My girlfriend just fucking destroyed me at our friend's birthday dinner, in front of 15 people I know. AMA

My girlfriend just fucking destroyed me at our friend's birthday dinner, in front of 15 people I know. AMA.

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Tell us everything user

chu say
chi say

We just finished appetizers and most of those guys were already drunk. It was kinda awful, but I didn't care that much. One of the other friends started talking about how his 5inch-something penis was small, everyone kinda laughed about that and then my gf jumps out and says: "don't worry, insert name here. user here has 4 inch erect and it's big enough." She has this shittiest, most awful, full of fucking glee grin on her face. I just stood up, apologized to my friend and bailed. I'm at my bro's house right now, eating pizza and playing Vidya. And also 5 missed calls from that bitch.

Ha you sound like a lil bitch

Dude you have nice fucking friends not even kidding fuck that bitch

Making the smart play son. That whore is toxic, dump her and move on.

damn that fucking sucks


We've been together for some time now, and she has said "it's big enough" times and times before, but never in a social fucking situation. I don't understand what the fuck was that grin. She wasn't even drunk. I'm dumping her tomorrow, if not tonight.

you were suppoosed to counter that shit with something like: "with such a hugh and worn out hole you have down there... no wonder that you can't feel the diverence between 4 and 8 inches lol"

She has a sense of humor, you don't



what? that's all? fucking kids, I swear...

Sounds good. But I was too embarrassed and shocked at that moment, like a little bitch. Fuck i was pathetic at that moment. But, lesson learned.

What a fuckin cunt

Not everyone is a simp

Wise choice, I presume you never joked about it or anything before ? She probably knew you didn't felt confident about it so doing a "joke" like this in this situation is just toxic and tasteless.
You have no reason to keep this kind of person around, go find someone who respect and cherish you.

dump the cunt, if she disrespects you like this, she'll do it again. I'm sorry Cred Forumsro that you had to go through that

Revealing a mans dick size is pretty much the same as revealing a girls weight, so youre right to be mad

Dump her, she's hiding her true feelings behind the guise of a joke.

>believing this obvious larp...
This is the same retard that posts nigger porn all day and night.

doesnt sound like she thought it was a big deal. fuck her tho if she knew you were insecure about it

I never joked about it. She has said it multiple time, when we were at home or alone somewhere, "it's big enough user, don't worry" with a slight smile. And each and every time, I told her that saying that simply drained me of any energy that I had. I know it's very retarded to be his insecure about your cocksize, but when we were heaving sex and she said it's big, I couldn't continue. And thanks, I'm definitely throwing her out.

I mean I kinda understand you when it is a fact... because when my gf told a joke like that to my friends everyone knew that my dick is bigger than that because they were school friends of mine... (after PE we had to shower toghether)
If I were you I would make her uncomfy as well... like talk about the fishy and rotten smell she has down there or something

So you care what other guys think of your dick? U gay bruh?

fuck that noise bro. you did the right thing by just throwin the deuces and headin to bro's place. never reply to her again and succeed at everything you do here on out. you good brodie

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He obviously doesn’t care what the guys think, user. It’s that his girl would disrespect him like that. It would be like him talking about how her pussy stinks in front of her girl friends.

Why is your organ so small? I didn't know I was playing a cathedral.

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Thanks for listening and giving me advice, bros. Love y'all. Hope you don't have this kind of shit happen in your life, and if it does, learn from my experience. Good luck. And I'll post update probably.

I'm looking forward to hearing good news about you ! I hope you'll live an awesome life and leave her in the dust !


Fake and gay. You're a faggot OP.

you did the right thing, just dump her and move on. aint got time for that toxic shit.

Keep your head up king, you ain't a pussy. You did the right thing, ditch that hoe right now.


Leah Jacobs. Gymnast.

user you're such a wimp, counter that shit faggot

Ima so sowi my boi frends