What should happen with the homeless?

what should happen with the homeless?

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pine gap northern territory australia fragile x syndrome johnathon senior national security agency is worse

consider that

From what I've read, the cheapest help is just to give them free housing until they can recover

Only for those who can and are willing to recover, some just give up on life

they should be moved in to the house of the richest person in the nation, and the rich person thrown out on the street.

painless suicide booths really need to be a thing. and they should be free.

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that image is so depressing...

Wtf did you just say? Are these just random words?

Deport them to mexico



Imagine not having the basic right to decide over your own body. And they call it democracy with freedom?
Hm, I think not.

that would just cause people who contribute to society commit suicides, and useless members like these would still stick around and occupy the empty houses/flats.

hello kuni

google occult physics pine gap
satelites are reading ur subvocalisation and being reverse engineered to steal ur thoughts
u can then be shot with emp/emf from the same institution by a man of 5 generations of fragile-x-syndrome, literally down syndrome cross schizophrenia


back to ur containment board schizophrenic

Australia was founded by exiled criminals. Nations with undesirable prisoners where sent Australia in the past.

people who contribute to society don't tend to commit suicide.

Step 1 - Cite for crimes
Step 2 - When they do not show up to court, issue arrest warrants
Step 3 - Enact laws that require judges to either imprison or send them to assessment centers
Step 4 - Establish federal level assessment centers for determining if the prisoner requires (a) psychiatric treatment, (b) substance abuse treatment and/or (c) skills training
Step 5 - Re-establish federal level psychiatric hospitals, intern and treat prisoners for mental disorders. When/if released, they proceed back to step 4
Step 6 - Use existing substance abuse programs to rehabilitate prisoners addiction issues. When released, they proceed back to step 4
Step 7 - Establish federal level skills training camps where prisoners are trained in trades that can be used to made a good living at entry level. Upon release, prisoners are assisted by federal jobs programs to get immediate employment.

Expensive but cheaper than what is happening now.

America was founded by exiled religious fanatics whose only invention was Oats. which already existed.

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Assisted suicide is a thing so we're getting there

australia's a WASP commonwealth nation with a standing SAS. its meant to be in an equal top 3 alliance of this worlds nations. look at what you have instead via usa fragile x syndrome inherited from thomas woodrow wilson via nsa pine gap menwith hill and forte mead.

We should keep them as sex slaves.

The Great Kung Flu Virus Will Wipe Them Out.

Praise Be.

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The people who can prove they are willing to work should be given the opportunity to do so through government work programs, etc.
The people who are legitimately insane should be put back into the homes that the Republicans closed in the 1980s.
Everyone else should be run out of town to live in the wilderness or put in jail for vagrancy.

Are you speaking of asylums...that bleeding heart liberals shut down?

I apologise for my fellow Australian compatriots ramblings, we are currently going through a meth amphetamine scourge which tends to bring out the drug psychosis ranting skitzos out of the woodwork.
Please ignore him, there is nothing to see here.

>be me, living in hippy Eugene, Oregon, #1 city per capita for homeless population
>stopping at McDs really quick between errands
>all three power plugs being hogged by 20-30yo homeless dudes with cell phones, tablets, and laptops
>boots covered in mud because it is raining
>mud tracks all over floor of restaraunt
>two dudes bought a drink, 3rd dude bought nothing
>camped out charging their electronics doing jack shit
>one guy says, "you've never been to the Denver airport? They have the nicest bar."
>"I used to travel there so frequently they knew me by name."
>20 minutes later, they put their gear into their dirty backpacks and head back out into the rain to camp on the dry side of the 7/11 next door.

This is the face of homelessness in 2020.
It's not the person living paycheck to paycheck who fell on a hard month.
It's the shitty young person who has just enough money to get by without working, but who has no problem fucking up things and stealing from the system everyone else pays into.

facebook com/michimichi21
instagram middertin
twitter middertin

schizos grand daughter
if u c her fb friends, alex is the grand son

murder them


>that bleeding heart liberals shut down?
found the Fox News watcher

>The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress repealed most of the law.[1] The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.

listen dude...try deep breaths and focus. WTF are you trying to say? Is this even related to OP topic? Why am I even bothering to respond to you? since you obviously are retarded and your rambling seem retarded even when fully deciphered.

I say kill all the homeless we have right now we’re wasting taxpayer dollars that’s meant to help them are too stupid or they have way too much retardation on them.

This is what happens when you fall from grace user. When you let the booze and drugs control your life, You start not to care about anything else not even your own personal hygiene.

Who knows, The homeless problem where I’m at (Hawaii) Is so fucking terrible now. Literally sidewalks are turning into shantytowns

weight rounded down in precious metals you physically tangible own in kilograms right now go


well said. This type of incomprehensible BS makes me rage. So many morons read shit like this and become hooked on retarded theories and paranoid/schizophrenic rambles and blamings.
Compulsory euthanasia for all amateur conspiracy theorists.

Well, i'm working to become a more responsible man. I've got a job. I don't think other homeless people should beg. That's stupid. They should get jobs or provide some kind of service. People respect the attempt. I have an appointment tomorrow to apply for an apartment. Life is getting better.

Tell police to shoot them on site

I think most of them need mental help or help with substance abuse and getting a job. They have to actually want help though. Most of the time just giving them money isn't helping. Buy them food or clothes if you want to help. And remember, even if you don't want to give them anything, they are still humanbeings and you should treat them as such.

How can white boi's compete LOL

Send them to Liberia. Second felony? Liberia. Public charge for more than 6 months, while not being a vegetable? Yep, Liberia. Pretty soon Liberia will be the leftist utopia that they crave.

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compete? lol
whitebois b shit out of luck

Reminds me of time cube from back when b/ was good. Btw only visiting to see if it's still just porn.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Why do you want to help the homeless? They are homeless for a reason. They deserve to be killed on the street

>what should happen with the homeless?
all of them should be exterminated. they are parasites on our society, and what do we do with parasites?

They have no purpose living with us, they do absolutely nothing to better mankind.


well we need people to stimulate the economy

Using fake numbers of productive members of society to inflate the economy, is jewery 101.

Ship to Uninhabited island. Controlled resources. High stakes betting on who wins. Let winners take over the island as they see fit. No import or exports. Constant live stream at major parts of Island. After a while we have Australia 2.0

We plant trees for a good environment. That costs money.
We lay stone for sidewalks instead of pave.
We add stupid neon lights, all that shit cost money.
Consider giving homeless homes just another investment into your clean streets and golden roads. It's probably the cheapest option in the long run. Hell if keeping them in a apartment for 1 year keeps them out of a hospital for 2 days it's already more than paid for itself.

I conceal carried when I was homeless, mostly because of other homeless but also because of people like this.
I also had a job and didn't beg or shit in the streets.

We invented European salt too apparently.

So you could make it big in Liberia.

Cause I'm not a disconnected sociopath raised in a lolly white household with no hardship aside from mom taking away his nintendo or his sister hurting my feelings.
Go shoot up a school faggot.

yep. unfortunately even when asylums were in effect conservative states would use them to imprison gays and people they just didn't like.

Uhh, the Pilgrims were exiled religious fanatics, but Jamestown wasn't. And Jamestown was established in the US well before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts.

Reactionary faggot with no plan here.
Man you'd be right on that wall if your mom didn't suck all that cock while you were growing up.


UFC death matches for hobos.
Survivors get 10% of all the tickets that audience bought to watcb the fight. Dead one gets cooked and fed to other hobos.
Make it legal in one country first so other countries ship their hobos there and the legal procedure is less messy. Do it in Brazil, Sudan or Syria. They'll get revenue from increased tourism and stuff.


This guy here.
I slept around couches as long as I could. Slept in my car before it broke down, slept in the break room at work, showered at the sinks.
Meanwhile working 60 hours a week and can't afford food AND shelter.
I'm in alot better spot now. But man fuck all these upper crust faggots. I hope they choke or someone turns a eye and let's me choke em.

Almost all. The homeless I ran into that were that way for any length of time couldn't just "get back on their feet". They had mental issues. Tons of em. They needed help.

This is too reasonable. We gotta fuck with it.

Institutions for the permantently fucked

Help and support for those who want it

Being homeless made illegal.

Custodial prisons for the willingly homeless

Take your meds, schizo.

"oh Microsoft didn't pay you enough for your mortgage this week? Looks. Like you'll be answer calls behind bars for 11cents a hour and not the 11.50 you were making there. By the way, your new employer.is Microsoft, apples next door at the women's prison"

They'll call you a socialist for it because they don't understand the logistics themselves.

Spek english pls

Is this what mental illness looks like

No issues with me just pushing your ass in.
Are you also the same faggot who gets his dick hurting when he sees the case where that girl bullied a guy into suicide?

Wonder if you have any vulnerable people I can use as a cock slave then either slip into, or convince, to use your booths. It be like you killing your own siblings after I got to penetrate them.

not really.

so this is the power of the black man

I knew someone who was homeless. Took her a bit, but now she's got an appartment and is training to be a nurse while holding 2 jobs. She was fucking amazing. Wish I still had her nudes.

Move them to SANCTUARY CITIES... you wanted them you got them...


Cut them in half

Damn dude that website is fucking hardcore crazy. I thought I was into conspiracy shit but crap

What website for those who are late


So no capitalizing on misery and death?

>they live there till death
>they breed
>they instill their values into their children
>it gets even worse
yeah, ok

Lmao kys you little cunt

even too lazy to find a toilet

no wonder he is homeless

lol at this nigger


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When you see a homeless sleeping, then use a hammer and apply it on the head of the homeless..

INQUISITOR , yes that man over there. A 'Nurgle' worshipper

Send them to Epstein's island. Give them no food. Eventually they die.

More Firefighters are currently dying from suicide than those in the line of duty.

>Robin Williams
>Elliot Smith
>Kurt Cobain
read a fucking book

Dog food.

I think its fucking hot

I dont think he recognizes artists as contributors...

As someone posting this from their car they live in, there’s a lot of different homeless people.
Some people are just dealing with some harsh shit, some people are addicts, some people got kicked out of their home and don’t know what to do, some people are just batshit crazy, some people just like to live this weird lifestyle for some reason.
To handle them you need to understand that a lot of the homeless can’t be generalized easily, you can’t help the crazy dude the same way as the teenager who got kicked out for being gay, it’s a very different situation that is currently under a sort of blanket treatment.

Most people wouldn’t know I’m homeless, I don’t beg, I live in a pretty average looking car, I keep clean, I stay presentable. And this is important because people look down heavily on the homeless. Even the ones that would treat you nicely are people who do it out of pity, i would rather have someone call me a piece of shit than start using that wounded puppy baby voice when they talk to me.
If people know you’re homeless then you’re a target for that, because you’re a free punching bag for the rest of society. You don’t contribute, you don’t fit in and you don’t have any real value. People have tried to attack and rob me, more than once I’ve woken up to someone trying to open my car door, luckily nobody has vandalized it yet. I sleep every night with a gun I my hand because there are people out there who want to beat and kill me for fun.



massive shit-sex party camps.
ur welcome

This, very much this. Lived this sort of situation, managed to turn it around, but my respect for homelessness is much greater now than it would have been had I never experienced it.

Keep fighting the good fight, shit will get better.

>You dont contribute, you don’t fit in and you don’t have any real value

NEETs are like this too. Hell shit some folks with jobs feel like that.

That side actually....I had never thought about homeless folks on Cred Forums...or the internet

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as i said, people who contribute.

where? in that one part of the ACT where that one politician with cancer lives?



the arts contribute over 760 billion dollars a year to the US economy

that's communism

give them free houses people with houses do homeless people shit all the time

alternatively open the wilderness, it should be a basic human right to freely acquire your own land or live in nature for free like animals do.

Yasss become Brazil for the good of the all mighty economy

Lol funny cuz beaners are never homeless just a bunch of white losers and niggars

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Too many degenerates for that and if you managed to make a kino village spicniggers would be forced into it. I love diversity.


if australia you have the landmass of india and 1/10 the population and the whole outback instead of selling it to china why not just let them build houses on it

How do they fucking work?

whats a kino village?

hispanics just go where they please but i hear no stories of them which arent just spanish people moving somewhere to act friendly to people and then beating them up for fun

Total bullshit. Citation much needed.

>act friendly
i mean take drugs and act like fucking inbreeding fire alarms over their trash fucking women and then beat people up

are you assuming all homeless are drunkards and addicts?

recover from being a homeless neet

last time i had no house i got a job and stayed awake for a week. walking to work for 5am tripping balls from sleep deprivation to finish at 5pm and walk 10 miles to somewhere so i looked like i was normal being there but i also think my coworkers spiked the coffee with meth so i didnt fall asleep again

Something revolutionary like giving them homes. The amount of people who would refuse or go back to being homeless again is miniscule.

Build sanctuaries big walled off sections of the city. But unlike in star trek as soon as they are processed the men will be chopped into dogfood and the attractive women sold into sex slavery.

I somehow doubt your coworkes spiked your coffee with meth but alright, it's a road to recovery, I get it

Could be a lot worse, nice solid semi firm stool, no blood, no cancer, no prolapse or roids, relatively healthy bowel movement.

Is your name Greg?

1) Make a jail specific to homeless crimes. Put it in North Dakota.
2) Arrest all homeless as soon as they break a law, send them to the North Dakota jail for their 1 day overnight.
3) Release them the next day right there in North Dakota.

Let them set up camps right outside the North Dakota homeless prison. Good luck getting back to LA, NY, etc...

What is Kino in general?


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Holy shit. I have been awake for 48-56 hours before and thought I was tripping balls

i thought you meant snuff village so did the government

>Build sanctuaries big walled off sections of the city

upscale shanty towns, but how do you keep the crazies there without using up a bunch of expensive .gov services

pay them in Adderal tabs to clean up, make poop art?

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tell me a joke greg would know and i'll telll you if im greg

Power charging homeless networking chad multi tasker beverage customer>meek incel shitposting permavirgin with only one bar left on his vintage nokia headed home to mother without even a dominant pair of muddy boots to wear picking up bitches at a denver airport bar.

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Strategically placed living quarters. Nothing over the top, and the very basic options for survival.
Forced enrollment in basic classes on job acquisition.
When they get a job, there is a forced state of reimbursement to pay back for their living space, food, etc.While this would take longer for them to get from government funded status, to standard citizen it would help them step by step, to adjusting to that lifestyle.
Drug addicts and alcoholic homeless would be in the same enrollment but would be in forced detox before they start the rest of the program. Upon failing a drug test or breathalyzer test they are taken back to the start and forced back through the system. This is an incurred bill on top of the rest of what else they have to do in the enrollment.
The mentally unstable are in the same boat as the drug addicts, they get help, figure out proper medications, and therapy, and then sent through the rest of the flow chart system.
Basic concepts. Would be cheaper than the destruction done to public property, and would be a means to creating a system to establish a tax paying citizen again, rather than a leech that literally is waiting to die.

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i was quite literally falling into the road and avoiding the shadow people as the police drove past me on my way to work at odd times in the morning

Unironically why don't we have something like the horse company from Sorry To Bother You? People can sign up to work at labor camps and get free food and accommodation, like signing up to go to jail basically, since there are already people who commit crimes just to go to jail where they have friends/beds/food anyway. If someone made a slightly nicer jail, let people sign up to stay and work there, and marketed it well enough, they could make bank, surely governments would support it if it'll get rid of their homeless problem

Does anyone one remember Bum Fights?

but one day the coffee started leaving a pretty hard drug like aftertaste and it really didnt feel like it was the caffeine keeping me up

The town I grew up in a long time ago had The Model Lodging House. It's where you ended up if shit was proper fucked. You could get a bunk, enough stew to survive and maybe a bit of help looking for a job so you could get back on your feet. The rules were that you were in by nightfall unless you were working a night shift, you left after breakfast and you didn't cause trouble. It was a bit shit, prison level accommodation but you would always have a roof over your head.

It was shut down for health and safety reasons, so now the utterly destitute are back on the streets..

They should all run a train on your mom, again.

Whatever you say, Bernie

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You are the percentage of the populus that needs to die. You are the reason the world is plummeting into the abyss.Stop thinking with your cock and start thinking with your brain.

Christ fuck.

I woke up at 4am. Was awake until the next 4am trying to finish some stuff. Tried to sleep....couldn't. Then said oh fuck....Burns night is today. Wanna git some fuckin haggis. So I stay awake, leave at 4pm in that afternoon.Nice bag pipin (not that kind :( ) Come back at 10pm. Cramping like shit.

Still try to sleep, couldn't. Was seeing form constants when I close my eyes and truly weird ass shit. But you....you went beyond level next

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Depends on how severe their mental problems are. Some of them can't be saved and should probably be euthanized to be perfectly honest.

The ones that can be rehabilitated should be provided shelter with an address, a working telephone and the basic essentials to try to get them working again and off the street.

And put them under clinical observation... Life-long. Nothing like a bitchin' relapse when you thought they're good, but now they have a family, and now you have more people to off.

Didn't we already try that with public housing projects in the 80s? Didn't it just create dystopian crime ridden shitholes?

I tell you what I woulda been pissed if they had euthanized Francis E. Dec. What he made was mad fuckin art. He didn't need to die for it.


Do these people still reproduce?




Pretty sure homeless people wouldn't be using these.

was worth it i was on big overtime all week and i moved into a place the week after. plus ive never experienced anything like that before. and a girl from starbucks gave me a free cup of tea.

Was anyone else at work experiencing the strange coffee?

>real estate prices at its peak and climbing
nice try commie

The cheapest and most natural solution would be the corona virus

I don't consent to any homeless getting homes in my town unless they're white and not commie. Tired of politicians nuking us with aliens.

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didnt ask

they tried that in england christmas 2017 there was fog with a viral agent in

If they're working or trying to find work, leave them be. If they're travelers and won't be in any given city for more that a week or two, leave them be. If they're filthy junkies, ship them to DC.

That would probably be the best tv show of all time kek

Deus ex that shit

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