I spanked my girlfriend's 4 year old yesterday. This was the first time I've ever spanked a child. AMA
I spanked my girlfriend's 4 year old yesterday. This was the first time I've ever spanked a child. AMA
Not the only thing you are spanking im sure
Boy or girl?
good one
>my girlfriend's 4 year old
Bare bottom?
Was the father watching, possibly a type of fathering cuckery?
yes. i wanted to get a good smack
why you did that?
Are you aware that the buttocks are a very stimulating region for young children, and by smacking her ass you probably made her clitoris erect? How does that make you feel?
Was the spanking because she misbehaved or was it just some fun before full on intercourse?
the little shithead pulled her sister's (7) necklace (from behind, choking her), pulled clothes off the hangers and onto the floor and then threw something at me (lol). She was warned to not throw anything else or she'd be spanked. She immediately threw something else. I explained to her why she was getting spanked. She cried and then was spanked.
also yawn
Did you get a chubby doing it?
yawn. and no
You sure yawn a lot, was that the reason you spanked her? about the only thing that wakes you up?
I hear ya, I get damn sleepy after nutting on a 4yo too.
lol this your setup?
>op surprised that his thread about abusing a child attracts responses from child abusers
lol nice bait
I hate child abusers, kys faggot
no more questions?
>hating child abusers
>physically restraining a 4 year old child then slipping her underwear down and paddling her cheeks and pussy lips
Pick one
Well if the kid likes being physically restrained option, then I suppose it's not child abuse.
Was your pee pee as hard while spanking her as mine is while reading this?
her cheeks were swatted. vulva not visible. the point is to discipline, not shame
OK, serious question because apparently OP wants attention for this bullshit.
What the fuck did she do wrong you fucking perverted loser.
already answered that. maybe try reading the thread?
Bad parenting. Spanking is for hick retards and isn’t an effective form of discipline.
fair enough, how about these
were you ever spanked?
how often?
do you resent your parents for it?
do you know her father?
why didn't your girlfriend do it?
did she cry?
will you do it again?
how long y'all been together?
would you be mad if another person did it?
No, the point is clearly to molest a child. Bad man op. Bad man.
He might be a magatard. Daughter's name is probably Ivanka.
Answer this question op you double nigger cunt, I want some OC to splooge to.
were you ever spanked?
how often?
not often.
do you resent your parents for it?
no, not really. the mind of a 4 year old isn't advanced enough to understand certain concepts. pain tells the body "no." her butt was barely even red and she behaved perfectly for the rest of the evening.
do you know her father?
nope. he's out of the picture
why didn't your girlfriend do it?
she was in an interview in the other room and I was watching the kids for her.
did she cry?
she did, for a few minutes. after that she said sorry and went back to cleaning her room.
will you do it again?
if required, but hopefully it won't be. i was pretty nervous. she's so fucking small and i didn't want to hurt her.
how long y'all been together?
about 8 months
would you be mad if another person did it?
spanked her or what?
If you can't discipline without pain you're a retarded person. Sorry mate, the studies say it, not me
Did you "accidentally" her? Slip your hand down in her hairless puss puss while spanking her? Need to know for research purposes.
Do you validate parking?
What the fuck did the dad do about it?
id kick your fucking teeth down your throat if you touched my kid.
Guess you dumb fuck with the small shit you call your brain is not advanced enough to understand certain concepts, either. For example when it comes to raising up children.
lol no dads give a shit about their kids
men can't take responsebilities
did you put a ball gag in her mouth?
Prolly fake and gay but ppl who beat kids instead of figuring out why they act out should be executed.
Is she acting out because u molested her?
>I explained to her why she was getting spanked.
Sounds like normal day as a responsibly punishing parent.
How does it feel to be stuck with all those enotions from your own abise when you were a child. Given this is real you should feel ashamed of yourself. How is that even legal in most countries? I mean, if I'd spank you, you could totally get me arrested. And you against me is a much fairer fight than you against her. It's fucked up.