Onision fucks children prove me wrong

Onision fucks children prove me wrong

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wasn't she 18?

That's not how it works.
You make a claim, you back it up with evidence.

So he says, you would trust a manipulator?

You ask for evidence when it’s so abundant it may as well have fallen into your lap. Pull the wool out of your eyes, he’s a predator

didn't she admit she was 18? lol wtf

yes, that's not actually evidence.
try again.

There have been confirmed sightings of Onision hanging around bus stops and preying on young women

You mad your secrets coming out Greg? The only banana power will be when an inmate sodomizes you

Who's Greg?
And you've yet to provide evidence to back up your claim.

Holy shit look at this fucking guy

man he didnt age well
he used to be a twink

burden of proof is on youuuuu


Jesus Christ imagine being a pedo supporter huge yikes bud

Wrong place to ask. Most of his edgelord kiddie cult followers frequent this fucking place.

Burned many witches lately?

>Being this dense
How do you function?

Evidence, cough it up.

He used to be funny
Now he looks like he fucks buttholes

Mmmmm, buttholes.
Mmmmm fucking.

I heard he’s also a werewolf and a racist.

Can’t prove me wrong so clearly I’m right.

I heard he's made entirely from uranium, and getting within a few yards of him will cure arthritis but give you cancer.

Thats one ugly faggot.

I heard the microwave go off. Go choke on your tendies, cocksucker.

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He literally kidnapped a 16 year old and let his child fall out a window any claims made against him by anyone at this point are valid

Is this "thing" supposed to be important? Looks like every lifelong Domino's employee I've ever witnessed. Who is it and what did they do?

that excalated quickly.

OP fucks children. Prove me wrong

Links, citations, evidence.
Hep, hep, fork it over.

He lures in young children by acting young and hip then rapes them, tells his fan base the victim is crazy and toxic

I heard he set fire to his grandmother last sunday and he ate all the puddins in the fridge and didn't restock.
So, anything anybody will say against him is therefore totally true.

Evidence, give.

I agree user he fucks kids. Also how’s everyone’s day going? My days been alright.

OP literally sucks farts from dead hobos and pays sheep farmers to shear his testicles.
Prove me wrong.

Onision fan boy gets ass blasted prove me wrong

Prove yourself right first.

>pays sheep farmers to shear his testicles
Got me there m8. Have you seen my thicket of nut hair though? Livestock farmers are the only ones who can handle wool of that volume.

Assuming I’m OP kek what a dumb ass

You can literally look up hundreds of videos of him kidnapping ki and dozens more of the police report of his kid

Go to Chris Hansen's YouTube channel

Then YOU provide evidence.
You or OP, either will do.

Oh, so he was caught red handed?
Why isn't he in jail then?
Evidence please.
Links, citations.

Here is all the proof you need youtu.be/ihwuqkci9Hg

He meant James James... faggot

Because the states laws are fucked? Seriously go to YouTube you're either feigning ignorance or just trolling

Faggot, James Faggot, 007 and a half.

Attached: D694AFB2-3E18-4B05-9BB4-0E80B3F3698C.jpg (225x225, 14K)

It's coming nigger


It’s clearly Onision, he was on earlier trolling Epzion

No feigning here. I have no idea who that guy is, I just feel it's prudent when presenting a claim that one backs it up with evidence.
None such has materialised yet.

Floof balls!

Just look at Chris Hansen's YouTube channel?


He won’t because he chooses to play dumb

He looks like a ghoul from fallout.

Nah - you link me if you're interested enough to back your thread up.

What about the whole "you claim, you provide the evidence" is hard for you to understand?


See, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Now I shall watch this and see if it's sensationalism or journalism.

It's forty minutes, so it'll be a while.

your not fooling anyone onion-san

He is old and male so probably

"It's hard to find actual witnesses and victims, much is third hand and internet talk..."
Hm - they've got an investigation going on.
But we don't know enough yet to lynch him - so evidence is still missing. He's suspect so far, but that's all.
You forgot "white" and "heterosexual".

Nobody cares

even if he didnt rape kids i want him lynched... hes a cunt anyway.

Man, that's a long waffling bit of nothing.
They have nothing yet, it's just filling a program on youtube because someone wants some views.
Fuck sensationalistic shit.
Chris Hansen should butt out, and let the police work the case.
There are many people I dislike, but I don't want to lynch them, I just avoid them.
All part of growing up and becoming mature.

Confirmation bias much? Stay ignorant

I perfectly able to judge without such a bias, besides, I'm not done watching yet.
So calm down, keep a cool head and be polite.

Ok onion man

I don't care much for atrocity tourism, and that's all Hansen provides. If he has actual evidence he should hand it over to the law and not make his lucre with this pop-culture journalism-lite.
I'm sure if Onionguy is guilty, he'll be tried in accordance with the law.
So keep your assumptions to yourself and behave in a less shrill, childish manner.

Spoken like a true pedophile

I bet you wiuld have experience knowing childish wouldn’t you? Kid fucker

Fuck he waffles on and on.
But there seems to be some substance to the case.
Why on earth didn't you lead with that video, OP?
Much of the discussion would have been cut a lot shorter. Granted, the case is not done yet - but time will tell
He who smelt it, dealt it.