How on earth did this behavior become accepted in our society? I consider myself pretty socially accepting...

How on earth did this behavior become accepted in our society? I consider myself pretty socially accepting, but how is this style normal to anyone? No man looks like that naturally. No woman looks like that naturally. No human looks like that naturally. It's more terrifying than it is anything else. Who finds this attractive? Who finds this normal? How did this become a part of our society?

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it's that damn satan up to his old tricks

lol just kidding i have no fucking idea dude

It's just visual hyperbole. It's like clown makeup, which grossly exaggerates the mouth and nose. Or the masks of ancient greek theatre.

I don't think anyone thinks this is attractive or normal in the sense that everyday people look like this. And I also think this isn't meant to look like a real human being; I think he's exaggerating what plastic dolls' faces look like. This guy has a costume on and is playing a fictional character he made up; the costume is largely defined by the makeup.

Jesus that image is nightmare fuel.

It's a form of entertainment stemming from lgbt history
look it the fuck up instead of your ignorant kneejerk emotion-based reactionary shitpost which is actually nothing more than a passive-aggressive comment based in bigotry and attention whoring and not actual honest inquiry

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its not normal, its an over the top performance parody of a particular feminine aesthetic, stop clutching your pearls and move on

damn that gif is hella hot, source?

Because thats not what a trans person looks like.

Idgaf if it's attractive or not have you seen drag queens fight it's the most entertaining shit I've ever seen go back to the stinky whore hole you crawled out of op

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What do you mean by "our society", Peasant?

look im a lifelong liberal for financial reasons, but the concept of existing to mock a feminine atheistic is super weird. like sure the aesthetic is weird, but how do YOU handle what is weird to you? Do you devote your professional career mocking it? Drag queens are not that. I don't know what they are but they make me uneasy the way clowns do.


The same reason jesters and clowns became a thing, it's just entertaining to some idiots

Bro jokes make me uneasy too, its okay user.

how about this behavior?
i find myself pretty accepting, but how are glass cages a normal thing?
they are more terrifying than anything else. Who finds this normal. How did this become a part of our society?

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drag has always been about being over the top, trixie doesn't do that look to be a typical beautiful woman. it's literally just for fun/effect.
it's sad that you're too stupid to see this is just hyper exaggerated beauty ideals

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It's not the joke, it's the commitment to the joke. How many jokes are part of your identity?

how about this behavior?
i find myself pretty accepting, but how are glass cages a normal thing?
they are more terrifying than anything else. Who finds this normal. How did this become a part of our society?

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honestly good points. I guess what differentiates drag to me is that it seems more sexual. I honestly don't know when it's a fetish and when it's supposed to be a clown-like performance.

Bambi is a girl?