Be me

>be me
>20 year old
>be single and living my best life
>11/10 actually talks to me
>we hit it off
>actually end up getting together
>want to marry this girl
>gave her everything
>starts new job I have worries about anyway
>ends up fucking some dude from said job because he has drugs
>her dad found him in her bed the morning she broke up with me
>her whole family and most of her friends think she’s a retard degenerate now
>guy literally just wanted pussy she threw away it all for that
>I think she’s being mean to me to cope with the guilt
>still picture them fucking every night and can’t sleep but hey hows your 2020 been anons
>pic related

Attached: ED94FAE3-E6A1-41B1-9AA1-DD1D5A157FCE.jpg (1242x1653, 339K)

Enjoy your youth. I gave mine away, and while I do love my wife, my freedom qas lost at a young age.

She sounds like she just would have caused you trouble yeard down the road anyway.

You both sound like retarded niggers with mental problems, who types like that. 90% chance you a nigger or a retard.

Well you are free from this retarded cunt now. Sounds like a win. May the next one be better for you, user.

Thanks bro


Just move on as soon as you can.

Women are literally retarded, do not pay any mind or attention to them and DO NOT devote yourself or your resources/time to them. Maybe 50 years ago you could settle down with a girl and start a family, but shit just isn't the same anymore. They will cheat because the other dude has drugs or money or made her fee-fees tingle.

You dodged a bullet OP but goddamn you talk like a fucking zoomer

Could someone translate this nigger-speak to English?

I truly am not certain who is on which side of that convo.

You sound like a pussy. Fucking nut up and move on. The fuck is wrong with you? You’re really gonna not sleep over some whore?

U autistic?

>Bardstown Rd
Sounds like some typical Kentucky redneck bullshit.

That suck but, you need to move on my dude. Fuck dumb bitches and hoes dude. Make yourself happy again then go meet some more ladies. You'll see that personality and positivity could go a long way with the girls

You lost absolutely nothing of value. You dodged a bullet. Celebrate! Move on to something far better. Looks are fleeting and hers aren't enough to make up for her lack of a soul.

you are messaging her more than she is. you care more. She won, you lost. Get over it for your own sake.

Op is green box

>spoken by the one who consummates a gentleman without prospects whom is only using you for lustful respite.

>nonsense! Your concern for his lack of prospects is without warrant.

> your gentleman companion does not have a Christian face and I fear that you or without standard in regards to companionship.

>what you speak is true. And this is why I meandered about with you for a short while.

> when there Comes A Time that you ask for monetary assistance from this companion you will be found wanting. We shall reconvene at a later date.

>goodbye, your intelligence is questionable an education found wanting.

>goodbye, harlot.

Don't trust any 11/10, 99% of them have never had to work for anything and are entitled cunts.

OP really thought he was doing something posting this. You’re the cuck in this, 11/10 on b, is a 6 at most. Feels bad man, but you’re only 20. I’ll assume this is your first “love” there’s plenty of woman don’t get hung up on one, especially at a young age. Go on tinder, or go on pornhub


This is the best shit of the thread

What types of drugs was he giving her besides the ecstasy of orgasm?

you know for a fact she fucked him because his dicks bigger.

>>want to marry this girl

Stop Reading.


Cheers bud.

welcome to life.

getting older means accruing mental scars from past relationships and experiences and being unable to ever be as happy as you were in your youth.

You are the architect of your own folly, tbh. Not being able to detect her character flaws before thinking you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this girl is basically on you, not her. In reality, taking into account her drug use and the fact that she fucked another dude while simultaneously knowing that you love her, makes her a 2/10. Fuck do you care what she does? Get over it faggot.

Why are you even replying to her messages and writing posts about it on Cred Forums? Move on. No one cares.

God what a fucking imbecile messages a girl like that when she dumped your dumb ass?
She may just want some fucking, not a marriage.
Get over it, there's plenty of fish in the sea.

Post her nudes. All she wanted a CHAD can’t blame her for it. Women are sluts

Nice red pill

Top kek
>Praise kek