Ok, I want to see what porn my girlfriend is watching

ok, I want to see what porn my girlfriend is watching.

partly curiosity, partly getting off on watching what I know she's fingered herself to/seeing what she's chosen to watch when no one knows.

how do I go about it?

she only uses pornhub, and visits it on her phone.

if I create a PornHub account and logg into it on her phone, every time she visits it what she watches will be saved to her(my) profile history, correct? and then I can just log in on my PC and see what she's been watching?

anyone see any flaws in my plan or have any better ideas?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why not just view her browser history?

Just ask her what she's into and watch porn with her, the fuck you doing all this awkward sneaky shit for? Your girl watches porn, take advantage of that and strengthen your relationship. Beating around the bush like a pervert isn't going to get you far. You're sitting on a pot of gold, stop admiring it from a distance and start stuffing your pockets, faggot.

Off the top of my head, is she on incognito mode? You can view her browser history first. Either way, Id also suggest opening the home page logged in already and somehow it looked logged out. Will it noticeably show a difference shed notice when trying to beat her bean

Typo big time in the middle but fuck you

good idea but #1 I don't often have access to her phone (would have to be sneaky while she's asleep) so being able to see by log in whenever i like is a big bonus
and also I'm fairly sure she keeps her browser in incognito mode

Silly of you to think women actually function like that. This is the same sex that came up with the rumor that they don't poop and that their period only consists of a couple drops of blood. These bitches lieeeeee!

I don't think women are that smart, but if she is then use wireshark

>ummm sweaty, not all women are born with a hymen ;)

op here. it's because she says she doesn't watch or like porn at all. we've tried watching it together and she wasn't into it. I don't care about that. I just see an opportunity to jerk it to what she fingers too. something about it is so hot. i don't even really want to watch what she does, but just the history. Cumming over the list of porn has me diamonds.

I do, and we do, she likes pov and step sibbling stuff, but I think you're missing the point, I wanna get off on seeing what she watches when I'm not around.

nah I'm pretty she she wouldn't notice, she's dumb when it comes to that shit

It takes far less time to view browser history than it does to set up an account, verify your email, solve the captcha, all that bullshit.
Also, if she is tech savvy enough to use incognito mode, she probably also browses anonymously.
Finally, incognito mode doesn't save login info when exited.

Hes hoping she is into nigger dick

It is a fuck around but Wireshark will do it. It's not clean, don't expect a nice fancy list but if you filter it down to http requests from known pornbub webservers then you'll be sweet


It is hot. My wife loves gangbangs and big titties

you're not op, and that isn't the case at all. fuck off my thread.

ok that's interesting, ill look into it cheers. I'm no computer geek though so...

hahaha, I know for a fact she's not into nigger dick. not many women are outside your blacked fantasies. sorry to dissapoint.

Do you really want to discover she's into cuckolding with a huge black cock in each hole?

interesting point about 'remember me' not working in incognito. cheers.

Isn't everything https now? Does Wireshark pickup on that without having to run locally with special certs/install?

This. Stop being a beta cuck and tell her you two are watching porn together staring now.


says the virgin faggot who's too thick to read the thread before throwing accusations around.

Do what i do, watch porn and camshows with your gf.

If she keeps her sessions in incognito logging in is pointless, as incognito mode unlogs every account you are signed to

You don't need to MITM the content, just log the URLs visited. OP can open them later, even in order.

funny you should say that, we've been talking lightly about camming for a bit of extra cash, seems like few people actually make money off it though

Weve talked about it as well but im not convinced. Think we are going to keep just watching the girls she likes on chaturbate and going through loli threads together.

how does one do that?

nice, loli, that's something I'm not sure I could get her into. she's not into age play or the whole daddy thing either which is difficult at times cos all my past girlfriends have been super into that. last one loved hentai / loli. sham she turned out to be a fukin nutter.

Shes into all the same shit i am for the most part, a lot of the time we just end up talking about the artstyles or how the picture could be better. Its a weird dynamic but its nice not having to hide my porn stash or anything.

>Pic related, its her. We've posted here before as well.

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Not going to spoonfeed you, but the easiest way would be to point your router to OpenDNS and use their logging/reporting


yeah man, good for you, she looks like a fun fuck too

you lost me after (you)

ill look into it when I can give it all my attention though, thanks

Possibly too much fun

quit being a faggot then. grow some balls. just be a man about it.
>hey babe I'll show you my porn if you show me yours.
she won't do it at first but she'll start thinking about it like you are. then she'll be just keeping it out in hopes you catch her.
or she will and you'll have to expose the fact you like black cock shoved up your ass while she watches some vanilla boring shit you thought was good when you were 12.

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you like the guy at parties who comes up to the group and interrupts the conversation and makes an ass of himself by pretending to know what everyone in the group was talking about because he overheard 3 words for the other side of the room and then proceedes to impart his unwanted and unrelated opinion onto the group while we all give each other "jeez can u believe this guy, id tell him he's had to much to drink but I just feel sorry for him" glances

"nnonono, here's what you gotta do, here ill tell ya buddy, first you gotta lick her clit, wimin luv that! I did that once!"

Wireshark is probably the cleanest and easiest solution, just keep wireshark running for a few days and check the results
Also it's pretty easy to filter out the information, it really isn't hard OP

do I need to be connected to the same router as her for this? we don't live together

probably watches BBC, gangbangs, some kind of figure of authority seducing/overpowering a girl, and possibly some incest stuff. all of it obviously involves really big dicks. there's also a slight chance she just watches lesbian stuff

It does have to be on the same router, however, you can leave your device at her place and just let it run, then pick it up later, doesn't even have to be a laptop, i think there are also phone alternatives that do the same stuff

sweet, ill look into it, cheers

Let her enjoy her privacy you stupid fuck...for the record she watches guys bigger than you fucking bitches doggystyle and cums unlike how she has to pretend to with your insecure tiny dick ass