How do you get your teenage son to clean up his fucking room?

How do you get your teenage son to clean up his fucking room?

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Take away all electronics until it's clean.

First you need to use a time machine and get him back to 2019.

Make him sleep outside until it's done.

Take a shit and stick it in one of the dresser drawers

How the fuck do people live like that.

you beat his ass, turn off the electricity, and take the things he finds joy in until he's bored out of his mind and gives into finally cleaning his room

Start cleaning it and throwing shit out yourself, he'll want you to stop. Tell him you'll only stop if he cleans it himself

>stop buying them so much shit
>take away tv, games, fapping tools
>take the door off the wall

let him live in filth. he will grow up on his own

Very easily, no joke.
Mental disorders are a very real thing.

Get him a dragon dildo if he cleans it up.

This nigga gets it. It works.

Million times this. They won't be able to stand it.
Do NOT warn them you'll do it. Start out of the blue.

make one thing like a video game dissapear then he cleans so you then put it back

that idea is honestly retarded, the kid could easily take advantage by doing nothing, have all his shit cleaned and then resume laying back down just like before

Beat him

God what a faggot time we live in, just fucking smack him in the mouth if he refuses to listen to you when you tell him to clean his room.

I'm 27, I needed this, plenty of other retards my age needed this, we're a whole generation of slackers and wastoids, druggies and drunks, the lowest of the dreggs, we were never fucking disciplined, hence we never learned discipline.

Every bleeding heart liberal fucktard that says child abuse is immoral is half right, don't beat your fucking kids for the sake of beating them like a masochistic demon, hit them when it is deserved, and don't even do it that hard just make a fucking point. Kids are dumb, teens are dumb, I was really fucking dumb, I'm sure you were really fucking dumb to. Hit your son, but hit him sparingly, with love.


You don't know what you're talking about in the slightest.

>How do you get your teenage son to clean up his fucking room?
with sex

I agree. Tell him that you will suck his cock.

Bro, you're literally doing the kid's chores for him. How would that ever solve the problem if you just keep cleaning up whenever he dirties up. Most likely the kid really doesn't give much fucks of the belongings if he's able to keep the room dirty like that, so in the end you'd just be doing him a favor by doing his work


If you are a mom, reward him with sex.

If you are a dad, punish him with sex.

as a reward or punishment if he doesn't?

moron, they arent going to tidy it up, but rather throw his shit into the garbage.

Change wifi password.

Stop being 10 ply there bud

Teach him from a young age to keep his shit orderly

I'm the moron yet the OP said this "How do you get your teenage son to clean up his fucking room?". Now how does cleaning up for the teenager fix the problem? And you act as if all the clothes will be thrown out too and he'll be going to school naked for the rest of his life. Even if there's a bit of clothes or things, he can still throw it on the floor and create a mess

you're still dumb you stockholm syndrome faggot. imagine unironically thinking that beating up kids who won't fight back is a good idea. you're so stupid it's embarrassing me.

Attached: gaydracula.jpg (200x248, 12K)

just do like my dad did and

Whoop his ads or kick him out.

He will have to clean his room in order to clean comfortably.

Condoms...use them

Nigger I never said they wouldn't fight back, the day a son can kick his old mans ass is the day he becomes a man.

Also if you don't agree with hitting kids what is your solution, looking around today, most kids seemed doomed, but thats just my opinion

Post his room on youtube. Tell his friends.......

Beat his ass and take his shit away,parents are to afraid to fucking punish their kids these days thats why we have all these little sissy ass crybabys.

Hide a dead animal in there

raise him so that he never allows his room to get like that in the first place

Literally this, OP. Just do it. Let him throw a tantrum and if he puts a hand on anyone, slap him with an open hand.

Take his phone pc and console

start by throwing away his phone/nintendo

>extremely angry over things that don't concern of affect him
>cursing at hypothetical situations
>turns to violence as a first step
Sounds like your upbringing has prepared you well for life in a civilized society like Mogadishu or Detroit.


Lol spotted the zoomer
I bet you jerk off fantasizing about tendies greentext being your irl

Fuck dude, I don't think even I was as messy as that when I was a teen.

Whatever you say Jamal. Keep those family values strong.

Throw in a hand full of dead maggots, make sure a few land on his bed, if that doesn't help then give him a firm beating

its 2020

>Throw in a hand full of dead maggots, make sure a few land on his bed, if that doesn't help then give him a firm beating
Me again, take a picture and threaten to send it to people in his high school before beating him

In this day and age the kid would just go full banana and shoot his parents for that.

take a shit on the floor and cover it up with whatever is out place

THIS is a good one.