You have 10 seconds to justify why you haven't invested in a luxurious writing instrument

You have 10 seconds to justify why you haven't invested in a luxurious writing instrument.

> Protip: you can't.

Attached: montblanc.jpg (275x183, 5K)

its like any other pen just expensive lol

You have ten minutes to adequatedly explain why this matters to you and why others must conform to your standards.
>protip, you can't.

I keep the calligraphy pens up. No reason to share art casually.

Already did'it user

Attached: 15809001524714825818034986780943.jpg (2160x2160, 932K)

My hand writing is shit these days & that pen wouldn't help.

You know, I've always kinda wanted a fountain pen.

Attached: 0036.jpg (1024x773, 104K)

My pen no. 15 works just fine

I dont write any letters. Its not the 1970's

You now have ONE minute to adequatedly explain why this matters to you and why others must conform to your standards.
>>protip, you still can't.

>furious masturbation sounds

HA! also, nice double dubs.

Jokes on you, i write with fountain pen.

Shit makes my writing much nicer.

It could help, due to it requiring much slower and subtle movenamnet, forcing you to write slower and more precisely.

Or you could get a you know, pencil for literally fuckall

a $1200 pc is pretty luxurious, as well as getting more words per minute and being actually readable compared to my shitty handwriting.

retarded waste of money

I have a nice keyboard, nothing luxurious tho, just relatively well working
>need a new one soon tho because after half a decade of excessive use some keys start to jam a bit
An expensive pen is boomer as fuck tho, every cheap ballpoint gets the job done just as well

>writing slower
>its harder to write readable
>thinking this is a good thing
Are you mentally handicapped?

Because I don’t know how to read

fuck montblanc

this post made by lamy al-star gang

Nancy Pelosi took all the ones I wanted to invest in. Stupid bitch

Spend all my money on drugs.

If I'd invest in something tangible, it would be some gold bars or similar.

But I rather stick with stonks.

U dumb

A pen is a pen. It isn't a luxury item and has no need to be, it is a simple tool. Someone, even Amazon's CEO for example, who wastes money on something as simple as a pen that is "luxurious", is fucked in the head.

Because I’m illiterate and can’t write. Why the fuck would I use a pen, let alone a “nice” pen

overpriced pens are utlra stupid.