I'm tired of this shit

I'm tired of this shit.

Long story short: Bad decisions, bad life, no money. I'm done... But I'm also a pussy.

So I want to be an hero but painlessly. I was thinking in suicide by helium and I got almost everything but I got a doubt.

I have a 252 lts/8,9 ft3 helium tank. It will be enough to kill myself or I need another to do the job flawlessly? I don't want to be a lettuce for that kind of mistakes. Also, I don't want a hood, so I'm using a ol' good oxygen mask.

>inb4 pic shows two tanks

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Just get revenge on the system.

You'll be remembered

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To be honest, I can't blame the system for everything has happened to me, many of it was entirely my fault.

How have you screwed up user?

That type of awareness is a small light that you're not past a personal redemption mate. I don't mean in the 'god' or 'soul' sense or any other bullshit but in that you can wake up one morning years from now and be so glad you're still here alive with the one shot at existence we all get. Keep your chin up bro.

Of course it's the system's fault. Our flawed system only benefits the privileged and continues to oppress and destroy who they see as unworthy. The system is what made you feel this way user

The last one: An sort of accidental scam to my family to an investment and I was scammed myself. Lost lots of family funds, destroyed family union and many college savings.

>I tried to pull a Wolf of Wall Street
>It backfired me awfully

Nah, I'm tired. Just answer the question, anons, please.

Dude only the rich and privileged can pull of that kind of stunt

Sorry that awful spelling, I'm just waking up

I leant that in the hard way

just climb something and jump, make sure you fall backwards so you can watch the sky

Dude, get help for your depression. I have lifelong major chronic depression and medication and therapy greatly improved my life over time. Tell your doctor you are suicidal and have actually gathered the means to kill yourself.

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OP don't an hero. Try to take back something, it is only money. Fuck, even a failed robbery will end better than suicide. Atleast you have a shot at success

As I said, I'm a pussy. Also I don't want to leave a mess.

Clean and Painless

>No money for docs
>No time for NGO/Communitarian crap

Well, I think that I'll get another tank

Lol retard

Uppity up

Skip town and join the foreign legion. learn a trade. get a life.

Why not just forget all that and start making good choices?

how about the carbon monoxide in car suicide? maybe that shit will work,
just get drunk first enough for you to be retarded enough to not get out of the car

>No car

Don't waste helium like that. We are running out.

buy heroin off the dark web


then get revenge for it on the company that scammed you you faggot, shoot them up or smth

just kys and stop looking for attention. you arent important, no cares. not that you will, thats why youre here talking about it.


Or just learn to take personal responsibility for the things you can change instead of blaming everything on the system like a teenager

It doesn't hurt to get the other tank, you only have one shot might as well make it count.

What was so bad that you have to do this? Can you just not forgive yourself or what?

Suicide is so 2008.
Now when you realize your life is fucked and you are worthless you go trans.
If cutting your dick off doesn't fix everything, at least when you kill yourself you don't have to leave a note.

You need to find somebody who gives a shit.

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