you going to the mall and seeing the same faces all the time, waving to each other, ew. I don't even know the names and the races of my neighbours because I don't give a shit.

Delivery drivers are providing a service. You owe them for their wear and tear and gas for their car(.0.58 cents a mile) AND for their time bringing it to your lazy ass. If you choose to have it delivered, pay what you fucking owe. Otherwise, pick it up your fucking self.

New restaurant by me and I don't go because of this, the beers are a tad more and other factors mean my bill is usually $50 instead of $30, so my usual $7 tip went from being good to bad.

LOL. I'm not worried about some burnout who's life choices led them to work at a chain restaurant remember who I am. Either way the turnover of these scumbags is super high, so chances are I'll never see them again.

How it should be

Easier to defend? Also no niggers?

It's adorable you think I care.

No shit, my sister was a server, I was a car installed, thought I was bad shit making like $12 an hour, she makes shit as a server right? Nope, she's cute, was making like a few hundred a night at Roosters, old creepy guys are so fun to watch there. It's like boomer version of Twitch, guys handing over $20s to have a girl say their name.

>Way to show that you never set foot in a real high end restaurant
I'm probably in more of them in a month than you have been your entire miserable existence. You're full of shit.

Their employers pay for the gas you dumb fucking cock, and most of the deliverys got their own cars so you don't using your own.

All pizza deliveries around here are using their own cars

>you dumb fucking cock

speaking of "dumb"

Why not scooters then? It's more authentic

Delivery drivers are employees and gas used on the job should be expensed to the employer. sorry you live in 3rd world america friendo.

Economies of scale?

20% because I was a cook. One time I left a nickel because the waitress was actually hostile to my wife and I before bringing the menus. (Alabama, 1971, we are a married white guy/Asian female couple.) I didn't want to leave anything, but the nickel at least let her know that I didn't forget to tip.

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That's what the delivery fee is for.

>delivery fee can be considered a tip
are you a retard?

Shit boomer, how are you still alive? How it was to be at the woodstock 69?

You're a fucking idiot. The employers don't pay shit. They don't pay gas, they don't pay insurance, they don't pay for wear and tear on the driver's car. They don't even pay full federal minimum wage while the driver is on a run due to the bullshit "tip" exception. You haven't got a fucking clue what you are talking about because you've never done the job.

It's ok, don't be mad because you never eat at a real High-End Luxury restaurant. I pay $120 every time I want my glass refilled. Think you have that kind of money???

This. I'm not tipping $30 to someone who was rude, didnt come back after bringing the food, didnt check on our drinks and messed up the order

Nope. Are you? It sounds like you are getting scammed and double tipping pizza delivery drivers.

Delivery fee goes to the restaurant--partly to pay for hot bags and signs to put on top of driver's vehicles and the like, but mostly just to pad their bottom line more. Driver doesn't get it.

Wtf? Then why even work there? Are you black?


If my drink runs dry you ain't getting shit for a tip. You have one fucking job. Do it.

Nice. Post wife's dirty yellow vagoo.

>Be Australian
>Dont have to give people money because we dont live off third world wages
>Can eat out more because I'm not adding 30 percent to the price of eating out just because some slitnigger smiles at me and walks my food 15 feet to me

Feels good desu :)

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Sounds like the drivers problem. Why is it my concern if they can't negotiate with their employer to get part of their tip?

Yeah boasting about money you probable don't have behind your screen really shows us how wealthy you are.

You are literally retarded if you agree to pay that much for nothing. God damn, some people are the real dumb fucks.
Btw, if you're so rich, maybe you could give me, let's say, a $1000 ?

Why would you want someone to come back and bother you during your meal? This is something I never understood.
I want waiters to come when I need them. I hate it when I go to America, especially, and the waiter just keeps coming back "is everything OK?" YES FUCK OFF YOU ARE RUINING MY MEAL!
I'm just trying to have a good time, alone or with my wife, but these idiots just keep coming back to refill my glass like, dude, I didn't ask for it, go away.

But of course when I need them (more bread, bill) they dissappear. Terrible service. I wish the West, and especially America, would do the same thing as we do, with the little button you press and waiter comes. They do it in shit airplanes, can't they put it in expensive restaurants?

No I use apps because I live in a modern country.

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>leave 15% tip at the table
>"is there something wrong with the meal"
I fucking hate poor people. Why do they want free money???

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I didn't say where I worked so don't go assuming. I'm saying YOU obviously never worked there or you would know. That doesn't mean that--because I know--I worked or work there.

A living wage, lowest corruption rates, highest government trust rates, cost-effective healthcare, transparent government, low murder and incarceration rate.


>Take QT from college out to dinner.
>Service was mediocre.
>Check comes.
>I have a coupon for buy on get one free.
>QT looks at me and says:
>"You're going to leave a really good tip since you had a coupon, right?"
>"No because that would defeat the purpose of using a coupon. You're more than welcome to leave a tip if you want since I paid for your meal."
>She immediately shuts up and we go back to my place for rough, unprotected sex in the missionary position.
>It was also mediocre.

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Delivery fee is not a tip. Learn to read.

>how do you exercise your agency
>is it compulsory (and thus denies agency)

In any environment where you pay before you get your food tips are not expected.

In the US wait staff can be paid below legal minimum wage because our culture presupposes tipping for good service. 15% before tax is the benchmark. Because so few people understand these people are paid next to nothing they have grown to resent tipping and fewer and fewer people do it while we simultaneously see an explosion of novel environments where tips are being solicited (usually via a labeled cup on the counter) because even minimum wage is nowhere near a livable wage.

So unless your wait staff are rude or incompetent you will be expected to tip and be seen as rude if you don’t but it isn’t mandatory as such. But only in a setting where you sit down, order, eat and then pay at the end.

ITT: Amerifags tearing eachother apart while chad Australians make 40 AUD an hour and don't have to pay people to literally do their fucking jobs because their employer pays them. Fucking kekking my Yank cucks, keep it up.

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>before tax

the united states summarised in two words

based beach-dweller.

You're already paying more because the menu prices are that much higher,

Seems like all you care about is muh government, fag. I don't even think about that kind of shit at all.

Forced gratuity is rarely imposed above a dollar amount. Much more typically a mandatory tip is on large parties (8 or more is common).

And no in that context you aren’t expected to offer an additional tip. It is done to ensure a waiter who busted their ass for three hours on a table of screaming college friends doesn’t get completely stiffed by people who are too distracted or too self absorbed to show some gratitude.

What high end restaurant let you make a reservation for the same day and made you pay for the food before you set foot inside? Unless you're on some Gordon Ramsey VIP list where they shop for the ingredients before you show up, you're full of shit. That or you name is on a blacklist for skipping out on tabs.

Literally just purchased a house at 24 years old, after barely saving for a year and a half and spending the rest on cocaine and at the pub drinking with the fucking boys every weekend. Because Australians get paid proper wages. It's not that hard guys, just do it. Come live with us lads, promise we won't be too hard on you.

I've been a waiter for a few years now, and a few different restaurants. My advice to you is ALWAYS leave a 20% tip. The kitchen staff, managers, bussers, and especially the waiters WILL remember your face, and they WILL fuck with your food if you go back to that restaurant. Though I've never done so personally, spitting, sneezing, coughing, and even adding detergent and shit to food goes on behind the scenes at some of these shitholes. I have yet to see it at the restaurant I currently work at, but I've only been here for a few months. You've been warned.

Students of economics are taught to analyze a theory under the assumption that individuals operate in their own self-interest. Adam Smith used this kind of thinking to develop his famous invisible hand metaphor used to describe unintended social benefit that result from individuals’ actions. This assumption of self-interest is what makes the study of tipping interesting; why do people pay an additional amount when they have absolutely no legal obligation to do so or clear self-benefit to do so? It is an economic anomaly. The difficulty in predicting the outcome of economic events comes from seemingly unquantifiable human actions. Tipping is one example of a human action that is challenging to understand. Research adds to the greater body of work related to tipping by exploring the economic anomaly of tipping. By analyzing the variables that lead to higher or lower tip amounts one is able to gain particular insights into human behavior. Research provides evidence of the free rider problem as well as the existence of gender differences in regards to tipping. With the addition of a single patron to any given table, the tip per drink ratio decreases. Remarkably, the addition of one male patron decreases the tip per drink ratio much less than the addition of one female patron. The motives behind tipping will continue to be a complex question that economists struggle with.

>paying more than half of everything you make in taxes

I'll throw a driver a buck if they get my shit here quick. Outside of that, fuck you. They pay drivers minimum wage it's more than enough for a low sill job. Let them fight with their employer over the deliver fee. You aren't going to scam me into tipping twice.

The food is also much higher quality and is honestly not that expensive. Can almost guarantee that most places are dollar for dollar the same as Ameripoor

I'm 70. Wife gave me the heave-ho in 1985. I was marooned on campus during a break and had no idea of Woodstock until someone described the mass of people. I was baffled. I didn't see an image of it for a month at least. I didn't have a television.

>ITT: Amerifags tearing eachother apart while chad Australians make 40 AUD an hour and don't have to pay people to literally do their fucking jobs because their employer pays them. Fucking kekking my Yank cucks, keep it up.
>because their employer pays them

I...I don't know how to tell you this, user, but....

38% is less than half.

nice dubs
you do realize that if you make a "wage" or have an "employer" you're pretty much living a shit-tier life, right?

why does this matter when the average salary in developped countries is twice that of the average american salary?

You Americans are so fucking greedy

I bought a house at 24. I get paid 40AUD an hour to sit on my phone and play nintendo switch for 7 hours a day. I literally have money to drink myself to death every weekend and do as many drugs as I want.

Shit tier life btw kek

I also get paid 5 weeks holiday per year as well as Health insurance and injury pay. Fucking laughing straight to the bank.

Nice imaginary world you're living in

hahahaahahaah okay. This is the reality of Australia. Literally not even fucking hard to achieve this. Nice third world you've been deluded into thinking is good, retard.

I wish I knew where this was so I could go and then not tip lmaoooo righteous cunt

My 19 year old brother makes 120kAUD a year, he bought a house 2 months ago as a plumber. Fuck it's good being Aussie

This is not necessarily true.
Although I COULD throw the towel and start my own company, I like the safety that my position in a large multinational offers.
Although sometimes the crowded trains and the long hours hit me hard, the pay is good.
I can afford to travel abroad, in relative luxury, every year with my wife and my two children, whom I still have time to see despite my demanding timetable.
Were I to start a company, would be like being 22 again. Work 30+ unpaid extra hours every week, barely see my family, etc...
Not worth it.

*Minimum* wage being ~19$/hour for unskilled labor with a mandatory raise to ~20$/hour after a year of employment and ~23$/hour for skilled labour.

0,the fucking company pays you

Minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour.

7.93% then you prick

Americans still falling for the tipping meme. Pathetic stone age tradition the way you lot work it.

I don't want funnel web spiders and all that other deadly shit all around me.

Yes, so it's roughly 2.7 times higher in Norway.

the idea you're expressing has a name
>happiness in slavery

here in INDIA even the most poorest job nobody want paid 20$ per hour


I give 15% on my rent. Is this too low?

said no one ever

Nah it's sick. I have a pet Goanna and the two largest Aussie snakes. It's feelsgoodman

Learn to read. Due to idiotic "tip exception" they don't pay drivers minimum wage while drivers are "on the road" which is most of the day. One restaurant I know of drops you down to 4 dollars an hour on the road.

based aussie shitposter

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Slavery is fucking awesome. You ain't gotta think, just work and be provided for. It's fucking great.

Jesus. That's too low tbh.
I tip my landlord 25% every month.

Not a shitposter and I posted the truth. All good if you dont believe it though, keep believing that Australia isn't easily the most livable place in the world though lul.

Extremely easy to be a tradie and make 100k+ a year.
I myself work in disability support and make 80k to play switch and sit on my phone all day, i sleep around 4 hours a day and get paid for it too :)

Wow, that's pretty cool. Do you suck his cock for money?

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I agree with you, Norway - man.

No, it's called being rational. Also, how is my job slavery? I work the legal 40 hours a week. Sure, most of my subordinates work twice that amount, probably to impress me or some dumb shit like that.
I always reasoned that it was smarter to impress my superiors with results than by hours worked. Something I learned from the french: "vite fait, buen fait" (do it fast, do it good).
I don't need to work a lot to get my high salary. 40 hours a week is less than 7 hours a day, with Sunday free.
Sure, we don't have lots of holidays like the french, but that's just how it is here.
There's a difference between being a slave and being safe. There's also a difference between being "free" and being foolish. I'm free. I can move companies anytime. Our rivals would pay me great sums of money to have me join their ranks.
It's a good life.

Oh god. That pic sums up all the things wrong with this generation. Cunts like this need to be raped.

Tip what you want OP. If you don't tip it changes nothing.

I dont have to, because I make a livable wage :)
Let me know if you want to know what it's like.

>Could work at McDonalds and get a guaranteed minimum wage
>Instead goes and gambles their wage at a similar job
If working as a server is so shit because you don't get minimum wage, why the fuck do people stay in it? Oh it's because some days people tip stupid fucking money because society tells them to. Fuck anyone who gets mad because they didn't get tipped enough. Go work a job where tipping isn't a practice.

Ameripoors getting triggered about my 'unbelievable' extremely average Australian life. My fucking face this whole thread while getting hated on for lying

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Eh, no thanks. Sucking cock is kinda gross. But you do you. Keep reaching for that rainbow!

I don't tip because I don't get tips at my job, if you want more money fight for better wage laws, not my fucking problem.

you expcept for being one of the most beautiful countries in the world?
except for being one of the safest countries in the world?
except for being one of the richest countrys in the world?

People are nice, progress is made, nature is insane

Would tell you to reach for something but you might get injured and literally become a homeless opioid addict :)

>My fucking face
You an abbo then? Cause that's the teeth of petrol drinker if ever I saw one.

Thinking a shitskin flagburner knows how to upload a jpeg

Just a 6 foot 3, white Aussie chad B)

All this AND no tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, the greatest natural threat would be drunk elks wrecking your shit.

I make more money than you've ever seen. I have real political influence. I can have people arrested and ruin their family.

That's called power, friend.

Oi when did I ask you mouthbreathing fuck
all the power in the world won't stop you from getting shot by some gun toting nigger KEK

Fuck it. I got insurance. Wait... is this gonna hurt?

Nah, we don't say hi. Norwegians tend to not communicate much outside of work/school/parties.

Hey. Shouldn't you be busy dying in a fire or getting bit by a venomous snake?

No because the fires are out and I own venomous snakes. Also any Aussie that dies from a Ven bite is a fuckin shit cunt. Cunts literally get bit and don't go to hospital. If you're not a fucking pussy or stupid enough to get bitten by a brown then its easy living

And even if some cunt did get bitten by a snake they wont be paying it off for their entire fucking lives because it's covered by the government LuL

And thats why you have a shit country.

You know if they don't make up the difference it will literally show in the employees pay stubs. At which point they are now millionaires because they just won the easiest lawsuit in history.

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Never tip

29% here. But i gladly pay that so I dont have to pay my own medical bills (incredibly overpriced in America, aswell), universities are practically free, public transport is actually being funded. I'll gladly pay more when I am taxed more too. And btw, my political views are to the right in norwegian politics.

>be me,Scotfag
>spent ten years in the waiting game
>paid an actual wage, albeit low
>tips *supplement* income
>Don't understand the pissy attitude when a tip is less than 10%, who cares I'm getting paid lmao
>Remember the USA is a third world country and workers (if they're in the hospitality sector) somehow don't qualify for an actual wage
>why are Americans like this?


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Jeez, you Aussies are really uptight when it comes to snakes. I has just having a little fun at you, that's all. Heck, I used to catch water moccasins bare-handed as a kid. And I got 5 dollars for every copperhead I shot. They're just a thing that needs killing, same as where you're from. Come on bro.

God damn I'm glad my ancestors left that foggy shit hole of an island. Wait, no... A foggy PORTION of an island. Go fuck a scruffy little sheep scotfag. We got nice fat ones here in the land of the free!

>the tips are spilt for the whole staff
After 8 years of cooking at various places that is false. They only tip out the hostess and maybe the dining room manager. Otherwise thosr jew sluts walk around for 4hrs and pocket 200$.

Tl;dr tip on her service not the food or anything else cuz shes not sharing

Life isn’t an old time movie or show where the person tips the waiter a 20 to bring him his food and drink faster. Ur absolutely retarded

This nigger knows what's up. Bitches get paid.


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>land of the "free"
>relies on free money to survive
>nice try, tipcuck

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Maybe you should teach him better you absolute shit parent

Real talk here.

The person who brings you food didn't make it. I could fill my own cup if you had fountain machines just fine. They interrupt your conversations you're having. Like bitch if the food wasn't good I wouldn't be eating it. Now I have to try and be pleasant with food in my mouth.

You chose to work somewhere that pays like 2 bucks an hour, that's on you. Don't whine at me because I chose to work somewhere that pays more.

Europoor spotted

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I never give tip. Why should i pay more then i need to

Its the percentage part that's the most bullshit. If you work at a place where dinners are $40 a plate 1) they should be able to afford to pay you more and 2) its not like your waiter job is any harder than at a place where dinners are $10 a plate. Waitress in OP picture didn't have that as only table. If they were there for an hour she got her $15/hr wage provided by one tip. I never tip a waiter less than $2 (say just a coffee at a diner) and I never tip more than $20 no matter what the bill if the amount of time was standard for a comfortable meal. Now if I've been occupying the table for say twice as long as it normally takes to eat a meal at a comfortable pace I'll tip twice as much because technically she could have had another tipping customer in that time.

Your ass don't deserve 20% for walking a tray or pouring cents worth of sugar water.

You chose to get paid 2 bucks an hour, find a better job instead of threatening with shit in the food.

I’m a bartender and server in the US.

If you can’t afford to tip 20% then you can’t afford to go out to eat.
Sure there’s no law requiring you to tip but trust me, you’re paying for that bad tip.

And no I won’t reveal how, just tip 20% or more or goto McDonalds you cheap piece of shit

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lol shit in your food

More like sharing your face on social media, making sure everyone knows you’re an asshole. Wonder why you don’t have much luck out there socializing, cause people already know and snicker behind your back

here's your tip bro

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no. you tip 15% when you go out. if someone gives you exceptional service then feel free to tip more. i won't be tipping you're retarded ass 20% just because you want to get as much as possible. any extra above 15% is supposed to be for service above average.

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God damn you're some angry fuckers. Look. A bitch wants to live off tips, let it go. If you a cheap nigger, then stop eating out? Go microwave a fucking hungry man dinner you fucking fuck. You ain't even go friends or a girl anyways.

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You don’t have the balls incel

damn imagine being so brain dead to call others a retard when you cant do basic arithmetic math
do everyone a favor, rip your trachea out and rub salt over the open wound

>only niggers tip

Just because your poor parents taught you to be poor doesn’t make it a rule.

You obviously don’t have many friends or they’re all unemployed like you. If you did you’d know atleast one waitress or bartender and you’d know by now that tipping less then 20% is an asshole move and makes you look cheap as fuck.

As a bartender, when I go out, I’m tipping 20% minimum and usually a lot more because I know what it takes to deal with assholes like you on a regular basis. Most of us are working our way thru school to get a better job or raising a family

You’re just cheap as fuck, admit it to yourself and stop going out to eat. You can’t afford it

Tip my barber every 2 weeks. Imagine being so poor you dont throw money to people that do service for you.

Mind the edge, sir. Wouldn’t want you to cut yourself

15% standard is the rule and you know it.

Whatever you need to tell yourself poorfag

i doubt you're even in the service industry or you just want to troll so badly. pic is for anyone that isn't from the us just so this retard doesn't bamboozle you.

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It's easy. Just take the bill, drop a zero, divide by half and you got what a tip should be. Unless you're roughing it and eat in a greasy diner, then just drop a ten.

Fix your life nigger. I'm not your employer.

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> moron that thinks he has a superior intellect because he can calculate 15%
fuck dude you must have at least taken intro to calculus! what smarts!

I'm not sure why the total of my bill has anything to do with how much I need to tip a server. If I go out to eat by myself, order an entree appetizer and drink then rack up a $100 bill. Why would you deserve 20% for less than 5mins of work? You took my order, handed me some plates and a drink, then gave me a bill. You deserve $2, maybe $3 at most. Your job is literally pointless, I can go grab my own plates and drink from the kitchen if they'd let me.

but they don't and you didn't, so you better pay fucktard.

>so you better pay fucktard
Or what?

then you don't go out to eat! it's that simple. if you can't participate in common customs in the society you live in, then you won't be a good member in it and you will suffer from the effects eventually no matter how clever/edgy you think you are in trying to stand out and be different.

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