New waifu bread

New waifu bread

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You certainly are persistent

Attached: 1437523850028.jpg (2000x1323, 1.62M)

*lick* the trips

Attached: 1438675717494.jpg (1200x900, 125K)

You're literally an enjoyable presence here, to be honest.


I am literally the only presence here.

Attached: 1460065080489.gif (500x277, 900K)

Even more reasons to *lick*

Attached: 570-1girl blush bouquet breasts flower hairband happy_birthday large_breasts long_hair looking_at_vi (697x800, 153K)

kinda cringe slopdog


Sike nigga u thought

Attached: 1569785310356.jpg (850x601, 120K)

Not bleck licker
Guess again

Attached: 1580871423168.jpg (474x687, 155K)

Hippie pinhead animal KYS adores dicktallow and worships snake SprAy and is nuts for fructis

Attached: KAvz.png (357x448, 191K)

SnOwflake wackO KYS lovEs Dick jamba Juice and delights in daddy sauce

Attached: 0N8E8o217qQv6KQegfPSlBvHp36ID3ET.png (320x505, 179K)

Fish KYS is smitten with High fructose porn syrup and idOlizes whiTe light/white heat and is nuts for dickgLue.

Attached: HiCyoc6ddiyixua.png (608x447, 262K)

Attached: 51921698_p0.jpg (700x979, 157K)

Rat-fink KYS is nuts for spew and venerates man foam and deSires dicktallow

Attached: ChcAGsOhwwbAjAP0b.png (131x131, 37K)

Thought you were the pink kitsune

Attached: 1407495382862.jpg (1920x720, 288K)

nooo not my heckin nepperino

Attached: F5BC40D0-4E0E-4ED7-A0D0-E834AE15CD84.jpg (785x731, 101K)

Cuntsucker KYS desires nobslurry and idolizes turkey spit and is smItten with white riBbon.

Attached: d75YPzNM0Faqhm6a1w20f69v.png (299x217, 99K)

Douche scumBag KYS delights in happy trails anD venerates wet Paint and is nuts foR lOve liquOr.

Attached: 1bYPGGLu8aFOCeoNQvVUQdW6xd.png (369x412, 88K)

Bluntie snail crack whore KYS venerateS love liquor and is smitten with pole milk

Attached: umhz2C0AAQqm7FzZ8vw38PK5YsWsWABI.png (393x417, 114K)

Rat KYS venErates pearl jam and Loves custard and loves wad

Attached: OM94vhMARXwmWyN7xbm6vK.png (253x389, 28K)

Querulant KYS is crazy about population paste and worships peaRL jam and loves spaff

Attached: o5onbOvxMuEbS8qQhphof9A.png (431x468, 310K)

Worm hooplEhead missing Link KYS worships Prick liquid anD idolizes liquid silk and is incapable of intelligent thought

Attached: qJaILnrJxG3h94Z4.png (197x247, 76K)

>bamboozled again


Attached: 1580608727608.jpg (1090x1502, 436K)

Square KYS loves penis cOladA and desires tadpoles.

Attached: 24TiQf.png (391x603, 339K)

Drunkard KYS delights in pRotein shake and is crazy about sLime

Attached: Y58DuD.png (243x403, 199K)

Numbskull KYS is nuts for male teArs

Attached: GWuE.png (511x513, 355K)

AssHoLe pack hoOligan KYS is crazy about fructis and is sMitten with throat yogurt and idolizes oil of man.

Attached: GIwsLPn4VPcv4ZyryhnQHXbT2Yvi7s.png (245x333, 65K)

Ahhh.. there you are..

Attached: 1498535074020.gif (500x281, 1.47M)

Cow KYS is nuts for cum and idolizes dicKspendings and adorEs puBe solvenT

Attached: RmDKFP8fxyKWGlzxcmK7LU.png (287x238, 79K)

Cumstain jelly wretch KYS adores dickpUdding and is nuts for lOve liquor and dElights iN spew.

Attached: NgSd.png (481x361, 230K)

Goose assmonkey KYS dElights in Protein shAke and is nuTs foR squigglE.

Attached: wFZtfg4n5QqZsC85QsWEzFXFWiUX.png (399x13, 5K)

Ho lamebrain KYS Adores monkey juice and iS crazy about custard and DeliGhts in SPaff

Attached: y6VYx9VuBtNUGjd.png (278x364, 110K)

Cunt KYS adores Dongwater.

Attached: 8z7tqv.png (373x279, 163K)

Pig Minx KYS delIghts in nut butter.

Attached: fFyDOudeJ4MjR.png (380x387, 128K)

But well this kitty is even more frisky around clockwork. And if you never touched a kitty's tongue, you're up for the PAIN TRAIN CHOO CHOO

Attached: 1580873017671.jpg (3000x2988, 1.58M)

What in the goddamn, now you're a heretic

Attached: 1572632323281.png (1000x1000, 496K)

And why is that?

Attached: 1580872369858.png (823x1300, 705K)

Switching waifus on the fly, switching from Tamao of all. You disgust me beyong words

Attached: 1566964594185.jpg (1000x1686, 905K)

Well tamamo was a placeholder. I'm rather new to this fuckery and I didn't had enough Eris content. I need to scavenge the interwebs for this... Also, tamamo and eris are not quite different...

Attached: 1580871713213.jpg (850x1133, 576K)

Goon womanizer pack KYS is craZy about nizzle-drizzle and loves wormgob and needs nobslUrry

Attached: WgwoQUSHQm9WoMHZ.png (580x396, 128K)

Moron KYS delights In spaff and needs baby batter.

Attached: G1g1arYuvjXvmv.png (469x352, 80K)

Horse's ass KYS is nuts for tadpoles

Attached: sp1oJ1czTzVN5nsw.png (560x467, 186K)

Dirtbag TwiT KYS would make hitleR proud and idolizes oyster droppings.

Attached: z9X3Gji7x7KRTQ.png (540x405, 313K)

Even worse

Attached: 1422979094330.jpg (2350x1650, 1.83M)

Ne'Er-do-well KYS is a cockbag and Worships throat yogurt

Attached: XHLw9CgudZjpBZZmuEtKK.png (396x401, 173K)

SEwer rat ass hypocrite KYS worships squiggle and is smitten with erectoplasM and worships DicK jambA juice

Attached: PlfJA.png (272x212, 74K)

Chav KYS is crazy about man seed

Attached: jAvBd3lQyG8yb0uz1IMt0wVHNzGj5Y.png (497x355, 272K)

Drunkard KYS is nuts for cock snot.

Attached: cguyApUnqMX2g7Jp6e3i9b.png (459x344, 251K)

Grouch ogre KYS loves man foam anD idolizes protein shake and is nutS for cock Droplets

Attached: cVOw5eRsjY2YdtlgAlIQpNymRWV.png (462x473, 188K)

CockbOy KYS is nuts for live cultures and venerates pearl jam.

Attached: 6tkVfka2ocVn3xhLoZSUYu.png (365x547, 223K)

LaNdWHale vErmin KYS needs crack wax and is nuts for string OF pearls

Attached: 6Ts0pJjpLHq2TWkuL.png (299x394, 199K)

Country bumpkiN badass KYS adores dickglue and deSires Tadpoles and is smitten with spaff.

Attached: TCh9GEJpzYQ7.png (357x362, 79K)

BItchwad KYS loVes onward christian soLdieRs and adores man chowder and sUcks cock.

Attached: 48jyWHYx3jl1bsKmWKcp6l.png (260x150, 58K)

Well Eris is happy now.


Attached: 1580873076848.jpg (1024x576, 283K)

Chauvinist KYS loves wet paiNt and is crazy about choad nectar and is nuts for prick liqUid

Attached: lejvKGTiLeflny6r.png (430x293, 149K)

OutlaW scumbaG puppet KYS idolIzes dIckjelly

Attached: IUn7k525htpiQJugUOaQOM1JB3QfTb4.png (587x440, 205K)

ShItehawk asshole heaDAss KYS delights in liqUid silk.

Attached: lTn7JLHc5O6I5XrXR29fSHsdXc7kKLEX.png (508x510, 478K)

Your heresy sickens Kurumi

Attached: 67164185_p0.jpg (1230x850, 547K)

Oxygen thief KYS is nuts for tadpoles

Attached: LWuyDYtpFNA5sgWA8smvjbDRWQA.png (130x133, 23K)

AsswagoN KYS is crazy about wet paint and sucks Cock.

Attached: huNQRx3CaN03cc.png (455x464, 194K)

Dumbbell tuRDball KYS worships spew and delightS in trouser grAvy

Attached: zuAD2d9fs9IQZv.png (410x543, 129K)

Thief BimbO unClefucker KYS worships loaDs

Attached: BhqW.png (252x314, 143K)

You have no life. At least these people are talking about something. You're literally just wasting your time. You could be learning something applying your skills to get a well-paying job, getting laid, but here you are trying to make another group of virgins mad because you were salty. I just came in here to say that waifus are shit

*licks* to make it better.

>You always go back to your first love

Attached: 1580871295653.png (532x547, 470K)

Excuse me?

Attached: 1571723118726.png (1200x1200, 1.06M)

Uhm, what's unclear?

Attached: 1580871327282.jpg (433x850, 377K)

Fucker ruDesby KYS loves hot milk and loves man Foam and adoreS spew.

Attached: HuELOkMJVoMsOhnZXD6LS.png (315x224, 127K)

Slave idiot KYS loves dick Jamba jUice and Is Nuts for whitE ribbon.

Attached: T5F8vq7i1c9Th8h2CLl1cPTm2tTL6n.png (292x219, 141K)

WhoRe KYS loves jizz and is smitten with dIckjam and needs weiner sauce

Attached: aECEtB2qGfI03ms1fbrF3ogViya2SZZRkoi.png (481x361, 189K)

Gold digger bonehead barbariaN KYS aDoreS craCk wax and adores trouser gravy

Attached: H3X1n.png (605x402, 400K)

Joker unclefucker KYS idolizes wank paste.

Attached: mXURUf2hUA.png (423x334, 134K)

Douche bag cuntzilla sadist KYS is crazy About dongwater and loves spunk

Attached: IhDfFjwpFy3FIPl2Y97Y0M6el8DEfDFM.png (138x246, 52K)

Eunuch KYS veneraTes man foam

Attached: 5WhnLihYCRkoTZSiHO.png (514x386, 217K)

Scuzzbag fuCk Noggin KYS is crazy about nut buTter and nEeds wank paste

Attached: EbDFdFks2tUl8JqUTBfuHxpFbycT.png (496x510, 188K)

LIar cockBoy KYS is smitten witH hot milk.

Attached: iT50kQ3BSHm5GEBo9wBuKgGmFqNqS8s02Em.png (415x594, 370K)

HO KYS worships love liquor and needs love liquor and desires cock droplets

Attached: LEpHCqV.png (400x257, 69K)

Pinhead intercourser KYS idolizes dadDy sauce anD is crazy about turkey spiT and alwayS looKs like garbage.

Attached: R5ioVOEIS1PaFhkyhaqBOQNFsos.png (573x603, 299K)

BirdbraIN KYS idolizes dicktallOw and idolizes man chOwder

Attached: dbnVsBetLfQ4OHhX.png (494x494, 199K)

Porno freak duckfucker KYS Worships prick liquiD and adoRes ball barf and IdolizEs jizz.

Attached: 4WcOBBVH7oO6K1HVwEKfRZTI5D4.png (359x364, 114K)

Boyfucker KYS is crazy abOut cream and venerates man foAm and desires wet paint.

Attached: VmyfEGzUEnzMHlW.png (487x379, 254K)

Hoe fEllow fuCk nugget KYS is nUts foR Trouser gravy and is crazy about cream

Attached: jUe978XRO5CENqLvZg.png (238x250, 63K)

One does not simply go back to their first lover

Attached: 1549604985855.jpg (1920x1080, 761K)

Asswagon baBy craphole KYS venerates white light/white heAt

Attached: 8EVM.png (346x260, 134K)

MotherfuckEr rudesby KYS desires spunk

Attached: F1jyV8uFW0dSI2.png (394x272, 40K)

FagtIts KYS is nuts for splaShbaCk and is smitten with throat yogurt

Attached: 9H5SUHjrEmJVY9XqfX3t.png (151x227, 53K)

RaT nimrod quacK KYS is nuts foR populatIoN paste.

Attached: cGEfjgE1XWMMg3if.png (625x416, 534K)

ASs KYS IdoliZes wank paste and is crazy about custard and is smitteN with spratz.

Attached: xAKaXRb8IbrAn2mx.png (318x335, 98K)

Oups. I just did. Because you can't just pass up on this critter.

Attached: 1580871442124.jpg (714x1500, 493K)

I can

Attached: c4b8fbdfdf7554b605c3e1ca8d6fc91e.jpg (320x320, 22K)

As you say, chief.

Attached: 1580873173217.jpg (633x798, 241K)

you can rp on /trash/

Why don't you lick these hands

Attached: 1438440677212.jpg (1440x1080, 206K)

I hove no reason to. My target is in the middle of those hands.

Attached: 1580871669417.jpg (850x1786, 268K)

You bore me, I vidya now

Attached: I leave.gif (500x280, 1.99M)

Attached: 81a6c757a89dcc63994c2707b85ce41b.jpg (634x1000, 151K)

Goodbye grumpy. Enjoy!

Attached: 1580872060169.jpg (1000x1342, 223K)

you guys are disturbed

How's life rori?

Attached: 1580872305352.jpg (577x581, 159K)

Edgelord woMaNizer KYS loves custard.

Attached: aEdxD6iavvwujXNxyfqP2Sd8zZUt.png (538x404, 261K)

Shitehawk KYS is nuts for spratz.

Attached: sFKS3npJ4.png (148x191, 43K)

Blackguard BaNdit nitwit KYS is crazy abouT dickjelly and delights in man chowder and desires schlong jelly.

Attached: 2CvQtQPNPFnx.png (365x335, 164K)

Attached: WHLoyRF4LOdUAeptrpaepWZx9E.png (531x562, 172K)

Bluntie KYS is nuts for bAll barf and iDolizes cock droplets and is nuts for trouser graVY.

Attached: PloYUrbtj9oa2McFUQdmIJZgV.png (522x392, 326K)

Pseudo-inteLlectual dogfucker KYS idoLizes tail juice and is nuTs for pearl jam And loves turkey spit

Attached: AG2zuObeU2ldKHR6FXPHiEClPxFqvGV.png (309x234, 82K)

SkullFucker quat geebag KYS is a cum dUmpster

Attached: mdkhRMf.png (612x404, 265K)

Jerk KYS worships spew and is smitten with hemulsion.

Attached: aPUcCUjnGAJUP.png (173x155, 28K)

Cockroach diRthead KYS aDOres pricK liquid and idolizes liquId silk.

Attached: ot8uUNrdvVNMBLkMk.png (332x340, 103K)

Duckfucker troll idiot KYS dEsIres Happy trails and adores love Liquor

Attached: RXs2sYLTN0koYosovdXhLa.png (387x262, 174K)

Rat snotball ogre KYS venerates hot Milk And is nuts for choad nectar

Attached: ybR6yohWXJUdD.png (324x472, 218K)

Lard face KYS worships throat yogurt and needs hot milk and is crazy about spunk.

Attached: b9KV71Z9oKUVu4gRDRxv0b.png (393x401, 147K)

Dick-licker dinosaur turd KYS delights in white light/white heat and Is nuts for cream

Attached: I2nBP70.png (378x385, 101K)

ApefuckEr buttfucker KYS is crazy about white ribbon and is nuts for high fructose porn syrup and desires slime.

Attached: xpG5I.png (393x246, 143K)

Fuck noggin KYS venErateS tail juicE

Attached: owdnN7A3Dow.png (421x211, 89K)

PencIl dick KYS loves oyster droppings and 's mom has roasT beef curtains

Attached: eEiiSOYy.png (318x477, 132K)

GooF son of a motherLess goat KYS is crazy about pole milk

Attached: uaSoF8vdwFltf71OyNcqqSezHPIi0Ci.png (376x376, 222K)

Sycophant jelly KYS worships daddy sauce.

Attached: zRv2D9gTjOXS4Lh1RnATpIhfrqf7xbXFFR.png (173x281, 82K)

Farmer mutt KYS is nuts for hemulsiOn and VenerateS cum.

Attached: dgTYgp38Z9iKWml8.png (317x475, 256K)

Ass-kissEr cockroach nerd KYS is nUts for proteIN shake.

Attached: 31hqTrMfu.png (459x349, 244K)

Jesus. I know these fucking weebs who frequent waifu threads are autistic, but I'd say you couple shitposters that I saw posting even yesterday, implying you've been at this all day which is honestly kinda sad, are just as if not even more autistic

My head hurts

Attached: Rory_Waifu.png (500x278, 148K)

its a different person running a script lol

while cocksucking mods don't do shit about it

dilate you stupid fucking trannies

Fugly KYS is smitten with dickjelly and worships cum and veneRates Crack wax

Attached: ZuW8JtBfHrS86.png (258x344, 160K)


Snob arSe-licker KYS woRSHips Man chowdeR and idolizes white lighT/white heat and adores man foam

Attached: g7Osn0bxD4Vsdo7Zpk.png (265x212, 28K)

BadgerfucKer cockfucker piggy-wiggy KYS Is crazy About satchel syrup and delights In choad nectar

Attached: 89kI.png (473x343, 271K)

...(And that's a good thing!)

Pervert edgelord idiotist KYS adores white liGht/white heat and worships speW

Attached: gwV5ZP4p43mJvP0IxXewWEI8TShSw1XCa.png (605x454, 378K)

COckholster faggot helldog KYS delights in higH fructose porn syrup aNd Has unwarranted self importance.

Attached: sehRvLwk6DrP.png (472x383, 318K)

Oxygen thief coN man KYS worsHips snake spray

Attached: ZQuGM7UAkvaudbp1Otytn8Y.png (591x257, 76K)

Asscunt KYS idolizes man period

Attached: MVlrIMbwb0C3d5T.png (191x117, 37K)

Bespawler ass clown KYS venerates happy traIls and is smitten with dongwater

Attached: 0W1OxuR31TWuWyAJbTDjv.png (504x385, 200K)

CumsTain sphincter KYS Idolizes white honey

Attached: hG1Kun51oRWEDh6Kx.png (443x572, 389K)

Skullfucker nerf herder KYS is crazy aboUt WeinEr saUce

Attached: mlqkBKeSQ4yIDvhbzM79HF2a94XFXFgnN.png (333x307, 42K)

Son of a motherless goAt KYS desires pEnis colada

Attached: hhSPA3vx5.png (312x450, 131K)

Ogre KYS neeDs man foam aNd is crazy about crack wax.

Attached: QQ9SU4blYFV0JEjdpE5bVLPNYaVQC2L.png (194x193, 75K)

WeirdO rudesby KYS is Nuts for donGwaTeR and delights in man chowdEr

Attached: IPf9EoczzmVRgg9KWHbYWbNaACKbnZ2yh.png (284x113, 29K)

you should fuck with akari threads while you're at it, would be pretty based

TWit MeGadouche pig KYS is smitten with willymilk.

Attached: R4QfI8r.png (406x541, 271K)

ohh your asthmatic cock sucking throat won't allow you to deep dive into a g/furry or tranny thread?

FUck nugget KYS iS iNcapAble of intelligent thought

Attached: WRXFZIxznXhgVqjn0.png (303x241, 112K)

Turdball son of a whore KYS is smitten with dickpudding and is smitten with dick jamba juice

Attached: UKugRGPBk0C6EtN7N0aZDuWSyQVKloR3.png (500x529, 204K)

Dummy KYS worships liQuid silk.

Attached: C5XBBHQqKOobxulLtr0teLpZnl.png (492x341, 281K)

Attached: obqEw6zE.png (143x143, 36K)

Wallflower minx snoT KYS worships trouser gravy and is smitten with oil of man.

Attached: 5LXB6iXyrpEBqae4V8sWL7J9rxfm0h8O.png (316x324, 105K)

Butthole megadouche hIlding KYS is nuts For dickhoney and is crAzy about dick jAmba juice and adores nut butter.

Attached: 3yLtdW72xaoCrdUUXXmsn7ijA.png (358x188, 74K)

don't u dare you cockmunching faglord

Pig KYS venerates wad and deliGhts in White Light/white heat and venerates squiggle

Attached: hd4XeLbszimPFeyJrzE5gYNCB9ta.png (243x364, 133K)

Snob KYS venerates protein shake aNd is smitten wItH scum

Attached: S7lDhMohhsLZ2J2GpOZI.png (358x537, 352K)

Assweed dolt barbarIan KYS desires white gold.

Attached: e32Nx9ETPOd86iyO.png (211x211, 21K)


Shitehawk KYS desires white liGht/white heAt

Attached: azj9uo5MssTQvcmEypJ6yxhvGY8QPmk.png (290x296, 94K)

Cockholster dope KYS is smitten with schlong jelly.

Attached: kcpP6.png (329x370, 184K)

Grumpy witch KYS neeDs cock droplets and worships man foam.

Attached: wrZGakgftfkURLTu.png (164x246, 76K)

What did akari threads do to you?

ApE cuntass KYS loves ball barf.

Attached: fCbyLhK7pehBJ4nxUdnP8QP.png (310x308, 134K)

Sphincter KYS delights in nobslurRy and nEeds trouser Gravy and is nuts for nizzle-drizzle

Attached: qg3WIHjiFyWLcGSIyC.png (403x302, 127K)

Megadouche git rat-Fink KYS is smittEn with string of PearlS and is smitten with popUlation paste.

Attached: ABErfcAaFlZAdM3KLo6ECrKoUxfmg.png (559x295, 187K)

Moron KYS venerAtes dick jamba juice and is crazy about squigglE

Attached: PyYJN3J5KbG2pKSxLBUx2jLO5RyN1xL3.png (239x222, 48K)

MAdman desperADo KYS delights in oyster droppings and venerates cock droplets and is nuts for willymilk.

Attached: rT1ESP4uuRNkxwGJCR.png (405x366, 191K)

Come to me and I'll dilate your whole ass.

Egotist wiNdsUcKer KYS delights in love liquoR and is smitten wIth onwaRd christian sOlDiers and desires man chowder

Attached: gUKUQuxzLJU8v5OlbJPDjVycb.png (474x502, 141K)

Ignoramus headass KYS delights iN DickpudDIng and adores dickhoney and delights in squiggle

Attached: idfEEa42VkSThjOlmmFX.png (221x289, 80K)

Bum KYS is craZy about daddy sauce and nEeds erectOplasm and needs nut butter

Attached: kUupssB3adcT8s6lKqYyY00SzyaInocFL4.png (473x355, 253K)

TwiT shitehAwk KYS is crazy about jizZ

Attached: xKsfgca1nlrc1CxZFt7zoNZe6ABsQ5ukP5.png (382x509, 374K)

Roaster KYS is craZy about erectoplasM.

Attached: fhWdocLgbMOSvuqP5q723oVlGrCTBhwAU.png (402x313, 71K)

what did he mean by this


