My mom forced me to take out a loan of $25,000 which she promised she would pay off...

My mom forced me to take out a loan of $25,000 which she promised she would pay off, now I'm stuck with it barely making ends meet because I can't afford the monthly payments. What the fuck do i do now? I'm twenty one and feel like my life is already fucked.

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Why’d you have to take the loan out, why couldn’t she?

Never take out money in anyone's name but your own. Whoever your giving the money to will fuck you in the end. (Family and friends included.) Pay off your debt and take your lesson. Good luck to you.

she's knee deep in debt herself, she manipulated me into taking it telling me she can't afford rent and shit and would become homeless along with my little brother

Make her pay you back the hard way, $5 at a time knowhatimsayin?

she also claimed she needed the money for a business idea she had which went south

Never talk to your mother again. Then pay back the loadn 25k payments cant be that much. Get another job or something.

I might be able to give you some legitimate advise actually,
First, where do you live, and second what did she need the money for?

Tell her to pay you back with sexual favors ex handjobs

The economy is great, quit whining commie, and get a job.

1) Poland,
2) A business idea she had, as well as rent and other things ranging from car payments to daily groceries,

Poland? Ok maybe I can’t help. Depending on the laws there, you might be able to sue her for anything of value she owns in order to repay it.
How is the economy in Poland right now? You making decent money? Also interest rate on this loan?

I fucking do have a job, a shitty one at that, but because I had these loans taken out I can't go to college and get a better one because I need to work full-time to pay these fucking loans back
i've found myself in quite a bit of a pickle one might say

Is faking your own death an option?

Even if I wanted to sue her she has nothing of value that could be seized in order to repay me, and I don't have the heart to do that to my own mother and my brother who still lives with her

i've considered going a step further and dropping the "fake it" part but i'm not edgy enough to do that yet

Dude, pay an angry pack of niggers to rape her, if you dont have money do it yourself.

What’s the interest rate on this loan?

how much of the 25k do you have at the moment?

also you can choose to be a delinquent. aka not paying that loan, and then pull the rug on her by transferring the ownership of the loan to her.

Grats, you are the most retarded person in 20k20 so far. I wonder if this will be beat this year.

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Looks like it's time to call child protection services.

You can cut her off and get custody of your brother, plus some help. Provided you have big balls.

Do you have the balls to stand up and fight for your brother ?

You have a job, and internet access.

You can learn a ton, provided you don't waste your time in reddit/Cred Forums/whatever.

Haha what movie is this from?

>you are the most retarded person
