>have Insatiable lust to kill
>illegal to kill
>what do Cred Forums?
Have Insatiable lust to kill
Grow a pair and kill yourself you edgy faggot
test it out on yourself first fagget
Join the marines
farm livestock
Join army or marines. Kill people and get paid to do it.
Military was my original plan but got rejected due to autism
Kill niggers
Join the military, duh.
join the military you stupid fuck
Do not join the military. Wait. Soon.
How much longer, mein brĂ¼der?
As long as you arent a pedo, youre ok
suicide isnt illegal
>join front line military unit
There is a place for people like you.
Kill yourself edgy psycho faggot
Go fight Russians in Ukraine
Kill Yourself
you're 12 or you need meds
You ever see this TV show? Just kill other murderers.
Become a local pedo hunter, bait pedos into trying to fuck young teens, then kill them.
Bonus points if they ain't white.
kill niggers nobody will miss them, good riddance
Let me guess?
Too much gaming in the basement? No real friends except those online?
I suggest you get out of the basement and start socializing.
Alternative is go off yourself.
kill self
or develop super weapon
kill all
Go to central American country and start killing cartel members. If you need to hunt at last hunt something dangerous and worth killing.