Bitch turned me down because she's a fucking inch taller than me?

Bitch turned me down because she's a fucking inch taller than me?

Fuck this, fuck everything. I'm getting a bottle of whiskey

Attached: bitch wtf.jpg (630x1080, 143K)

>Turned u down

Get over yourself.

>it's 2020
>manlets still have not learned

She probably thought little of him

Short fuse, huh?

Attached: 1580753970152.jpg (345x248, 18K)

She didn't turn you down, you turned you Down

why do u even care
get a life
get some confident

don't be such a emo just because a girl don't want to fuck you
fucking loser

Perhaps he sold himself short

Dude calm down you have a short fuse

Holy cringe. Just ignore and move on angry manlet.

u don't seem like a nice person who anyone wants to fuck

how do you think she would want to fuck you now? how should she even response?

Get yourself some Cuban heels and have a cry wank.

You maybe could have talked her round but instead you spat the dummy.
Well done mate.

LOL Napoleon is defeated a second time!

Dumb shit she wouldn't have matched with you if she turned you down she would have left

She's not even worth the trouble bro

Looks like she wasn't turning you down and was just being honest while going along with the conversation that you were leading. Then instead of being interesting for a change since you were about to lose her regardless of height you decided to double down on being a little bitch boy


>Bitch turned me down
>image is from girl's phone
Your bait feel a little short OP

I always tell myself that these are troll threads because I refuse to believe any one can be this lame. But if by some chance this is real...


>constant use if emojis

>haha ok

>I'm a nice lad

You sound pathetic, desperate, and clingy. How many women have you been with? Grow up and stop being so lame and insecure you depressed faggot. And get off of Cred Forums and learn how to talk to women

Horribad spelling and really insecure last message.

you guys dont even have a tiny bit of respect for op

Way to sperg out. Do you always cockblock yourself?

Tall girls are hot

God op your dumb

That screenshot is from the fucking girl. The messages in blue are the posters. Its fake dipshits

That bitch manleted you big time.

Op is a faggot and so are you


And I cant stress this enough


Sorry I gotta go back to being 6 foot 4, 180 pounds, with an 8 inch dick. Wow.

>im a nice lad

Attached: 1577569833082.jpg (1280x1183, 205K)

''why can't you see that i'm a nice guy, you fucking slut''


chain ruining nigger

Shit I missed it I'm sorry, I think it went over my head.

Well, he talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

Plus he's a dwarf.

Dude, you projected your insecurity about your height into the conversation yourself. Why did you even bring up your height? Just avoid the question. That's not really a fun conversation also. Do you even know what you want in a relationship? It's not all its cracked up to be tbh. Loosen up mate. Do whatever it takes to make a chic laugh, give a chic your phone number and talk to her also. Dont dilly dally with meaningless conversations. Have some confidence someone is into you and invite them to something. Dont put all your eggs in one basket, meeting and talking to women is a social skill that constantly takes practice, and talk to as many females as u can even if u aren't into them. Its ok to want a hook up, your human, but u got to be honest with yourself and then others, and sometimes a chic will remember what u said and be interested in hooking up.
Also, tinder or online stuff takes no effort at all, and sometimes u can get a freak, but Don't depend on it. Even the ugliest mofo that knows how to charm women or what to say, or is just comfortable with themselves, gets chics.

stop being short, get some insoles or some lifts if it bothers your ego that much faggot

Op is one of those guys that talks about how nice and cool they are but is actually a total fag. Op is gay

That's what happens when you date faggots