Asian Slut thread

Asian Slut thread

Attached: IMG_4003 (2).jpg (960x1280, 288K)

I already want more of her


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nice, show more

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this thot needs patrolling...

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more please

Fuckin' hot!

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2019-01-12 at 7.18.09 PM.jpg (960x1280, 74K)

Gorgeous Azn titties!

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Nice to see some milf sluts in an asian thread.

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got her face?

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Attached: analyn.jpg (810x1080, 272K)

Have hundreds more of her and some other guys on here might now too, had a huge vola going late last week.

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Please tell me there are nudes.

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love me a thicc asian slut

Attached: 1571152755443.jpg (1080x1350, 219K)

Such a tease... more!

I just have lewds but yeah she is super qt

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I just want to see nipples because those tits are so amazing, the nipples have to be too.



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Attached: 18.jpg (2320x2922, 1.19M)

Great ass. Moar pls!

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she's hot. what kind of asian

Japanese, born and raised.

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ah you got the pics good job, i got a few vids but had to run, when i got back it was all gone..

awesome. How old is she in these pics

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Stand her up

Lol no I'm the husband, this is my collection. Love that you saw the vola tho, hope one of the guys who got them all makes another one to re-share.

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Late 30s. Very early 40s now, looks maybe 30 to most people.

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they're great pics. She's sexy -- more of her tits on full display

Hope you have wedding night pics too, or boudoir photos.

ok cool thanks for sharing.. i got some great vids and they have been really useful.. ty, and please thank your wife too!

Attached: FBC92557-1A88-4B0C-9CC3-5E8DC099EF0F.jpg (768x1024, 61K)

Of course, I love showing her off.

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Attached: IMG-20190118-WA0050.jpg (1280x721, 45K)

Cool, please convert to webm if you can and post here, any time.

Attached: licking1.webm (272x480, 1004K)

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No boobs

Attached: E82959FD-DAE7-4552-BFCD-B6D7101C9384.jpg (960x1280, 226K)

as long as you are cool with it no probs!

Titties are ready to fall out of that dress. I hope the groomsmen all got a good view.

still worth a fap. more frontal

I expect anything I shared to end up back here. Hopefully nobody posts the whole thing on the web somewhere more permanent, though. I like these threads because there are a lot of comments.

Attached: licking2.webm (272x480, 1.01M)

Attached: 0F2B8683-C2CE-4D15-A065-32AFAE8F7AF8.jpg (1079x1921, 108K)

would love to suck on those small tits. moar

Attached: C35132B9-7DAE-40DE-BDD2-C1A2B4E2575D.jpg (575x766, 326K)

asian slut

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I hear ya.. I got one vid of you cumming in her face.. super hot,, i drained em on that one..


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Got her tits?

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Glad you like

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damn man, she looks good. keep on going


Attached: 20200203_131332.jpg (376x1235, 242K)

nice, very nice. show the body off too

Kik? You feel her up?

Don't think I had a webm of that but you should make one if you can!

Attached: slut-orgasm-while-sucking.webm (272x480, 1.76M)

This one is ok too I think

Attached: asian-wife-dildo.webm (304x540, 1.59M)

oh i missed out on some vids... any chance for another vola?

OP is a faggot!

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If you make and post I'll add the vids I have but I don't have a lot of time today otherwise

Like this?

Attached: 20200203_132055.jpg (853x690, 286K)

She getting fucked in library’s restroom

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wicked nice, post moar pl0x

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mm great slut. have anything of her sucking dick? just keep posting her

done deal, 15u3f65r0

ugh she is so hot.. ya i def will.. its a great shot right across the face and I dont think she expected it hahaha


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She did not and was mad which is why you should show it for sure lol

Of course

Attached: 059B6B03-9259-44AA-8CB9-9938963F14D9.jpg (1088x1280, 243K)

i will

what a well-behaved little slut she is. More of her -- any in a sexy bra/lingerie?


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forgot pic

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Had a gif of it, in the meantime

Attached: (112x200, 1.9M)

love the frilly look. Would be fun to rip those right off her

Attached: 549DFD5B-3A3E-4313-AA70-1A25E2626202.jpg (1920x1792, 316K)

go on

She was a very good fuck, too bad she went back to China

Attached: 1F4B1B90-3412-426C-BB7F-6B6E5889A248.jpg (4032x3024, 1.67M)

damn man, that is too bad. At least you got to hit that while she was around. Anymore frontal?

We still cam from time to time.

Attached: 19FC6EAE-7601-46C0-BBD1-07AD6ADED1F7.jpg (720x1280, 330K)

Sometimes I feel like... it wouldn't be so bad to breed an asian girl if we make sure to only have daughters. A mixed race asian son would be awkward as fuck and probably shoot his school and kill his family.

Attached: 60022252_2027404087563580_4307012255536186641_n.jpg (1080x1080, 158K)

Lots of half asian dudes get the best of both sides. Koji Murofushi is a fucking superhuman.

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awesome. Loving that body. she looks cute too

Why you let her go? You never cared did you?


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You are right, I never cared, she was just another cumbag

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fuck keep going. So damn cute

man she's cute

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wow more

moar jinny on/off

still around? These are fapworthy

Attached: A4AF8E06-652B-45C9-AE6C-F95E1048CBAC.jpg (1528x1528, 269K)

yes post it all im stroking for jinny

Excuse my shitty collages

Attached: CE088856-058B-4086-B7A4-70E4DF8417CF.jpg (1528x1528, 223K)

Jinny likes getting her ass whipped

Attached: 84DE7B7A-C540-4743-B050-4F6FD7AF5E59.jpg (793x1000, 54K)

And being degraded

Attached: 4688FB66-779A-4924-BAE2-7F7BB6B455B9.jpg (1000x751, 80K)

mmm good little cunt whore, down to share in vola?

Yeah I’m here , may make a vola to dump her stuff a lot of vids

Attached: 3D58E762-0344-4582-A7A6-EC623A5511FC.jpg (2576x1932, 816K)

ha would fap repeatedly to these if you did, can be sure of that. Keep going with her

Dafuq did i just read? You should get out of your mom’s basement more, neckbeard.



UH Manoa freshman dorm

I’d recognize that fuckin room anywhere

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Wtf is this shopped shit son? Why even try?

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Show that fat bitches ass


Show her tits

Whats the story on jinny

Any moar, of her face especially? Love her build

No nudes unfortunately.

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Attached: dx 4.jpg (960x1280, 181K)

Attached: dx 6.jpg (1536x2048, 235K)

stole pics from study partners laptop

Attached: a1.jpg (1205x2436, 557K)

Shes a webslut from NYU who got her nudes leaked online. She looks innocent but is a kinky and slutty as fuck

clothed face pic?

Attached: 21.jpg (471x592, 39K)

nice steal, bet that was an adrenaline rush, how'd you find it/how long did you spend doing it


mmm nice any more stolen pics?

share and talk in vola?

sorry gotta head out for a bit.. prob be back later

My new young coworker

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Any more clothed pics?

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this, she's a qt

Attached: 1515352572059.jpg (867x1134, 147K)

Did she get blackmailed into fucking or anything? I mean if she is a inkislut, shed enjoy some dick on the side. More clothed

lmao that was kinda awkward
amateur porn is weird.


Here you go, dumped quite a bit there

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Asian brides are the best

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looks like my gf, she's so damn cute

Oh shit I know this girl, matched on Tinder when I was in Korea. Shes a juicy girl unfortunately.

Diemmi mai is the best

U know about this slut?

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I want the back view of this pic


easily the dumbest thing I’ve read all day

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Always love another person of culture. What u know about her.

Middle could catch this seed

Sorry if I want my kids to look like myself and my seed to not go to waste.

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Haven’t seen any vids of her fucking or anything like that. You’re welcome to try to blackmail her though

Attached: IMG_5774.jpg (768x960, 61K)

Ah the disappointment. This pic - would marry. Other pics - would shoot with a 12G. Such a contrast.

She's been married, divorced. I've seen many pics of her

Attached: IMG_1161 (2).jpg (1110x1476, 314K)

Oh. U are missing a big part of her life.
Hubby was a cuck
Did porn and Webcam

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She's hot! More? You got her full face?


Lets see the udders

Attached: 711C0A24-FF3D-49E5-9434-467F3B59154E.png (828x1792, 667K)

You've trained her well. Knock her up.

I've seen pics of her that mostly look fake, and videos of her where her face isn't shown. I'm still looking of the motherload of legit noodz and vids. Also, any little price of the story I can piece together.

What I've heard was that she got involved with some dude that had something on her. He blackmailed her into doing all kinds of kinky shit like fucking random dudes, guys she knew from highschool, forced to take part in gangbangs with nothing but fat old men using her as a fucking post, etc. Last I heard she's still under his control and has given up all hope of ever getting out from under it

Got a kik ?

Anyone else got some high quality amateur nudes with face or on/off?

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bros still here?

Attached: 7ocBXWB.png (442x451, 263K)

Attached: IMG-20190408-WA0037.jpg (1032x774, 47K)

Still Jinny ?

no idea who jinny is, this is a random camgirl i capped

Attached: 548534187.jpg (1200x1600, 150K)


Motherfucking 5 head!!!!
Her forehead is wrecked but she thick and can get it.


someone post some stuff

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Christy K

Attached: K(31).jpg (865x700, 183K)

Fuck she's amazing, can someone upload all of it? I opened up a room, r/15u8d4mzr

more on/offs!

Attached: 23.jpg (1600x1200, 578K)

The fact you used the term “my seed” proves the neck beard assumption.

You got more? This is my buddy's Filipina wife.

What’s her porn name again ?

Fuck you, now shes not gonna accept any insta requests.

Link for collection ??.
She is perfect

Webm any collections ???

Really want to see her face covered in my cum.

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I wish there was a mega of ALL of her things and maybe a social media we can follow her at.

Attached: 32C0B4F8-2468-4391-99F8-E9C5E5E3784A.jpg (1024x768, 181K)

i know an asian slut thatll pretty much do anything on cam for like 40 bucks. pic related..

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Last one. The coup de grace

Attached: 618ECDFB-C91C-4CB3-B705-0AD1C384F4DB.jpg (1125x1260, 1.09M)

Tell me about it. She's probably the sexiest girl I've ever laid eyes on. Plus, she loves big, white cock.

Attached: 88.jpg (883x613, 127K)

Yeah. She's back at vixens stripping.

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Perfect for abuse

Oh yes. Let's see her with a dick in her mouth.

Attached: 6.jpg (480x640, 191K)

Attached: 56.jpg (483x388, 113K)


Better if it was a BBC

That's my dream. Get a group of friends to dominate a cute Asian slut.

Attached: not a virus.jpg (618x767, 54K)

she had a tumblr not too long ago right? from Socal

Attached: 8DD71646-5931-48BB-A385-0B1F5F1482CC.jpg (1440x1799, 194K)

We need the sauce


I know she also was a fan of BBC. Just big cocks in general.

Attached: 79.jpg (1200x1600, 361K)

Any of her with bbc or na?

Attached: 42E77543-6925-4962-A978-1712D586BC45.jpg (1827x2436, 1.08M)

SAUCE, link of collection???

Attached: 18.jpg (574x384, 124K)

Attached: IMG_1456-min.jpg (2333x3500, 1.22M)

Please user, give us the link or post everything. We need the sauce now

Unfortunately, no. She did sleep with one of her professors in college who was black, but they never took pics. Or if they did, they didn't share.

Attached: 2.jpg (1600x1200, 405K)

i love you

where is she now?

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Attached: IMG_1574-min.jpg (3500x2333, 874K)

Attached: 622.jpg (306x430, 70K)

New thread

Stop being a dick and post the link

Please continue in the new thread

continue in new thread pls

Met up for the first time in several years a few months back. She's married and has a kid, but she still loves a big cock in her mouth regardless.