Your favourite horror movie?

Your favourite horror movie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Probably Evil Dead 2

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The hills have eyes (new version)
Specifically the rape scene

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The Shining
The Thing

In that order

Halloween (1978)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Hellraiser (1987)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The Shining (1980)
The Witch (2015)
The Evil Dead (1981)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Phantasm (1979)
Scream (1996)
Dracula (1931)
Frankenstein (1931)

I could go on and on...

They Live. Watched it last night.

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youre the coolest


Spinning out. It's scarier when you are high.

[REC] the original in spanish

Anyone play dead by daylight

Is it kino and as good as they say it is?

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låt den rätte komma in
original in swedish
not scary but i liked it so go fuck your mother

kind of liked Suspiria, maybe because of that theme song

not as good as some say it is, but i watch it about once a week tbh. it's one of those movies you can just watch over and over and not get tired of it. unlike other oscar contenders say, 1917 or ford v ferrari, which i watched once and will probably never watch again.

Rosemary's baby
The Omen ( I,II, III)
I saw the new Omen on 06. 06. 06.
Texas chainsaw
The Exorcist
And for FUN, "Student bodies." Torrent it if you get the chance.

Dope movie. Would smash vampire loli 24/7.

You posted it. It's also one of, if not, my favorite movie overall.
>continuous tracking shot around the side of the Myers house at the beginning of the film was unprecedented
>launched career of everyone involved
>highest grossing independent movie at that point and for loooooong after
>revived Donald Pleasence's career
>shaped modern slasher genre

Other horror movies I liked: The Strangers (2008), Megan Is Missing (2011)

You're special.

i thought the vampire was a boy


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my life

Not really my genre but Audition is pretty cool. Not sure if that's just because Takashi Miike, one of my favorite directors, directed it.

no i'm not my mother always told me i wasn't special


Probably Phantasm. I used to watch all 4 parts with my dad. I love the soundtrack and the weirdnesses of the movie.

Let the Right On in is good, but I like the 2010 version more. I'm guessing maybe it's because I saw that one first.

wasn't he castrated? i watched it while on ecstasy maybe i'm not remembering it lol

return of the living dead

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>no i'm not my mother

Yeah, the vampire in the original was a boy who was castrated. The remake had a girl.

oh the descent was OK too, watch the UK release not the US release they change the ending

why did they remake it anyway

Boy, that must be a bitch.

Based, though I haven't seen Phantasm and I prefer Day of the Dead over Dawn, but that's probably because when I saw Dawn I unknowingly watched a fan edit that stitched in every deleted scene from alternate cuts so it was ridiculously long.
Other favorites of mine are The Blair Witch Project (99) and Carrie (76) though I consider the latter more drama/fantasy than horror.


Can you guys recommend some movies that may not be good but are actually scary/unsettling? Most movies I've watched lately rely too much on gore.

Almost anything Hitchcock.

Good idea for a thread, OP.

Good selection of films. I remember when the Blair Witch Project when it became a hit back in the late-90s, dumbass 9 year old me thought the whole thing was real.

Suspiria (2019)
Carpenters' The Thing
Society (1980 something?)
Hellraiser (1987)
Hereditary (2019)

I don't recommend suspiria or hereditary if you don't enjoy slow, psychological, ambient horror.

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Could try Salo. Not exactly scary, but it can be pretty unsettling.
Demoni(Demons) is an Italian horror movie has a couple good moments of body horror. It's technically "gore" but rather than blood pinatas, think the bathroom scene in The Fly.
I can't be much help. If you don't have any phobias, it's hard to be scared of a movie, you know?

Creep and to a lesser extent Creep 2 was pretty decent. Trying to think of some unusual recommendations...

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Hellraiser I+II
The Sentinel (1977)
Malefique (2002)
Dracula (Lee and Oldman)

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Schlock horror:

Castle freak (dude gets his ding dong ripped off)
Troll 2

zombie movies are king
train to busan is great if you can get past the subtitles

Anything Dario Argento or Greydon Clark is kino

Shining was shit
Prove me wrong

i've seen a lot of crazy shit, including most of the traditional edgelord flicks mentioned in this thread, but this is the one movie that i absolutely have no desire to ever see again. it just got under my skin and made me uncomfortable in so many ways. definitely unsettling.

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train to busan was a awesome. i don't know if that kid got any awards, but she was great.

The Witch. Been watching every damn horror movie for decades, and never thought anything modern would hit me that much, but that one hit every single mark.

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What are your thoughts on the original Suspiria? I don't disagree (apart from Society), your choices are great, but what makes you prefer the "remake" to the original?

My whole life

Any one where niggers die

I mean, you edgy bro, but that's like the vast majority of horror movies.

Event Horizon

Hereditary was babbys first adult horror movie imo. Over hyped, basically a reimagining of Rosemary's Baby. After Midsommer it seems like his only gimmick is deformed character, and bad nudity. No better than the conjuring or any other popcorn shit

>a reimagining of Rosemary's Baby
Man, I'm not even a fan of Hereditary, but you lost a lot of credibility there. Also, it's Midsommar.

this is also one my favorite horror films, doesn't rely on cheap jump scares

i also like session 9 (2001). it's psychological thriller. i love the creepiness of it all. plus none of the characters act like dumb fucks.

another favorite is shutter (2004), the original thai version is so much scarier than the remake.

I don't have favorite movies. But I liked May and Antichrist pretty well.

Cabin in The Woods
Blair Witch Project


My man. Still holds up.

>Phantasm (1979)
I'd like to see that remade. I don't think they could screw it up.

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The Hitcher (1986) maybe? It comes down to your personal phobias.

>I don't think they could screw it up.
haha i wouldn't be so sure. maybe if blumhouse or that guy who did mandy gets ahold of it, it could be good though.

highly recommend, A24 been on a wild streak lately

They already came up in this thread, but The Shining and The Witch unnerved me far more than any other film so if that doesn't do it for you then maybe try another medium. If you have a PS4 or strong PC you can get into VR for pretty cheap nowadays and some of those horror games are nearly unbearable to me despite movies rarely having any effect.

People don't realize that was based on Lovecraft's work. They expect all tentacles and magic.

Fucking adbots.

Sidenote: anyone who says Halloween III is the worst in the franchise is a certified fucking retard.

Thread reminded me that Candyman is also pretty unsettling as is a movie from 2004 I think called Dead End which stars Ray Wise, a criminally underrated actor in both horror and comedy.

Popcorn (1991). That's another good one. Or it is once the real villain steals the show.

Session 9 (2001)
Orphan (2009)
The Posession (2012)
The Woman in Black (2012)

I'm one those guys who prefers the first. The second is objectively better, but the first was more creative with its shot and sequences, had a much creepier, more absorbent atmosphere.

Instead of masks, smartphones. Fucking blockbuster.

favorite of all time?
the thing (original)

good ones to check out?
30 days of night
a dark song
as above so below
noroi: the curse
pulse (kairo)
it follows
the endless
the ritual
serpent and the rainbow
the void
uzumaki - spiral
zodiac (2007)

and in honor of corona chan - outbreak 1995

honestly if you made a movie that was just a cow turd sitting in a field wearing a michael myers mask some people would say it was better than season of the witch. actually, rob zombie tried that with his first halloween come to think of it.

>actually, rob zombie tried that with his first halloween come to think of it.
Fuckin zozzle


American horror movies are just porn.

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the thing is one of my favs too. i wish kurt russell and john carpenter would team up for one last hurrah after all the great movies they've done together.

It would be interesting, but I'd imagine that finding a suitable actor to fill the shoes of Angus Scrimm as the Tall Man would be a major challenge for a director.

More enticing for general American audiences, plus money. We've remade tons of Japanese films. I'm not particularly against it, as long as it isn't shit or, especially, if they make it their own.

Kairo (2001)
I've watched so many horror movies, and I wouldn't call this one my favourite, but it was definitely the scariest. It isn't just the ususal jumpscares, mystery or gore. I can only describe it as existential horror. Never quite seen any other horror movies of this type. The only ones that come to mind are those early Jorg Buttgereit movies, like Todesking and Schramm, but they lack solid movie composition and I find them too chaotic for my taste.

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The torture/gore porn subgenre in Horror really phased out a while back. There's still occasional nudity and gore, but Horror films in the U.S. are more story-driven and psychological than they've ever been.

Maybe Graham McTavish.

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child's play 2

it's like the original childs play except better, the factory scene at the end totally fit and stuck with me for ages. can't forget to mention it was the first horror movie i ever watched

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Somebody asked me this and I was gob stopped. I had NO idea! I have many horror/hybrid movies which I like, but not one I consider a favorite. I thought about it for a few minutes and STILL couldn't think of one.
Here's a short list of horror movies I do like:

It Follows
Ju On
28 Days Later
Child's Play 2
Blair Witch Project
The Thing
Leprechaun In the Hood
Troll Hunter
Cabin in the Woods

Of all of these, I guess the scariest would be the original Alien? For me, Blair Witch Project was "scary" not because of the monster or story (there was none, really), but because it was entirely plausible, and that played on my own fears. I remember watching the original cast walk up to the Oscars and everyone was super silent and awkward, like they saw a ghost or something.

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Yeah right.

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Naw, first one's better. That bit with the fireplace. Perfect reveal.

I liked the second one also because of the factory scene. I also remember the teacher getting beaten by the ruler. I acknowledge the first Child's Play being good, especially since not a lot of people knew what to expect (especially when Chucky started screaming and swearing totally breaking his innocent image), but for me the second movie was so much better.

she burned brightly, mandy

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jeepers will always be my favorite
first two were awesome, the third one was shit and needs to be forgotten.

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Color out of Space starring Nic Cage is coming to screw up all our lists.

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All of the Leprechaun movies

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Splinter, probably.

I forgot about how much I liked the second one.

The ones in Vegas and Space are more comedy. Like Gremlins II.

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haha yeah that dude's just going off on us now. and i, for one, am grateful.

crazy cage is best cage.


Shut the fuck up, Commie.

True, still entertaining nonetheless.

This and The Shining, I'd say Evil Dead 2 but that's a comedy.

holy shit user ive been looking for this, I thought I was just having a fever dream watching it as a kid

Normies say Nicolas Cage ruined his carreer with this movie, I say Nicolas Cage ruined this movie with his role. He did his best, but the role just wasn't for his style of acting, which is strange because all the other actors gave outstanding over the top perfrormances, and Nicolas Cage is the master of over the top acting. Still 9/10 movie.

Have you seen P (2005)?

Without fucking question. The original french version with english dubs. Not the bullshit American version. Fuck yes. Ima watch it again rite nao.

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it was such an over the top movie, i thought he was great for it. i loved the cheddar goblin to drunken bathroom scene. and the "U rIPpEd MaH sHiRt, U RIPPED MAH SHIRRRRT!" scene. that being said, anybody who says he ruined his career with that movie hasn't been following his career very closely.

I only watched it a couple of years ago, and maybe the weed was too dank, but damn that shit legit terrified me.

Also THE WAILING needs more recognition. Korea film on nextflix.

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That's because you're an idiot and didn't understand the retarded premise of this movie.

Fucking goth kids.

There are no more goth kids. All the goths are adults now.

Should I?

So many great scenes, trippy cinematography and memorable quotes. Cult leader actor's performance really did it for me in this film

i understood the premise as soon as the gleeson brother killed the other gleeson brother. it didn't change my feelings about the movie.


Sauce on film?

This really is an amazing movie. It hurts on so many damn levels. The ending... off... what a damn masterpiece.

Duel 1971


Hellraiser 1 and 2

Damn, homie. Stretch your horizons. Sounds like you're just reading someone's generic top ten list.. Dracula 1931? Really? Shit adaptation, poor to mediocre movie. Only good thing in it is Lugosi's iconic portrayal.

Didn't like it, didn't even watch it entirely. Like, is this what police is like in asian countries? They were pathetic and laughable to the point of annoying and cringe. So many dumb and almost comedic actions. Does it get better after the first 30-40 min because I couldn't go on further than that. Goddamn gooks all look the same too and that makes it hard to follow the story which is why I usually stay away from asian cinema.

Should I?

Hard to choose one definite one:
A Dark Song
Let The Right One In
The Exorcist
The Witch
The Ritual
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Evil Dead (2013)
Martyrs (2008)
The Thing (1982)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
Veronica (2017)
Psycho (1960)

You mean The VVitch?

I liked it, but the new one added something to it. It's like watching a remake but from someone who really really loved the original and understood what made it tick. He expanded on it just enough. Tilda Swinton fucking killed both roles.

What don't you like about society?

Was From Beyond Lovecraft inspired too? That movie is fucking _weird_

Obviously, douche. Don't get hung up on a stylized title. You knew exactly what he was talking about.

OG texas chainsaw is still genuinely disturbing and really well made


Just making a joke my dude. It's not a dick, don't take it so hard.

deadgirl, but that's only because it really turned me on.


Rickie and J.T. are two high school seniors who gaze at the girls they wish they could get, especially Joann, the object of Rickie's affection, whom he has known since he was a child. One day, they decide to cut class and end up in an abandoned psychiatric hospital. They discover a mute, naked woman in the basement, chained to a table. While J.T. is interested in raping her, Rickie refuses and, after failing to dissuade J.T., leaves but, certain that his story will not be believed, tells no one about the woman. J.T. confronts Rickie the next day, and the two return to the basement where J.T. reveals that the woman is undead, which he discovered after attempting to kill her three times.

Rickie finds that J.T. invited their friend Wheeler to rape the woman, nicknamed "Deadgirl", as well, and decides that it is time to free her. He is able to cut the chain on one hand free before he hears J.T. and Wheeler approaching. He runs to hide, and J.T. begins to rape the woman. After he notices that her hand is free, the woman attacks him and scratches his face.

During gym class one day, Rickie asks Joann out on a date, knowing she has a boyfriend. She rejects him, and that afternoon, Joann's boyfriend Johnny and Johnny's friend Dwyer beat up Rickie and Wheeler. Wheeler rebuts that they "have their own pussy now" and do not need to hit on Joann. Johnny throws Rickie and Wheeler in his trunk, and Dwyer and he drive to the asylum to see Deadgirl. Rickie convinces Johnny to force Deadgirl to perform oral sex on him, and Deadgirl instead bites Johnny's penis, infecting him. The next day, Johnny races to the bathroom during class and his intestines burst out of his body, leaving him in the same undead state as Deadgirl.

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Of course. Even the title is the same.

Allegory doesn't make it retarded, You being a retard makes you think it's retarded.

Evil Dead 2 is still horror despite being a comedy. How do you exclude it but cite They Live which can arguably be excluded for being sci-fi satire and action?

I like the first one more also.

Gotta agree with the other guy.

I've not dipped too much into Lovecraft outside of the big ones, that's good to know.

shit taste. The Thing is the only piece of horror before 1990 that doesn’t suck.

Goddamn, you are horribly wrong.

Absolute trash movies riddled with the dumbest characters and most idiotically plotted nonsense ever. Not to mention the supposed dark humor is cringe to the max. I can't believe people think those are good.

i read "at the mountains of madness" on LSD, smoking weed after a trip in the sunny mid-afternoon. it was so fucking cool. if that asshole ruins it with his film--probably--it'll still be with me as i imagined it 20 years ago.

for those unaware, it requires serious CGI and a weird sort of new monster concept. it could really suck if done wrong.

Nah. Antiquated, stubborn, and narrow-minded thinking. Horror is currently the best it's been since the 70's. Better even. Go stuff yourself with your sheep mentality.

You absolute madman.

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also, if you're into the whole "horny rotting female" genre, this is the most hardcore, and like, the most disgusting film i've ever seen and i've seen that silly black and white one with the guy chopping up his own intestines. that's gay art house bullshit.

there was also "pretty dead"--which was filmed with HD cam so it's a little trippy for that--and "contracted".

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They're not great, but good for weaning people who don't like horror or are too focused on jump scare horror into the genre. I don't feel like it's a waste to watch.

you sound like a fag and your shits all fucked up

>Only good thing in it is Lugosi's iconic portrayal.
That's why I like it.
I was listing some films on the top of the head, and that was the one that came to mind. It's not my all time favorite, I prefer the 1992 version actually.

Long time horror fan. Prefer original and clever stuff. Watched this and wanted to die inside.

>>has Martyrs listed...

>>shit taste

You silly little child.

the shape he still scares the piss out of me today, until they went full retard with him in later movies. something about the way he stalked and the way he starred into the eyes of the people he killed still terrify me. also he's just very similar to the reaper, slow takes his time, but he will get to you...

carpenter is one of the GOATs

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They added him as a killer to Dead by Daylight. Shit is cash.

i watched the shinning the weekend i decided to quit drinking and taking xanax...

i was eventually trying to lie down in my closet crying inconsolably. that a very very very bad movie to watch when battle 2 of the most dangerous substance withdrawls that exist.

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As a Carpenter fan, a horror fan, a cinephile in general, I never got the appeal of Myers beyond the first movie. Even though I love the first one I prefer the bulk of Carpenter's other movies over it (barring a few exceptions like the shit tier Ghost of Mars and such). Good flick, though.

i like to think my springfield 1911 would save me from Michael, but he'd get me the time i forgot to take it with me when i went to go take a piss or open the door then just see a massive shadow that's not supposed to be there in the hallway and it would be a gruesome death impaled through the stomach into the wall

yep, that's why i called him the shape. it's the first movie that really fucks me up. the others are just popcorn flicks. maybe the second one with the manhunt and the hospital has its kino moments though.

i love in the second movie when he captures bridget with the enchanted collar and the sack(would be more amazing if she was stereotypical barefoot blonde in horror bondage though) and is going to impregnate her with a "litter"

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